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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Supreme Court upholds Michigan affirmative action

Supreme Court, in a 6-2 ruling, upholds Michigan ban on using race as a factor in college admissions, saying voters had right to change state constitution.



  1. The courts got one right.....

    Sotomeyor is a latina idiot that has not understanding of what is right and wrong. By allowing someone the advantage of race you injure someone that is qualified! Take away all advantages and allow qualifications to determine outcome!

  2. Sonya - you are the perfect example of what is wrong with affirmative action. You were only selected to be a member of SCOTUS because you are a Hispanic Female! Your dissenting opinion clearly shows your lack of qualification!

  3. Sota- is just trying to pay Ob' for her appointment. That's why he put her there.

  4. Makes no difference.. Holder will pretend it didn't happen.

  5. Maybe folks are starting to wake up and see the truth!


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