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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Make Your Own Peanut Butter Eggs At Home

The Reese’s seasonal peanut butter cup empire is now a year-round operation with hearts, pumpkins, and even footballs, but it all began with the humble peanut butter egg. What you might not know is that you can make this confection in your very own home, with ingredients that aren’t very hard to find.

Foodbeast has the recipe: the only ingredients you probably don’t have in your house right now are the chocolate coating and powdered peanut butter.

Thanks to the quirks of our food system, this project probably won’t be cheaper than buying a big bag of peanut butter eggs at the store, but it would be a fun project and you could use any fancy chocolate that interests you and might melt to the right consistency.

Plus, you can cake a page out of the Reese’s (cook)book and make them in any shape you want.

How to Make DIY Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs [Foodbeast]

1 comment:

  1. Can anyone screw up the combination of peanut butter and chocolate? My kids eat peanut butter & jelly AND chocolate sandwiches.And I don't have a son named Elvis in case you were wondering.


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