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Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Interesting topic on sports in the county

I wanted to share with you and your readers something I find rather interesting. 

My son plays baseball for one of the high schools in Wicomico County. These players are asked to pay a $42 fee once they make the team that is referred to as “pay to play”. This is asked of all players, regardless of those on free/reduced lunch, etc. 

There are some kids out there whose parents can’t afford to buy clothes for them, yet they have to cough up $42 to play sports. 

I was under the assumption that this money went directly to the athletic budget to pay for equipment and such. I was rather disgusted to learn (although not confirmed) that this money doesn’t go to the school or to the athletic budget at all. Rather is goes to the Superintendent’s discretionary spend budget. 

I know this was addressed at one point but to my knowledge, it is still the case. Friday afternoon the parents of the players were sent an email indicating that a person was stepping up to set up a concession stand for the games on Saturday. We were “informed” that said person would probably be asking for each of us to bring an item for the stand (which is completely fine) and to contribute $20. What for? 

If each player contributes $20, that’s the fundraiser right there—over $600 in pure profit. This individual was pretty determined to collect the money, going from parent to parent and then to the players to shake them down. Let me add that each school charges $4 per head to attend games as well. Where is that money going? Apparently not to the team. 

In all the years of baseball I have witnessed as a parent, from Tom Brown, Salvation Army, Little League, travel, etc, this high school ball has got to be the biggest racket going. I was hoping with your contacts, you could find out a little more on where our money goes and why it’s not going to the sports that we are paying for. It seems like we, the parents, are fully funding the sports. Shouldn’t that be in the budget? 

Thanks Joe.


  1. When they built the Shorebirds stadium, Perdue and the State of Maryland put up 2/3rds of the money, Wicomico County was required to put up the other 1/3rd. The funding for the county's 1/3 came from School Athletics. They cut out sports in school to fund the construction of a minor league ball team. At the time, it was promised that NO CHILD would be left out of sports due to income level. Ironically, at the end of that year's budget, after cutting athletic programs in the schools the county budget had a surplus in the exact amount required to fund the Shorebirds stadium. They didn't have to cut sports in schools, they saw it as a money maker so they did it. People like Dick Hazel stepped up and donated $20,000 towards the school athletic program. Some DJ from Froggy 99 locked himself in a school bus until a certain dollar amount was raised so kids could play sports in school. Wicomico County pulled off the greatest scam of all time with that one and that is when they found out if they cried "its for the children" people would dig deep.

  2. It is sad, but there is a lot of cash spent in this area on sports
    that goes unaccounted for, in all programs. It would be nice to think that everyone was honest with it, but with today's economy I would not bet on it.

  3. come on, are you folks for real? You know where it's going you just don't want to admit you know where it's going. So I'll keep pretending it's for the kids and you keep pretending to believe me all while I pocket it and spend it on things that will continue to enhance the lifestyle I've become accustomed to! Thanks and remember to keep giving!

  4. They always claim "it's for the childern". The speed cameras were for the children yet no money from there goes to the school. The casinos were for the children and yet that money doesn't go to the children anyway. Wasn't the lottery also for the children when they began it? Seems like their excuse is always "it's for the children" yet the money never makes it to the children.

  5. Playing sports is expensive. I have 3 boys in wicomco county. We plan ahead for fees for sports. And give up other things. Some coaches do take fundraising money and buy equipment with it. Lacrosse at our school cost 40 for participation fee. Then they wanted another 40 for uniform.They do no fundraising for this sport. Coaches should have to show how much fundraisers raise and where the money goes. It would be very hard to keep track of this though as most is cash coming in.

  6. It is horrendous that they charge $4 for any sport other than Basketball or Football... no wonder kids don't attend or watch their friends that are in High School--they charge the students $2.00...

    Must be better for these kids to go home and drink, smoke and play xbox... instead of staying watching some sports...
    Wicomico County is becoming such a loser area.. and the stupid and I mean really stupid BOE is a disgrace

  7. Each team is only allowed so many fundraisers a year. And they have to be approved fund raisers. I too would like to know where the Play to Participate funds go.

  8. Queen Anne County pays a $100 pay to participate fee. Not sure about the rest of the Eastern Shore counties.

  9. Go play at Falcons in Fruitland it is 100 -150 for every sport even if your child is 5 or 6

  10. Must be a Bennett High parent - that is the only school that charges admission to baseball games.

    On another note, sports are an EXTRA CURRICULAR activity. Your kid doesn't HAVE to play a sport so if you can't afford it then I suggest you find some other activity to be involved in. Schools aren't required to provide athletics, they are required to provide education (whether or not they do that well is a whole other topic).

    Why does everybody expect everything to be free? It takes time, money and resources to maintain fields, pay coaches and pay umpires/referees. So if you think that all of this should be free then what about those students who do not play a sport? Should they receive a refund for not utilizing athletic resources? Quit your complaining and deal with it - it's not going to change!

  11. The last time I checked my tax bill should be more than enough for what you call EXTRA CURRICULAR activities! Its part of the school pride to field teams in sports! You must be a UNION over paid ( work 6 months ) teacher!

  12. @2:20. Re-read the post. It wasn't insinuating that sports should be free. It is stating that after we parents pay the sports fees, and then some...it's still not good enough. It's basically showing that the monies paid for sports aren't going back to sports. Finding something out of that post to complain about and put back on the poster was pretty hard, wasn't it? Loser.

  13. Anonymous said...
    They always claim "it's for the childern". The speed cameras were for the children yet no money from there goes to the school. The casinos were for the children and yet that money doesn't go to the children anyway. Wasn't the lottery also for the children when they began it? Seems like their excuse is always "it's for the children" yet the money never makes it to the children.

    April 14, 2014 at 11:01 AM

    You are exactly correct. One thing to note is that Governor Ehrlich want casinos and the proceeds would go to schools. The stupid Democrats and lawless teachers union didn't want gambling on the backs of children so it was shot down. Then we get a Democrat Governor in office and everyone all of a sudden thinks gambling is a great idea. How stupid are the voters in this state. Nothing, but a bunch of ignorant lemmings who worship Obama.

  14. Anonymous said...
    It is horrendous that they charge $4 for any sport other than Basketball or Football... no wonder kids don't attend or watch their friends that are in High School--they charge the students $2.00...

    Must be better for these kids to go home and drink, smoke and play xbox... instead of staying watching some sports...
    Wicomico County is becoming such a loser area.. and the stupid and I mean really stupid BOE is a disgrace

    April 14, 2014 at 12:58 PM

    Um, why is it better to pay $4 to watch basketball and football rather than other sports?

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Must be a Bennett High parent - that is the only school that charges admission to baseball games.

    On another note, sports are an EXTRA CURRICULAR activity. Your kid doesn't HAVE to play a sport so if you can't afford it then I suggest you find some other activity to be involved in. Schools aren't required to provide athletics, they are required to provide education (whether or not they do that well is a whole other topic).

    Why does everybody expect everything to be free? It takes time, money and resources to maintain fields, pay coaches and pay umpires/referees. So if you think that all of this should be free then what about those students who do not play a sport? Should they receive a refund for not utilizing athletic resources? Quit your complaining and deal with it - it's not going to change!

    April 14, 2014 at 2:20 PM

    Wrong! Parkside charges for baseball games. I agree with you on the other things and I am sick and tired of having to pay for black kids to play sports because they are entitled to it. Their parents should stay away from their extracurricular activities and keep their legs closed. They should also get a job and pay for their own way and their own children.


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