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Sunday, April 20, 2014

More 'Bury Stuff On The Downtown Plaza


  1. Quit wasting tax money on stupid junk like this.

  2. Looks like a tombstone. How appropriate.

  3. Has 'bury become the "official" nickname? If not, this is waste and abuse of taxpayers' money.

  4. i really do hate this logo choice. i like the "sby" so much better. i guess we are stuck with "da 'bury" until i find a way out of this hell hole. my home is worth nothing close to what i paid for it and taxes are outrageous so looks like we are stuck unless we just cut out and run for our lives.

  5. What is this? No matter what it is, this is a complete waste of our money. Our politicians are completely out of their minds.

  6. Ireton should have 'bury tattooed on his forehead.

  7. I wish your blog site had a "Don't like" choice below each article as well as "Like".

    I "Like" your article, but I "Don't like" the metal bury thing>

  8. looks like something to tie your donkey up to. history repeats itself. thanks sjd

  9. It's as though, they are intentionally trying to ghettofy Salisbury. I have to go there periodically and I use a lot of the back steets to get around. I'm sure I'm going to witness a driveby one of these days.
    I noticed as well, the delivery people, close the doors of their trucks when they go up to the homes. Afraid of theft no doubt. That doesn't happen where I'm from.

  10. What the Mayor fails to realize is that this term dubbed by college students was a derogatory remark toward Salisbury. The same as when they reffered to this place as Smallsbury.

    To adopt this slang name is an insult to all of us.

    Might as well put the slogan "Where Men Shoot Their Women and Make Love to Their Horses" below the logo.

  11. What is that thing? A bike rack? If so someone needs to keep track of how often they are used. They did this in an area in northern VA I'm familiar with. You can count on your hand how many times they are used in a month. Probably on both hands how many time in a year. Male dogs love to pee on them though, so they do end up serving some purpose.

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 15, 2014 at 4:17 PM

    I like to know how much of Taxpayers money was spent on this lousy "Masterpiece"? Did Jimbo Liarton contributed any of his money for this WASTEFULL SPENDING? Did Salisbury Residents Voted for this "Biry" crap? No, they didn't. So, dear Liarton, STOP SPENDING THEIR MONEY AND USE YOUR OWN


  14. 4:17-this is the democratic way of stimulating the economy. What in the heck is this thing anyway? Is it some kind of grave maker? That was my first thought until I read the comments about it being a logo. As someone said above it is disturbing because slangs such as this, hood being another are terms used to describe a ghetto, by either the ghetto dwellers or those making derogatory reference to an area.

  15. I am perplexed as to how you lock your bike to it.

  16. 3:55-Then let the same college students take credit for it.

  17. You guys are absurd.. Complaining about any and everything the mayor does. I might not agree with everything the mayor does and says but calling him a 'fag', "liarton", etc is disrespectful and annoying as hell. His department is trying to improve the aesthetics of the downtown area. No one will want to do business in a town that is an unattractive and uncomfortable place. His vision is to bring a sense of community to the downtown area. What is wrong with that? Complain, whine, complain some more. Until you bickerers start to put forward your ideas from other cities you have visited or past business experience that may be applicable, Salisbury will look over you because it is YOU PEOPLE and YOUR IGNORANT MINDSET we will have to remove if we ever wish to move forward.
    - Mike D -

  18. I hate the name of bury for Salisbury. Speak out against it if you agree with me. Post your feelings on facebook and anywhere else you can.


  19. Is it a handgrip to prop the mayor up with when he's staggering home?

    Really a waste of money to pay more for customization of that sort.

    How much will be wasted repainting the police and fire vehicles with this nonsense?? Be the first on your block to see "'bury po po" or "'bury fahr dipt" in their new rainbow livery!!

  20. 5:30, I don't care one bit if he likes men or women. What I don't like is that he does what he wants behind doors that spends money (that is not his) for stuff like this. Have you seen our streets (to name one)? How could he think that this was more important then our roads/streets. Now he wants a full time job and more money so he can have more time and (OUR MONEY) to do what ever he wants. One good thing is he becomes a full time mayor then he well be away from the children in school.map

  21. Oh please Mike D go somewhere.
    It's a shame you weren't raised with even an inkling of class and refinement. the 'bury is just another form of bastardizing the English language. It's not cute, it's not clever, it's gross and speaks volumes as to the low class nature of anyone who approves of it.
    And if you think and believe for one second this abomination (whatever it is) is "going to bring a sense of community to the downtown area" you were raised a fool as well. It's going to work just as well as closing the plaza to traffic did and putting in free internet. Let me clue you in. It's all about jobs and not jobs in the low paying food/retail sector. You simpletons act like it rocket science or something.

  22. Just what they need another piece to just rust and fall apart. Fix what is there before you add anything else! especially when it is as ugly and useless piece of crap like this.

  23. Obama Crooked BastardoApril 15, 2014 at 8:15 PM

    Dear 5:30 how much was that "Masterpiece".With "Bury" on it? Improving what, Aesthethics, are u kidding? And, until this so called "Mayor" fullfill his CAMPAIGN PROMISES, YES, He Will be called LIARTON. Im glad I moved.from " da Bury" some years ago, so it don't really means squat what Jimbo's clan do there, but I wouldn't let my mayor spent my Taxpayers Dollars on stupid crap like this and ask for more.

  24. I don't have a problem with Ireton in general, all politicians are a joke! But I don't like the name "bury"" and am offended that we are spending tax payer dollars on a name that the tax payers didn't vote on. Who made the decision that Salisbury would be dubbed the "bury" ? Who ever it was, is as stupid thinking, as the "bury" is stupid sounding.

  25. When this 'bury crap is shortly laid to its rightful rest, these will be curious artifacts.

    But on the lighter side:

    Who's going to be the first kid who takes spray paint and has a friend paint his ass with the 'bury stencil seen here. I'm thinking skater or artiste. Bet it happens before 3rd Friday.
    Kid, use a color that stands out, please.

  26. These Socialist style progressive communists love to flaunt stupidity in taxpayers faces. This is the most disrespectful and demeaning crap I've seen in a while. Leave it to the scum in charge of 'bury to waste money like this.

  27. Get rid of that shameful, disgusting monniker. Don't you know how to pronounce the name of our town? It makes you seem UNEDUCATED!

  28. Why doe we have to know ebonics to speak of our town?

  29. Mike D. said...
    You guys are absurd.. Complaining about any and everything the mayor does. I might not agree with everything the mayor does and says but calling him a 'fag', "liarton", etc is disrespectful and annoying as hell. His department is trying to improve the aesthetics of the downtown area. No one will want to do business in a town that is an unattractive and uncomfortable place. His vision is to bring a sense of community to the downtown area. What is wrong with that? Complain, whine, complain some more. Until you bickerers start to put forward your ideas from other cities you have visited or past business experience that may be applicable, Salisbury will look over you because it is YOU PEOPLE and YOUR IGNORANT MINDSET we will have to remove if we ever wish to move forward.
    - Mike D -

    April 15, 2014 at 5:30 PM

    The only one I noticed call him a Fag was you. Sounds to me like you are gay as well because anyone that would throw out "fag" first and defend him like you are doing must be. I guess someone touched your little soft spont.

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Why doe we have to know ebonics to speak of our town?

    April 20, 2014 at 10:12 AM

    Because the majority of citizens renting in Salisbury use Ebonics.

  31. Jim Ireton has wasted thousands of dollars on t-shirts and stickers with the ghetto slang da 'bury on it and now this. What a waste of tax dollars. Jim Ireton forced every department head to put those stupid stickers on every tax payer owned city vehicle. What a waste of tax dollars.

    I wish someone could find out how much was wasted on these ghetto things Ireton approved with YOUR money.

  32. The sooner we get rid of Jim Ireton the better off Salisbury and Wicomico County will be. Have you noticed there are no Republicans on the City Council? This should be a wake up call for the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee for not doing their jobs.


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