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Sunday, April 06, 2014

Comments I Feel Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous said...

It amazes me to read through these comments. Everyone puts the blame on someone else.
It is the natural course of business for things to come and go, to grow, shrink or even die. Every business has a life cycle and is subject to both internal (controllable) and external circumstances. That said:

PLEASE stop waiting for someone else to fix everything.
Look in the mirror and ask yourself how you can be part of the solution.

JoeAlbero said...

10:22, Spoken like a trued and dedicated LIBERAL.

Incredible how when confronted with facts, excuses like yours come flying out.

Here's what I would say about our "local economy". I'll even stay away from national.

YOU continue to elect people with absolutely NO BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. The ONLY way out is to continue tax increases, instead of finding ways to be proactive.

Look at Jake Day, Jim Ireton and Rick Pollitt right now. All of a sudden they are reducing fees and even giving away subsidies AFTER they are finally realizing, hey, we're in a depression. DUH!

This should have been done YEARS ago. I proposed traveling all over the state to encourage businesses and industry to relocate to the Eastern Shore. Guess what, these idiots are still sitting back waiting for businesses to fall into their laps.

I could go on and on but you've heard my speech a million times. Stop electing nice guys. Break the party lines and make the proper changes necessary to now SURVIVE, because that's all we have left at this point.

You can't open a few downtown restaurants and believe we are on the road to success.

It's time to prove you either care about Wicomico County by electing new leadership or it's time to pack your bags and move. It really is that simple. Remember, if you chose to pack up and leave, it's still a victory because in the end you'll be leaving all the crap behind for those Idiots who believed Rick Pollitt and Jim Ireton could actually fix their County.

Know that I have already been laughing ever since I sold my Salisbury property. They can have what's left.

Anonymous said...

I don't see a 10:22 comment. Not sure who you are attacking.
I, however wrote 10:33 and am the polar opposite of a liberal.

My sense is that You seem to have sour grapes about not being elected and are therefore committed to slandering all of the elected officials. I will leave it at that.

JoeAlbero said...

10:33, Oh, I was speaking to you but my apology for typing in the wrong time.



I said from day one, "It's YOUR election to lose" and I meant it. Bitter, come on now, seriously? I continue to do what I enjoy doing.

I think what YOU are missing is the fact that the MAJORITY of citizens within the City of Salisbury are BITTER because they know the electronic ballots were tampered with and the person who should be their Mayor is not.

For me personally, oh, life is so tough on me, NOT. I can't show my face in public, NOT.

I not only moved away from my Family for a YEAR, I would have had to remain living away from then for at least an additional 2.5 years. Yeah, I'm bitter, NOT.

Jim continues to prove my entire platform as being exactly on the right track because he refuses to follow my lead and just look around. For Sale, For Lease, businesses closing left and right. You can blame it on all sorts of things but you THINK for once in your life, it wasn't about a CAMPAIGN, FOOL. I have been telling you this crap was coming for YEARS and an ELECTION has NOTHING to do with MY predicting what was coming vs. how Pollitt and Ireton have screwed YOU into the ground.

It was Salisbury News who said more than a YEAR ago the County would be $3.5 MILLION SHORT in income tax revenue.

BY ALL MEANS, you come back here and tell each and every one of us how Salisbury News or Joe Albero has been WRONG.

You want to IMPLY I am bitter about the election, no, you are very mistaken. I am very pleased about the outcome because it continues to PROVE that everything we have been saying is 100% accurate. I was simply the one person with enough stones to stand up and run for Mayor. I needed a platform to EXPOSE and the BS and what could be done to make things right.

Now Mr. LIBERAL, do tell ALL of us what Jim Ireton and Rick Pollitt have done right. We'll be waiting.


  1. Exactly Joe! Just like a good brainwashed liberal they blame everyone except for who really caused the problems. It's not rocket science. The blame lies exclusively on the backs of the democrats and their supporters. This person needs to start using their head! First and foremost they need to admit that liberal policies DO NOT WORK, nor have they ever.
    Look at the most poverty/crime stricken areas in the nation. If you dare to deny that each and every one has been under democratic control for generations, then you are either grossly uniformed or you are a liar.

    There is NO guiling this lily. Democrats have made huge messes out of everything they touch. If it's not true, then prove me wrong!

  2. 4-5-14
    Hats off to you Joe. MOST of the emotional cripples I know are rationlizing liberals whom have NEVER made a stand on ANYTHING. They have shrinking degrees of intestinal fortitude due to a LACK of backbone. They are sheep herded to the slaughter and rightfully so. If you stand for NOTHING you`ll fall for anything.
    Bob Aswell

  3. As you can see, I times this article to stay up TOP for 12 hours. I have done so because I want to give ALL LIBERALS a chance to come back here and prove me wrong.

    I want them to explain to all of uf just what it is that Jim Ireton and Rick Pollitt have done in all their time to move our LOCAL economy forward WITHOUT excuses.

    As you can see, (so far) not even the original "anonymous" commenter I was going back and forth with can answer that question.

    Again, we're waiting.

  4. Joe
    It's 1033 again.
    To reinforce my original comment, I simply have no time for people that complain and take no personal responsibility for a solution.

    You somehow interpreted that as liberal.
    Not in my book.

    I appreciate you giving my otherwise invisible comment the attention that you have.
    Thanks for giving me a forum.

  5. I want to chime in on this subject.

    First off - Joe Albero was the only candidate that had an economic game plan going into the Mayoral election. He had, both, an offensive and defensive plan to luring jobs here in Wicomico County. His plan was on a magnificent scale that offered big gains in on the domestic job front. He had already assembled an 'economic strikeforce' for which I was one of the commissioned members.

    He even alluded to the voters by previewing what his scheme encompassed - and look what happened during the debates. Many of the other candidates tried to steal his platform by harping on how bad the economic picture was even going into the election. I saw this first hand - and it was Joe that kept trying to steer the voters to try and have them re-focus on his ORIGINAL IDEA ABOUT STIMULATING THE LOCAL ECONOMY.

    Look - (1) Cadista Pharmaceutical expansion in Salisbury isn't going to put a dent into the economic damage that has already been done. We need a big economic plan - one that will entail a much GRANDER SCHEME than is presently being touted by the current status quo. We need - at the very minimum - a plan that will generate a 20 - FOLD INCREASE OVER A CADISTA EXPANSION. This is how serious a depression our economy is in.

    How long would his plan need to take effect - at the very minimum it would take 3 - 5 years and even longer - but at least he would have put in motion the machinery needed to repair our catastrophic economy.

    So in the end - who really needs who - it appears the eastern shore would have been much better off with Joe at the helm as opposed to any of the present cast of characters. Let's just hope that the voters make the right move this next election in November - or the lights will remain out here in Wicomico.

  6. 1:23 What about this don't you get. Joe offered a solution, and for whatever reason, he wasn't elected. Was it corruption, or just dumb voters, it comes down to dumbocraps.

  7. "It is the natural course of business for things to come and go, to grow, shrink or even die. Every business has a life cycle and is subject to both internal (controllable) and external circumstances."

    Is true except you are forgetting the elephant in the room. For example the buggy mode of travel was replaced with automobiles thereby off setting the lost of jobs for buggy makers. Example like this are endless.
    The problems started when jobs left to go overseas and whom is to blame? The liberals. Everything from unions on to Free Trade.

  8. Cadista Pharmaceutical expansion is a nice start but you can not put all your eggs in one basket. Historically, look at all the towns that had one big employer, who pulled out or downsized. Flint Michigan. Learn from others mistakes.

  9. The liberal Democrats have dumbed down those who vote. Voters, for the most part are ignorant. Most don't even know who their local representatives are. They were taught to vote for Democrats no matter what they stand for. This comes from years of hand outs and free rides. Unless we change things in the November elections, the USA is doomed.

  10. I would just like to see one major employer with some staying power.
    Dresser moved from Salisbury to Austin. How about Airpax's lighting division - it moved to Matamoris, Mexico. Even K&L - I had a long time fellow friend tell me that he actually trained Puerto Ricans in preparation for moving a department from Salisbury to Puerto Rico. If the taxes and regulations are so damn bad, then we need to make some dramatic changes to the business infrastucture.

  11. First of all its ridiculous to believe for 2 seconds that electing one person over another would have changed the tide for salisbury. The companies who have left the shore all had many different reasons. The economic downturn has been in the making for a very long time. Just because someone may have had success running a company doesn't mean it will carry over to running a town. This area is sinking quickly and isn't going to stop. The shore has lost what good jobs it had and they aren't coming back. The area has shown no progress and now hasn't much left to work with....good luck my bags packed and long gone thank goodness!!!

  12. Isn't it interesting that the Maryland Legislature has decided to incorporate paper ballot backups so as to verify that the electronic voting booths have not been tampered with. Beginning in the next election, the paper backups are being required for the new voting procedure. What a shame this didn't happen here in Salisbury, we might have a new Mayor.

  13. Nothing else to add to your article Joe it's spot on and only the voters can change the downfall of Maryland and the US.How you educate the voters is beyond me.

  14. There are no jobs. It's all about job generation and they are very rare in and around Salisbury. At least any decent paying jobs.

  15. As a liberal I accept your challenge Joe. We have created and maintained many jobs in all areas of government, schools, sheriff's dept and city and county in Wicomico county. We have raised fees and taxes. We have ensured that all those having a government job did not lose it. In fact, we have expanded hiring for the County, last count I believe we have hired well over 50 new employees. We continue to raise salaries for our school, city and county personnel so that they can spend a lot of their earnings in our County and communities.

    We continue to identify and elect liberals, both republican and democrat that will increase spending, raise salaries and taxes in government. So do not continue to put us liberals down, Joe, because without us, government spending, salaries, taxes and fees would be a lot less than they are! So you and your conservative friends should give us a round of applause!
    Just look at the impact we are making on the economy and be thankful.

  16. 7:55 You are a Socialist. All the jobs you are speaking about are funded by taxpayers. So, in the future all the jobs are government jobs, and you pay your taxes to the government, and all business are owned by the government. You have now become a Communist. Bet you are on welfare and food stamps.

  17. 1022 Let me tell you something, your comment is completely ridiculous and insulting. My husband was laid off from his job after 13 years of service with a company. How is that his fault? He is a master electrician and let me tell you there are no jobs. One job he applied to he would making $20,000 less than what he was making. How would you feel if you had 20 years of experience and would have to start over with a pay rate that you made 20 years ago? How insulting is that? The Eastern Shore is in serious trouble. Businesses closing left and right, crime is up, no jobs and foreclosures everywhere. So pull your head out of the sand. We are turning into the next Detroit.

  18. 8:48
    You do what you have to do. Some are even working out of the area because there is no work in this area. What ever he made 20 years ago it is more than he is making sitting home.....unless he is collecting unemployment....in that case I would think that would be more insulting than having a job for less pay.
    Employees are only worth what an employers wants to pay them. No more no less.

  19. 8:47PM you would lose the bet! I am gainfully employed by local government and making a great salary, with lots of benefits. However, I do not get to leave work on Fridays at around 2:00 PM like a lot of my colleagues and Mr Pollitt, but I do not have any complaints.

  20. To 7:55 - You are on a collision course to Disaster and do not even know it. Marxist, Leninist, Stalin . . .you are soon going to reap what you sow. Your mentality that we can tax ourselves into prosperity - simply doesn't hold water. Oh - it might work for short duration, but for the long haul it will end in failure. Just keep raising the debt ceiling, issuing more fiat currency . . but soon my friend, very soon, the day of reckoning will be upon you and it won't be pretty. Even now as you speak, the wrath of your perverted notion that you are somehow insulated is a figment of your imagination.

  21. My small contracting company has to go over the bridge to get work that we can actually make money on.Every business is fighting for the same few customers here and it's not worth it to give prices we did 5 years ago and be able to pay bills that are sometimes twice as much.

  22. Wow. the demented thought processes of the liberals is depressing, yet telling. At least now we know we are dealing with a lot more idiots than before this was published.

  23. 7:55 I saw your 1st grade report card from school and the message from the teacher, as written to your mom read, "when your child's IQ reaches 50, SELL.

  24. 7:55
    you work for .gov doing what? pushing papers? writing more regs and make work projects? You .gov lifers are losers and will always be. Because you are consumers, not producers.
    nobody needs what you do to survive or prosper, in fact, the more worthless fools like you there are, the less prosperous we producers are.
    please keep taking all you can from the people who actually make a difference and die knowing you contributed absolutely nothing to this world.

  25. You act as though people are asking for you to "expose" this "BS" when really the overwhelming majority of people could care less. Guess what? They aren't. That's ok, it's because we have lives and trust the process and accept that screw ups happen...in all governments. It's the risk we take living in a democracy. In other words, get a life.

  26. I like the bashing of unions. The minions that settle for poverty level wages started unions. Truck drivers forced to drive 18 hour days for for ten hours pay like unions. The rich want to squeeze every dollar out of people. The rich hate unions and rightfully so. They make you pay a fair wage and benefit to your worker. What is enough money.

    Who can afford to pack up and move Billion dollar auto factories to China and Mexico. The rich thats who. It was easy to blame the unions. You would not look so bad paying a ten year old child in Mexico 20 dollars a day to build new Fords. It was a no brainer. Pay people pennies or an honest wage. They went with pennies. Crown was out sourcing parts to China for years. They would have paid minium wage if they could have gotten away with it.

    So you weak minded S.O.B. bash the union you are a sheep. You will always be a follower. Take a real hard look at the Tech companies. They offer profit sharing, great health care, day care. Thats why they are succesful. William Gates did it the way it should be done. He became a billionaire and made sure his employees got taken care of. You can build an empire with slavery or fellow workers. Which one will stand the longest it is not hard to fugure out.

  27. We have become a handout accepting society looking for the easy way. It is NOT the governments job to fix the economy. There job is to protect us. We are lazy people.

  28. Agreed, 11:40. But it's so much more fun to blame the politicians who won't cater to us.

  29. This is 7:55 and without government and the many liberals such as myself that work in government, you would not have roads, traffic control signs, policing, monitoring of construction, and the list goes on that provides for the orderly conduct and safety of the private sector.

    In other words there would be chaos, and the free market could not function without liberals like me. So please get on your knees and thank God that there are liberals like me providing the necessary controls and regulation enforcement that is so necessary to maintaining order and harmony in the free market, and providing the tools and opportunity in the private sector to prosper. We need each other, but you need me more!

  30. LOL I haven't seen any comments telling what Pollitt and Ireton have done to improve Salisbury and your life. Come on I guess Pollitt and Ireton can't even think of any!


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