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Sunday, April 06, 2014

Communist Flags


  1. She should be arrested upon return or just stay there

  2. She is just so Un-American, I just wish they would keep her over there and let her be their official flag waver. Sad part of it is, they are raising two girls who are also going to be very, very Un-American.

  3. Jane Fonda reborn

  4. Omamba's wife probably doesn't even know what a communist flag is. Of course, she probably doesn't know what the American flag is either.

  5. shameful, just shameful

  6. this is worse than Hanoi Jane. Michelle is the presidents wife. actually this is beyond disgusting. this picture should go viral and be placed on billboards all across our nation. let people everywhere see what she really is; a communist loving traitor.

  7. At least Jane Fonda was young and stupid and later apologized. As a mature woman, she wouldn't have done what she did.

  8. Mooch is flying her (and her husband's) true colors. So what are we going to do about removing the communists from the White House?

  9. Anyone (MO) who says "For the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country" needs to be dismissed for they aren't worth the American person's time.
    There are no words to describe (crude, vulgar or otherwise) someone who isn't proud of this country each and every day since the day they were born. What could be more humbling then when we see our fellow citizens coming together to help those in need?
    Who can't be proud of our road crews who in all kinds of weather keep the roads drivable. Who can't be proud when they see our teachers standing watch over our most precious resource the children. Who can't be proud when we hear of a firefighter recusing people from a burning building or bringing a child back to life after a horrible accident. There is so much to be proud of each and every day about this country. The one and only thing we shouldn't be proud of are these lying ghetto hustlers. You can dress them up but you can't take the low class out of them.

  10. This once Great country better wake up and see what that bunch is doing, DON'T WAIT

  11. What is this thing you folks have with communists? The Cold War is over, people. You can come out of your bomb shelters now.

    Sheesh - if you are bothered by MO waving flags and couldn't care less that CEO's now make, on average, 204x the amount of their employees... well, God help you.

  12. Remember her aside to her husband:
    "All this over a flag."

  13. She is disgusting! as is her husband. They should both leave our country forever! still in shock that they are in the white house!!! Mrs. Tom

  14. Anonymous said...
    Omamba's wife probably doesn't even know what a communist flag is. Of course, she probably doesn't know what the American flag is either.

    April 4, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    She knows what the American flag is. She admits hating the flag and hating America.

  15. 11:44 - which Mooch relative are you?!

  16. Anonymous said...
    Jane Fonda reborn

    April 4, 2014 at 10:02 AM

    You can't compare her to Jane Fonda. Jane Fonda wasn't the First Lady for 6 years. Any first lady should know better and Obama Mamma does.

    Michelle Obama is a traitor to this country and Americans have become so weak they are letting the Obama's get away with destroying our country. Twenty years ago she would have been shot for treason.

    You lazy idiots need to wake up and do something about it.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Anyone (MO) who says "For the first time in my adult life I'm proud of my country" needs to be dismissed for they aren't worth the American person's time.
    There are no words to describe (crude, vulgar or otherwise) someone who isn't proud of this country each and every day since the day they were born. What could be more humbling then when we see our fellow citizens coming together to help those in need?
    Who can't be proud of our road crews who in all kinds of weather keep the roads drivable. Who can't be proud when they see our teachers standing watch over our most precious resource the children. Who can't be proud when we hear of a firefighter recusing people from a burning building or bringing a child back to life after a horrible accident. There is so much to be proud of each and every day about this country. The one and only thing we shouldn't be proud of are these lying ghetto hustlers. You can dress them up but you can't take the low class out of them.

    April 4, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    You are absolutely correct. Wake up America and lets take this country back! REVOLUTION!!

  18. Chuck Cook said...
    What is this thing you folks have with communists? The Cold War is over, people. You can come out of your bomb shelters now.

    Sheesh - if you are bothered by MO waving flags and couldn't care less that CEO's now make, on average, 204x the amount of their employees... well, God help you.

    April 4, 2014 at 11:44 AM

    Chuck Cook is Trolling the SbyNews site again. I am almost positive this is him because I know how he talks and I know he is a Troll on her. He is the one that is the Communist and he needs to be shot as well.

    Chuck Cook and any Democrat if you think what the Obama woman did is Ok then you need to be shot for treason!

  19. Since revolution is out of the question without having the military turn on the government and shooting people for treason isn't an option either we have to fight the war in other ways.
    First thing forget any political correctness. Tell it like it is. Secondly spare no one. All are fair game including family members of those who identify with liberalism. I'm not saying make things up because that is libel, but watch them like a hawk on the internet and elsewhere and report publically anything that may humiliate them. Shaming them into going away is probably the only option we have and could be easier than voting them out.

  20. She is a piss poor example of a wife and a mother and a human in general. Anyone who thinks she is a role model is grossly misguided and sadly uninformed.
    Who wasn't proud on the evening of Sept 11th, 2001 when the US Congress-House & Senate- came together-republicans, democrats and independents alike on the steps of the US Capital and sang God Bless America.

  21. 11:44 What's wrong with CEO's making more money than the employees? they took all the risk and fronted the money, they should get the rewards.

  22. 11:44 Yo Chuck, communism is alive and well, find a difference between the communist manifesto of 1848 and the modern Democratic Party platform. Communism never went away it just "evolved" into the "progressive" faction of the Democratic Party...

  23. "Sheesh - if you are bothered by MO waving flags and couldn't care less that CEO's now make, on average, 204x the amount of their employees... well, God help you."

    You need to IMMEDIATELY get in contact with Jake Day, who according to a comment on this site now works for Perdue and give him a piece of your mind! You know the company who pays the overwhelming majority of it's employees poverty level wages, which thereby has contributed more than anything else to the blight in the area.

  24. 11:44
    Wake up.. The Cold war has just begun again.

  25. @ Sheesh - if you are bothered by MO waving flags and couldn't care less that CEO's now make, on average, 204x the amount of their employees... well, God help you.

    So if YOU were the CEO of a big company that perhaps you built, then you would have a salary of, lets say, $15 per hour? I don't see you complaining about the salaries that football & baseball players get--that is worse, isn't it?? They are playing a GAME for God's sake--not building or creating things!

  26. Not a TRANSGENDER STUDENT from Salibury UniversityApril 6, 2014 at 12:21 PM

    Check your AMMO Boys....

  27. 1:14 PM you are an idiot. Who says a Revolution is out of the question. We can form an army of local militias just like we have always done when our government has gotten out of hand. I can guarantee you that most of our military soldier and vets will stand beside us.

  28. I do not look at her - for I have heard the myth that if you look at Medusa one will turn to stone.


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