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Sunday, March 16, 2014



In a move to lower union dues, improve representation of its members and regain local control over their economic future and the education of our children, Wicomico County Education Association (WCEA) has begun the process to terminate its affiliation with Maryland State Education Association (MSEA).

“MSEA hasn’t adequately given our members the representation they have been paying for. WCEA sends $537,000 this year to MSEA in dues and our members deserve significantly better services,” said WCEA President Kelly Stephenson. “We have seen more MSEA representatives in this town in the past few weeks than we have seen in 8 years!”

“WCEA members have been bombarded with email blasts, visits from MSEA staff and threatened with legal action, when all the members want is to meet the needs of our students based on this community’s values and principles, not the agenda of Annapolis,” stated Stephenson.

WCEA is the exclusive bargaining representative that negotiates with the Wicomico County Board of Education on behalf of the certificated and classified employees; contract negotiations are presently underway.

Finally, WCEAwill continue efforts to collaborate with others to advocate for improvements in public education, but WCEA members deserve better service, lower dues, and full local control of their futures.


What would you do for $537,000?

Wicomico County Education Association (WCEA) began the process to keep that amount of money from going to Maryland State Education Association (MSEA) each year by taking back local control of its union and future relationship with Wicomico County Schools. But, MSEA is fighting back with every tactic exhibited by a playground bully, including misrepresentations, threats and badgering WCEA members.

“MSEA hasn’t adequately given our members the representation they have been paying for. WCEA sends $537,000 this year to MSEA in dues and our members deserve significantly better services,” said WCEA President Kelly Stephenson. “We have seen more MSEA representatives in this town in the past few weeks than we have seen in 8 years!”

“MSEA Representative Assembly today will vote on two more dues increase for its members over the next two years and WCEA members are saying enough! No longer can we keep sending money to Annapolis that could be used to our members to meet their own family’s needs,” stated Stephenson.

WCEA is the exclusive bargaining representative that negotiates with the Wicomico County Board of Education on behalf of the certified and classified employees.


  1. Joe, Something is going on down on Lake St in front of Chipman School. At least a half dozen police cars and a couple ambulances. Also saw a dirt bike ditched on the corner of N Division and Isabella with police there too

  2. This is only one side of the situation going on. Stephenson is only giving one side to the story, and frankly, she is not voicing the concerns of the entire membership. She is voicing the sides of a group of 16 people. What is Stephenson after? She is one of the most unprofessional presidents this organization has ever seen and has a personal agenda.

  3. I am distressed that Kelly Stephenson has taken the WCEA business to the press. Obviously this is a one-sided story. Should anyone want to look a little deeper, one would find many, many WCEA members are very upset with the current WCEA officers pushing this agenda. It is not what THIS member wants and I will surely end my affiliation of 30 years should they WCEA choose to disaffiliate from the MSEA. Please get both sides of this story.

  4. The only bullying going on is being done by the leadership of WCEA. This article does not tell the whole story. This change is a big deal and many if not most people in the association don't want to disaffiliate. They've promised lower dues but at what cost? To lose representation at the state level could be disastrous. The WCEA leadership keeps focusing on what the MSEA does to help us here at the county level but makes no mention of losing a voice at the state level. It's very important to have a voice at the table at the state level considering how many mandates and requirements come down from MSDE.

    1. Why? What has MSEA done to stop further deterioration of local control and mandates that harm student instruction and teacher autonomy? The best place of have a "voice at the table" is in Wicomico County and MSEA has shown up more here in the past two weeks than in the past 10 years.

  5. Do you really want everyone to believe that there are only 16 people that don't want to pay MSEA $537,000 a year? It's sounds to me like you must be one of those MSEA employees that makes over $250,000 a year collecting that dues money. As for as being unprofessional I see that you are an expert on that since you are talking trash about one of your own people. Sounds like maybe you must want to be President

    1. Ms.Stephenson is pushing a one sided argument. That money comes back to our local many ways. MSEA lobbying, legal help, insurance and services are much better than what Kelly can offer.

  6. The truth is if you want to support MSEA then please do. But do not force all of the other members to do the same. I WILL never pay one more dime of my money to MSEA to support their ultra liberal stands. No one said you cant still send them money to support them. They aren't going anywhere. And Stephenson hasn't done this on her own. There are as many members fed up with MSEA as happy with them. If the dis affiliation doesn't pass the representative vote, you will see how many members will quit and get their liability insurance elsewhere. I am quite sure MSEA will raise their dues to make up for the shortfall. I really think if you are happy with MSEA you should donate some money to their liberal pac. Either way, no hard feelings. I have had enough.

  7. How about you all kick them to the side, vote for an elected board, detach from the State BOE, and take control of your own school system with elected officials and real teaching going on in schools.

    And, if you can't do the real teaching, make a voucher system and get into the competition game.

    That will improve your schools 500%!

  8. Veterans teachers remember a professional association that anyone would be proud to belong to, but NEA and MSEA forgot that model over the last twenty years when they moved to an industrial style of operation that reduces the respect for educators and pushes issues unrelated to improving instructions for students or creating a positive working environment. Get the facts, and you will see whether you like individuals personally or not, WCEA leaders only want to lower dues while improving representation for members. What could be done with over $500,000 that is now sent to MSEA each year--and today their Representative Assembly just voted to increase dues each of the next two years!

  9. What a shame that people feel the need to disparage the WCEA president and the other members of the leadership team. What would any of them possibly stand to gain from giving members a choice? They are all volunteers who donate countless hours to helping the educators in Wicomico County. Any teacher or support staff member who has needed support with contractual issues knows that no one has done more to fight for the rights of all employees, whether or not they are member of the association, than the current president. The teachers and support staff in Wicomico County have been poorly served by MSEA for years. When WCEA first formed, its purpose was to negotiate with the Wicomico County Board of Education on behalf of the employees. That continues to be the mission of WCEA. For a number of years, the relationship between WCEA and MSEA was a positive, respectful, cooperative one. Unfortunately, as the emphasis of MSEA has shifted from improving working conditions for teachers and support staff to supporting and endorsing a particular political agenda, teachers and support staff have become pawns in a game. Consider the primary focus of MSEA's agenda from last year-passing "Fair Share" legislation so that educators who choose not to join the association would still be required to pay a significant portion of the dues. What has MSEA done to assist the educators in Wicomico County lately? Having been an actively involved member for 30 years, I can say with confidence that the answer is very little. I would like to know what people believe that MSEA has done for Wicomico County educators at the state level. The needs of educators on the Eastern Shore have always taken a back seat to the concerns of the larger counties. On numerous occasions, the MSEA leadership has reminded WCEA members that the Uniserve Director position is as an employee of MSEA, not the members of WCEA. For those who are fearful of breaking away from MSEA, I would like to know what those fears are. WCEA has the exclusive bargaining rights with the Wicomico County Board of Education. WCEA members would continue to have liability insurance and legal protection. As a local, autonomous association, WCEA would be better able to focus its time, energy, and considerably less dues money on collaborating with the Wicomico County community to provide the best education possible for students in Wicomico County. No one better understands the needs of the students than those of us who live in the community and work with the students day after day. I hope that those who continue to have concerns will attend meetings and get involved. For those who believe that there is strength in numbers, I absolutely agree. Affilation with MSEA does not give Wicomico County educators any more of a voice than what they would have as a strong, engaged local association. Before discrediting the motivations of members of the WCEA leadership, I encourage everyone to find out the truth individually before rushing to judgment.

    1. This post is coming from 1 of the officers no doubt. You obviously due notunderstand collective bbargaining in Maryland. If this push by a few people happens all teachers in our county will lose thw negotiated agreement. This means the Board of Education can pick and chose anything they want to change! You say Mr. Cockey says this is not the case. However, other lawyers say it is true. Who is correct. Have you asked the Boards lawyers for their interpretations? I know Dr. Fredricksen was asked to put in writing that he would honor our contract. He has not and my guess will never do this.so my question to you as an omniscient person is...WHYdo you think that is??!! You have an opinion by 1 law firm and this is ythe same firm you asked to take our money and represent us. Why do you think Mr. Cockey is airing his legal assertion on the side of a few Board me mm bets? I know he is a business man and smells $$$$!! Members know that our current leadership has not answeredany of our questions relative to the disaffiliation posed by a few fool hearty people with a myopic agenda. When pressed about the total amount of dues and quality of legal services they only talk. No numbers as to cost on paper. No breakdown of how this amount will change based upon # of members. The insurance they offer is sub standard to our MSEA policy. I have researched. Leadership saysv this is not true, yet they conveniently do not have any answers on papet. Let me tell you the leadership something...WE the majority of 51500 or so members know you the few are being deceitful. We are not going to go away or stop asking question until we have our association safe and sound from irrational people.We are then going to pack up your desk in the offices at WCEA and say goodbye to your schemes and ill thought out ideas! By the way once you drop your MSEA membership you can personally chose any representation your heart desires. So why have you not do e that instead of trying to force 51500 of your colleagues to go along on a ride they do not want to take. We are not Putin's Crimea people so grow up!

    2. Where did you number 51500 come from? There are over 70,000 MSEA members and about 1,300 WCEA members. 51500?

  10. I currently have additional life insurance with the NEA. However, if the WCEA breaks away from MSEA/NEA, I would no longer be able to keep that group policy, this is because I would no longer be a member of the NEA. When I questioned Ms. Stephenson about this in an e-mail, she assured me that I would able to keep that life insurance policy. What she failed to mention is that the policy would be converted to an individual carrier (I would no longer qualify for the group rate). An individual carrier policy would raise my premiums considerably. I spent a half hour on the phone last week a rep from the NEA insurance company, and they confirmed this. If Ms. Stephenson is giving half truths on something as vital as life insurance policies, what else may she be downplaying?

  11. 9:47, you have just supplied proof that my post is 100% correct in all parameters.

    8:57 pm

  12. The leadership of WCEA needs a reality check! MSEA has been and advocate and monetary supporter of our county for years. A few people have an "axe to grind", why ??? Maybe they have something to gain personally....I believe MSEA has been an asset to WCEA. If not, why rig a vote and lie about the truth. That is what Kelly Stephenson and Dave White are doing!!!!!!

  13. Dave White and Kelly Stephenson are hurting our members. Why are they perpetuating these myths. I trust MSEA and NEA to be good stewards of our resources more than these 2 people!

  14. Sounds to me as if Ms. Stephenson write the post for march 15 at 9:47pm. She is consumed with a personal agenda!!

  15. Okay.
    Time to hear both sides in open discussion.

    1. So true but Ms. STEPHENSON WROTE a letter to Dr. Fredricksen to ban MSEA from sharing information with our members.. She also asked him to block a members email. Coicidently it was a member that did not agree with her. So inappropriate for a President appointed to protect and serve a group.

  16. Isn't Ms. Stephenson one of those baker's dozen who works part time teaching for BOE yet earns full time benefits?

  17. Frederick, Montgomery, Anne Arundel, Dorchester, St. Mary's, and many other locals have successfully focused on local issues--common core implementation, teacher evaluations, student testing, and new curriculum. They have built collaborative relationships with their school administrators. And they've been supported by MSEA and NEA leaders, staff, attorneys, and lobbyists. Why do WCEA leaders need to disaffiliate to do the same?
    This isn't about greater focus on local issues, It is about money and jobs. Kelly, Dave and their attorney would rather have more of the dollars flowing into their pockets. Follow the money.

  18. WCEA seems to want something greater from MSEA and NEA. The association harps about ""representation" and wanting "more" from the association. It would be interesting to create an action plan of what they wantedd and how MSEA would get it for them. In addition, see if there is a correlation between the MSEA services and the created action plan of what they believe they are not getting.

    This action plan and correlation task would need total cooperation from all its members, but it would be worth it.

  19. 10;02, your little policy is definitely more important than the rest of the association members. Join NEA and MSEA on your own and leave the rest of us out of it. Give us a number. How much more is your policy going to cost? Evidently you have thoroughly research this right? How about when you save over $200 a year on dues? will that pay for this catastrophic increase in your payments? Again, join them on your own and quit expecting everyone else to support your benefits. I am sick and tired of supporting liberal agendas that have nothing to do with the Eastern Shore.

  20. The majority of the members want the right to have a choice to be able to choose the organization they wish to belong to. Unfortunately MSEA and a handful of their loyal supporters Gary Hammer, Kevin Johnson, Stephanie Lewis and James McCrobie don't want you to have that choice.

  21. To the Anonymous writer that trusts MSEA NEA to be good stewards of our resources maybe you just need to ask the teahers in Worcestor county about
    how when nearly $200,000 was stolen from their association how good of a steward MSEA was for them

  22. It's very interesting that other than Gary Hammer, most of the people that are against leaving MSEA have had very little to do with the association. You guys don't like Dave and Kellie? Did you vote? Were you at the meetings? Why now are you so vocal? Which one of you loudmouths is going to step up and run the association? Just like I thought. You sit in the background and complain about what everyone ELSE has done. If you had ever had to sit in front of MSEA and be told you were not doing enough to fulfill their political agenda, or you were racist for not bowing down to them you might understand that we can do better if we stick together here on the shore. We DO NOT need to feed $ to Annapolis to help ourselves right here in Wicomico county. I hope when this is over you will still be as loud and more willing to help so we can take care of our own. And by the way, if you don't like the directors then shut up and vote them out. The problem is when elections come around no one wants to run, but you sure complain about those few that are willing to try and help. A bunch of do nothing whiners.

  23. A survey was sent out Friday, to all members, about MSEA wanting to raise the dues over the next 2 years. Members overwhelming expressed NO. Our representatives took that voice to Annapolis to vote the members desires....NO. Well did we get out voted? Yes, MSEA is going to raise the dues. Most classified employees in my building don't join because they can't afford it.

  24. I had to go to WCEA for help and I went to the MSEA UniServ. I ended up having to go to Kelly because the MSEA person didn't have a clue! I was so upset but Kelly stepped in and handled the problem right away. Thank God for someone like Kelly because she really cares.

  25. To 12:15PM

    Actually, through my active involvement in WCEA, it is easy to determine that Kelly Stephenson and Dave White are the two people who care about the school employees THE MOST!!!! What a joke to think it is MSEA!! What would these local WCEA leaders have to gain from this? They work in the schools with you and live in the same community. Amazing how dumb people are to place more faith in a group of "money collectors" in Annapolis than the local folks who live, work, and know the insides of what is going on in Wicomico County schools. Seems like Stephenson is the most intelligent lot of the whole bunch!

  26. The real question is did the membership get a chance to vote on this issue? Or was it forced on them like Obamacare?

  27. Gary Hammer and many other members wish to have a full member secret ballot vote. It is interesting the President and board of directors are adamant that not happen. It is also interesting that the board members have been hand picked by leadership. Did the representative assembly vote on all of Ms. Stephensons appointees. The answer is no. Many members are concerned that the vote is being manipulated or loaded by a few people with a desire to disaffiliate. Why do they not want the well over 1,200 members to weigh in with their personal vote? If dis affiliation is what the majority of members vote than that is the way the organization should move. If the majority is happy with services provided by MSEA than the organization stays affiliated. Simple and straight forward that is the Democratic process and what all paying members deserve. Let the full vote be heard and tallied and the chips fall where they may!

  28. Gary Hammer and many other members wish to have a full member secret ballot vote. It is interesting the President and board of directors are adamant that not happen. It is also interesting that the board members have been hand picked by leadership. Did the representative assembly vote on all of Ms. Stephensons appointees. The answer is no. Many members are concerned that the vote is being manipulated or loaded by a few people with a desire to disaffiliate. Why do they not want the well over 1,200 members to weigh in with their personal vote? If dis affiliation is what the majority of members vote than that is the way the organization should move. If the majority is happy with services provided by MSEA than the organization stays affiliated. Simple and straight forward that is the Democratic process and what all paying members deserve. Let the full vote be heard and tallied and the chips fall where they may!

  29. Kelly Stephenson SAVED MY JOB!!!! Unlike UniServ vanKillinCrap!!! You people don't even know the truth because you have never payed attention until now!!!!!!!!!
    Stephenson is a blessing!!!

  30. You have the bullying agent backwards. WCEA is bullying its members to break away from MSEA/NEA by refusing to put split from MSEA/NEA to a full vote of its union members. WCEA officers claim to represent their members, but they are out to bust the union!!! They need to be recalled!!

  31. 10:03, get your facts straight. In Worcester a LOCAL officer stole funds. As a result of NEA liability coverage, all lost funds were restored. As a result of MSEA action, the local agreed to tighten its fiscal controls.
    Recently, when MSEA asked how current Wicomico officers have rectified control issues identified in the its most recent local audit, they were told to "it's our local...mind your own business." Ask about it.

  32. I propase this is put to a general referendum. It would give wcea and the members a clear idea of where this issue stands... And frankly, should have been proposed this way from the get go.

    I would like to know about other unions that have done the same... I feel it would make us better informed.

    Some links I've found are:




    We would not be the first to disenfranchise if we did so, but my question would be, how are these unions doing?

    From a political perspective, I have always hated that my dues supported candidates that I did not agree with. Not sure what disenfranchising would mean in this regard.

    I am also concerned that the BOE is waiting for us to go ahead with this so that they in turn can take advantage of our contract... Which is why a track record with a given disenfranchised union wouldy prove helpful.

    We need more info than we've been given, and though Stevenson has been very forthright in posting everything on wcea's website, she still has not said what started this ball rolling in the first place. Was it that other unions are also doing this? Have other MD unions done this?

    And will pulling away mean that we have a local political voice? Or do we forgo politics?

    I am under the impression that this was a well thought out move that was taken to members prematurely in a bad way by someone that disagreed with the idea... This left Stevenson to only do damage control, which looks bad and casts the whole idea in a bad light...though a lot of the union members I work with feel that this was going to be done under the rug... Why not put this up for general referendum and have a clear picture of the opinions of all members as opposed to the representatives which may vote based on their own options rather than what their school body of members thinks?


  33. Kelly Stephenson said...

    Do you really want everyone to believe that there are only 16 people that don't want to pay MSEA $537,000 a year? It's sounds to me like you must be one of those MSEA employees that makes over $250,000 a year collecting that dues money. As for as being unprofessional I see that you are an expert on that since you are talking trash about one of your own people. Sounds like maybe you must want to be President

    March 15, 2014 at 8:41 PM

  34. Is WCEA President Kelly Stephenson a man or a woman?


  35. Kelly Stephenson said...

    I had to go to WCEA for help and I went to the MSEA UniServ. I ended up having to go to Kelly because the MSEA person didn't have a clue! I was so upset but Kelly stepped in and handled the problem right away. Thank God for someone like Kelly because she really cares.

    March 16, 2014 at 11:20 AM

  36. It's obvious Kelly Stephenson is using this forum to plug herself. I know for a fact she is making these anonymous posts promoting herself. I caught her at the WCEA office doing it. She is on County time so she shouldn't be posing on any blog.

  37. It's funny how all of you MSEA cool aid drinkers are upset about whats going on at WCEA. In the last 5 or 6 directors elections they had to beg people to run and help with the organization. All you whiners are going to have to shut up and start helping or MSEA will have all of your money and barely do anything for you. Remember if you feel so strongly about MSEA you can still be a member of them. But leave me out of it. You could also donate some of YOUR money to make them wealthier but LET THE REST OF KEEP OUR MONEY LOCAL!!!

  38. Those of you that are bashing Kelly S. Should shut up and put up. I doubt she will ever run for any position to try and help you idiots ever again. That means YOU should run for office and fix what you keep saying is wrong. I doubt you have the intelligence or courage to do that though. It's a lot easier to sit on the sidelines and tell everyone else what they are doing wrong.

  39. Putting a full vote to members goes against the bylaws and would give MSEA the right to take over WCEA. Now where do you think the bylaws came from?

  40. 10:48, not following you. Please explain further.


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