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Sunday, March 16, 2014

WBOC Pampers Board Of Education Story Last Night

Man, were you watching Salisbury News on Channel 16 last night, OR WHAT?

Remember the old saying, "a day late and a dollar short"? Well, how about "Days late and many dollars short" instead!

Heck, I think we published the Sheriff Lewis video close to a WEEK ago and of course the Board of Education story WBOC conveniently left out the $160,000.00 worth of lunches Fredericksen spent in the last two years. 

Nevertheless, it was a Salisbury News Wrap Up of the week on WBOC last night. Have they no shame?  Do they really believe people weren't watching and thinking, hey, I saw all this a WEEK ago on Salisbury News. 

Could you just imagine if we had the money and staff that they do, what we could really do here on the Shore. Hey, even without all their money we are days ahead of the local media and that goes to show you the most important thing. People now trust Salisbury News more with their news and information than they do with the rest of the local media.

I just love how WBOC pounds their chest with "Delmarva's News Leader" crap. Oh, just as a REMINDER, WBOC still refuses to report the Airport "Draper One Approach" story. Must be based on the gravy deal they're getting parking their helicopter there. 


  1. Just take breath and move on , like I said , nothing will be done.
    This is just the tip of a huge ice berg in the country.
    Steal from us , it's OK.
    Just count your ammo now , these idiots will need a lot.
    The only way to stop this nonsense is civil up-rising.

  2. Ever since S. Hammond (a Dan Rather wannabe) took over there, WBOC has continued to sink to where it is at the Daily Times level, with WMDT not far behind.

    WICO was once very good when Bill Reddish was there, but now it's worthless too.

    Thank goodness for Sbynews!

  3. Actually it's the "Draper" issue.They are all related.

  4. $160,000 worth of lunches when the classrooms in at least some of the schools are so cold. Where are the temps set at the school board? Aren't there standards set for that?
    And if there is a problem with the heating systems, why not use some of that $160,000 to fix them? I think Frederickson can afford his own lunch and if not, he can bag it!

  5. Enough with providing lunches and other meals to the WCBOE. Pack a lunch. Eat before you meet, or after. Same with you County Council people. We're paying you to think and act, not to eat. Coffee, tea and water and ice will be provided. Everything else is on your dime.


  7. Thank you again Joe for bringing us real news. WBOC usually runs stories several days after the event happens. Or ignores and sugar coats the news if they don't want to report a story.

  8. Why do they think it was illegal for Baltimore City to use gift cards to disguise personal use of public funds but was ok for them to do it?

  9. It will be interesting to see what spin Brown and Gansler takes on this. After all, Gansler is the Attorney General.

  10. Obama Crooked BastardoMarch 15, 2014 at 5:22 PM

    I stopped watching WBOC long time ago. Their stories called "news" are just as accurate as their weather reports. What a bunch of Bull-Crap Artists!

  11. the owner of the station has the last name of Draper...is the pilot related?

  12. Draper Holding Business Trust owns WBOC.figure it out.

  13. Different departments have there own budget. There for by year end they spend the money like crazy. Purchasing things not really necessary. AUDIT IT ALL


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