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Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Timing Couldn't Be Better To Have This Discussion About Mayor Ireton And The BOE

There are around ten to twelve people working for the Board of Education who have a very special deal worked out, Ireton is one of them.

You see, these are people who only work Part Time, yet they get Full Time Benefits. Ireton rarely works at all, gets 1/2 pay but gets Full Time Insurance, credit for Full Time Retirement and holds a Part Time job working as Mayor of Salisbury. Did I mention he's enjoyed these benefits for almost six years now.

Again, this is yet another area in which the recent AUDIT somehow didn't pick up on, I wonder why? I say that because even when an Auditor can't pick up on certain and hidden gems like this, how can we expect the Board to know what's going on, full scale wise?

There are some within the BOE who are outraged that Jim Ireton and another Bakers Dozen are using the taxpayers for a free ride with barely any work at all. Let Jim Ireton deny this publicly and I'll deliver someone who isn't afraid to go public with their evidence. 

Mr. Fredericksen needs to be held accountable for the numerous people we are paying for no real work while they also enjoy full time benefits. 

Just the facts people.


  1. Jim is just like most liberal pansy's. They do nothing and collect money from tax coffers to support their degenerate lifestyles. He uses his position to promote his lifestyle and twisted socialist ideology among children.
    Chuck Cook, another raving socialist pervert, is another one with a useless position collecting money from tax payers.
    I seeing a pattern here.

  2. Jim-beau won't be the mayor after next year -- it will be Jake Day, who will be worse.

  3. Maybe with getting rid of this waste and better accountability, the County could afford to give the Sheriff a raise.

  4. Joe --- you said: "Let Jim Ireton deny this publicly and I'll deliver someone who isn't afraid to go public with their evidence.

    Please do so even if he does not and ASAP.

  5. That kid, Jake Day, will need to complete his toilet training before he runs for mayor.

  6. Does that state audit mention Ireton's scam or the general matter of featherbedding?

  7. 7;34 --

    Better think some more.

    Day won by a landslide over Campbell. Who do you think could be him; certainly not Ireton.

  8. If Ireton has a deal worked out with his employer to work part time, does his employer have a right to decide on the terms of his contract? We may not like those terms, but it's not exactly our call. We don't get to negotiate employee contracts.

  9. Jake Day could not possibly be a worse mayor than Ireton, but he probably would not be much better if any.

  10. 7:39 --
    You meant Day would "beat" Ireton, right.

    And I agree.

  11. Anonymous said...
    7;34 --

    Better think some more.

    Day won by a landslide over Campbell. Who do you think could be him; certainly not Ireton.

    March 14, 2014 at 7:39 AM

    If you think this was the case without the help of some computer expert then I have some waterfront property in Arizona I would like to sell you.

    Even if it was an actual landslide you can point fingers at all of the out of town special interest groups who spent thousands on his campaign, the local slum lords, Jim Ireton constantly ragging her with his daily press releases and the Daily Times for actually printing that. That was a nasty race by a nasty wannabe mayor.

    I bet Chuck Cook and Annapolis had something to do with that.

  12. Mr. day has no accomplishment to his credit save for a collection of bad driving tickets. Does he even work at all? He's immature & unprincipled. If he were to win an election, we are doomed.

  13. Anonymous said...
    If Ireton has a deal worked out with his employer to work part time, does his employer have a right to decide on the terms of his contract? We may not like those terms, but it's not exactly our call. We don't get to negotiate employee contracts.

    March 14, 2014 at 7:39 AM

    We don't know, you tell us. You seem to know a lot about it.

  14. Jim Ireton isn't even working half time hours. TAD isn't any thing but a part time job and it is even less hours going half a day. They were getting more work out of him as a part time teacher. This was a cushy deal work out by Dr. Freddy so that Ireton could push through some City deals like issues with BMS. Remember the intersection at Bateman Street.

  15. 7:34,

    Ireton is giving Day his toilet training every day. I see the two of them together walking the town often. Like a Mayor in training...

  16. 7:39 here. I DON'T know. That's why I'm putting the question out there. But it would seem to me that, while we don't like what seems to be the terms of his contract, we really don't have a say about it. At least a say that carries any weight.

  17. And people think Jersey & New York have mafia!

  18. One has to wonder about all the places the BOE spent money for food, was alcohol included also? Are the county people not only enjoying lunch food on our time, but also includes alcohol or free drinks they get for spending so much of our tax dollars in an establishment?

  19. 8:15, stop trying to make a charge by forming it as a question. You know half the people reading it will assume it happened. If you have evidence, say so.

  20. This is another area that was overlooked by the Legislative Auditors.

    Norman Conway has also been double dipping along with Ireton. The people should be furious.

  21. This needs a full investigation to prove what is being said is factual. Mayor Ireton will not answer to a blog, He can say, true or not, that he does not read blogs.

    Words are cheap and "insiders" will claim to be in the "know" but when push comes to shove, either for fear of losing their job, or just reporting gossip of others, the employee who "knows all" disappears.

    I would like to know IF Ireton does receive Full time benefits for PART-time work, IF Ireton rarely works at all, Who the other Bakers Dozen are. If these items are true, how does WCBOE justify these items.

    I will be speaking with at least two school board members today and asking for an explanation/investigation. If Fredericksen and employees are doing a cover-up there is no need to approach him or Ireton first.

  22. 8:36, I like your style.

    Please do contact some Board Members because I know this to be true. Now, they might pamper it a little bit but I'm confident Ireton barely works at all and I know he gets full time benefits, including full time credit towards retirement. This has some people very upset and it should, especially the taxpayers.

    I look forward to hearing another comment from you in the near future.

  23. IF these are the terms of his contract (are contracts public, I don't know), about all we can hope for is an explanation. But I can hear them now. Personnel files are confidential.

  24. Joe, The contract negotiated with the Teachers' Union, last signed on 6/25/13 states:

    "PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - All regular part-time teachers who work at least half-time of a full-time equivalent position covered by this Agreement shall receive full health and life insurance benefits. Sick leave and salary rates shall be established on a pro rata basis related to a full-time equivalent position."

    This is how they get away with so many part timers, including the Mayor, getting full benefits.

  25. While States Attorneys Office is investigating, they need to investigate this too. They have to find something wrong with this. And while you are checking Matt, check with the MD State Teachers Retirement and see if Ireton is getting full time credit for working part time - I certainly hope that is not the case, but I bet it is.

  26. 8:21 A county vehicle was seen and photographed at a local bar/restaurant at happy hour, if they would drive a county vehicle while under the influence, what makes you think they wouldn't use a county credit card for food and beverages? There are so many different ways to skim money here and that's the reason we get no accountability, even when the county is facing a $3.5 million shortfall they want pay raises?

  27. Under that BURY on his shirt, it should say ME.

  28. Since when is a car parked at a bar evidence that the driver is under the influence? Point by 8:21 verified.

  29. Anonymous said...
    8:21 A county vehicle was seen and photographed at a local bar/restaurant at happy hour, if they would drive a county vehicle while under the influence, what makes you think they wouldn't use a county credit card for food and beverages? There are so many different ways to skim money here and that's the reason we get no accountability, even when the county is facing a $3.5 million shortfall they want pay raises?

    March 14, 2014 at 9:41 AM

    You butt hole will you quit trying to hijack this thread. This has nothing to do with Wayne Strausburg. If you want another article on this then send Joe another picture of him drinking and driving. Other than that STFU!

  30. Anonymous said...
    7:39 AM

    March 14, 2014 at 9:47 AM

    There are 2 7:39's? What the heck are you trying to say?

  31. He is not a T.A.D. teacher, half-time or otherwise.

  32. It's time for Jim-beau to go to Rehobeth Beach again, and permanently, to cavort on the beach at night with his boyfriends.

  33. Anonymous said...
    7:39 here. I DON'T know. That's why I'm putting the question out there. But it would seem to me that, while we don't like what seems to be the terms of his contract, we really don't have a say about it. At least a say that carries any weight.

    March 14, 2014 at 8:07 AM

    You must know something. You keep saying he has a contract? What contract and what do you know about a contract?

  34. Anonymous said...
    Mr. day has no accomplishment to his credit save for a collection of bad driving tickets. Does he even work at all? He's immature & unprincipled. If he were to win an election, we are doomed.

    March 14, 2014 at 7:57 AM

    I was wondering the same thing. Supposedly he works for the State at Salisbury University. He hasn't been there long so I know for a fact that he hasn't had much leave accrued. Who is letting him off for all these work sessions and meetings. Typical government job that only a few are afforded.

  35. Anonymous said...
    Joe, The contract negotiated with the Teachers' Union, last signed on 6/25/13 states:

    "PART-TIME EMPLOYEES - All regular part-time teachers who work at least half-time of a full-time equivalent position covered by this Agreement shall receive full health and life insurance benefits. Sick leave and salary rates shall be established on a pro rata basis related to a full-time equivalent position."

    This is how they get away with so many part timers, including the Mayor, getting full benefits.

    March 14, 2014 at 9:28 AM

    This might be true, but someone has to approve his part time employment. Who did that and when was it done? They are the ones that need to answer to this problem.

  36. Anonymous said...
    He is not a T.A.D. teacher, half-time or otherwise.

    March 14, 2014 at 2:14 PM

    Then what is he know it all?

  37. I thought Ireton was a "reading specialist."

    That shirt picture really shows how stupid that image of Salisbury is.

    Burying someone was the first thing I thought of, not a town on the rise to visit.

    Dead people. Good image.

  38. Gay, stupid and out of touch with reality.


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