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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Why Rand Paul Will Win The 2016 Primaries, And The Presidency

You have probably seen all of the ridiculous speculating about the GOP nomination in 2016. This is still speculating, but my sincere hope is you don’t think it’s ridiculous too.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is laying the foundation for his presidential bid in concrete and steel.

First, forget about Jeb Bush unless you want to hand Hillary eight years in the White House. The latest Rasmussen poll shows her leading Jeb in a general election 47 percent to 33. His name is Bush and to the general public the specifics of how smart he is doesn’t matter one iota.



  1. I'd prefer Ron,but I'll take Rand.I hope the author is right.

  2. I'd rather go to a fema camp, than deal with 1 day with hitlary at the helm.

  3. Rand Paul as the nominee will guarantee a Hillary win.

  4. I voted for Ron Paul in the last election primaries. I'd like to see Rand as the GOP choice unless someone else changes my mind. There were many great speeches at CPAC, Rick Perry got a great response to a powerful message as did others. Christie can't beat Hillary! I do prefer Rand over Rick though, it was about time the GOP started behaving like a solid party. If either Hillary or Jeb get voted in we are facing nothing but that tired old sing and dance.

  5. I just hope Mitt doesn't run again,but in my gut I think he will.

  6. As a registered independent who leans conservative I have to say the more I hear this guy speak and the more I read about him like the referenced article the more I am impressed.

    It would be nice if the GOP embraced the basic values they used to have. In Rand Paul they just might find them.

  7. Ben Carson for President!


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