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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

TSA Purchases 1,980 Sticks Of Dynamite To Go With Their 3.5 Million Rounds Of Ammo

According to one estimate, since 2012 the Department of Homeland Security has stockpiledmore than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. DHS also reportedly purchased2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles (MRAPs) to go with their bullet stockpile.

ATK is one company that won a contract with the Department of Homeland Security to provide 450 million rounds of .40 caliber ammunition in 2012.

TSA, an agency within the DHS, purchased 3.5 million rounds of .357 SIG caliber training ammunition in September.

Recently TSA purchased 1,386 pounds of dynamite to go with their ammo.
The Activist Post reported:



  1. They are getting ready for the 2nd. civil war that is coming, like we always said, "The south shall rise again"!

  2. This is outrageous. How many armies do we need? I am sure the taxpayers are paying for this and others like it with no say in the matter. We all need to wake up and put an end to the take-over of this country.

  3. At least they're buying inferior rounds of pistol ammo. Keep at it.

  4. Lets get it on now !!

  5. If they're trained to handle explosives at the level they're trained for terrorist identification, this will be a short lived stockpile. If it's near the ammo dump, it'll be an early 4th of July.

  6. Dynamite? Really. What the F are they going to do with dynamite. Is this a Roadrunner cartoon or what. BEEP BEEP

  7. So now we know why we are broke..thats our money being spent...why ? We dont need TSA that should be the airlines job....dont need homeland security...cause we have the fbi..cia..dea..atf.army navy marines and airforce..talk about waste ..disolving .those agencies would be a good start

  8. Hey John, pass me that 37 MM man...March 11, 2014 at 7:56 PM

    I am getting so tired of this name calling with threats...Let's go Government...I want to lock and load...and see all you Liberals run to the Hills...

  9. Did somebody say dynamite? I want some too.

  10. Still not enough the better have affiars in order. The dyno is for blasting drug tunnels. C-4 and DET was jsut to complicated for HLS and TSA. Idiots lol

  11. One high speed round can make that go away! BOOM!


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