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Sunday, March 09, 2014

Lower Fees And Protections For Opting Out Of Smart Meters Proposed

Some Marylanders are apprehensive that a digital, smart meter system measuring their electricity use violates their privacy and will heap on costs to electric bills. They are supporting legislation that would allow an inexpensive opt-out option.

Sen. Delores Kelley, a Baltimore County Democrat, told the Senate Finance committee Tuesday that SB 880 offers a solution both satisfying to constituents and fair to the electric companies.

Smart meters transmit data to the utilities, providing more accurate readings, the companies say. They remove the need for meter readers, and companies are gradually replacing the old, analog units, unless a resident explicitly opts out.



  1. Just another thing to control people for the N W O.

  2. Just send me a text each month. I'll text back the reading. Case solved.

  3. Some Marylanders are apprehensive about toothbrushes, in door plumbing and those flying machines too.

  4. Didn't ask for this smart meter to be put on my house, wasn't home when they did it, now, how do I get rid of it?

  5. 9:43-Some Marylanders have no brains and want the government to control every detail of their lives also.

  6. Ok so I've had a "smart meter" for over a year. And the last three electric bills I've have received have been "estimated" and "estimated" at three times the actual amount used......

  7. My first few bills after getting the smart meter were slightly higher,possibly because of the colder weather.I use an electric space heater on extremely cold nights,but my house has oil heat.My most recent bill was much lower than the previous 2 and on par with my electric bills pre-smart meter.

  8. That poster they sent me is ridiculous. Read it in both languages. They say two different things!

  9. Its all a scam to see into your house... If you knew whyting of electronics you would know they emit a microwave signal and when you have millions of signals bouncing around, they can make a picture form that... So if you have a smart meter sending millions if not billions of signals every second, they can make a picture of the indie of your house... And in fact they can see where you are standing because of your heart beat...

    Yeah you all think its crazy, but the govt ALWAYS HAS A REASON TO DO SOMETHING... ALWAYS... and since we are a police state what better way to spy on people than their home... You already heard the CIA and the NSA say they will watch you thru your dishwasher or dryer? you thought they were kidding? well they were not and in fact they can based on the microwave signals...

    Not to mention over exposure to electromagnetic radiation is harmful to the body after a certain point...

    If all this is for the compensation to have no workers come out to read meters, then why is it for the whole lifespan of my power bill I have ALWAYS READ MY OWN METER AND SEND THAT TO THEM AND GET BILLED FOR IT, so where does their argument hold water? they already DON'T SEND workers out to read meters...

    The proof is in the bill the guy wants to pass... saying you can pay a fee for not being spied on and to have your house burn down...

    I also bet you didn't know smart meters can cause fires and when that happens the power company makes it your fault because they put the meter in but will say the base is the owners responsibility and that is what caused the fire when in reality to can't a billion hertz going into a 60 hertz system without it overloading...

    To add, you all are so dumb and gullible you will believe anything the govt tells you won't you? if they told you that running into a brick wall head on will give you wings to fly I bet you will run into every wall trying...

  10. 10:31

    We know who you are and have been watching you for a very long time!

    The Government

  11. Can they be hacked to go backwards?

  12. 10:31

    Very coincidental that you posted at 10:31. That happens to be the time that we will be there tomorrow to pick you up. Dress is casual. tin foil optional.

  13. 10:31 I like to think of paranoia as a "heightened sense of awareness". I was telling my family the NSA was spying on all of the American citizens with no exceptions. They called me paranoid, where's your tin foil hat? etc. Well guess who’s laughing now?

  14. FYI if you do not want a smart meter and you have been luck enough that one has not already been placed on your home. Write a letter to Delmarve Power and tell them you do not want a Smart Meter installed on your home.Send this letter resistered mail for it to be legal. If Smart Meter has been installed and you don't want it, go in person to Delmarva Power and tell them to remove the Smart Meter ASAP. I had to go twice but it was finally removed after three long weeks.
    This right is granted by the Md Public Service Comm.

  15. Just had a fellow worker come in this morning and said the power company put in a smart meter when he wasn't home...

    NOW everything in his house is fried... Water conditioner motherboard fired, direct tv system fried... Luckily his house didn't burn down, but guess what its all his fault and guess why?

    Because the power companies say it is the square box the meter goes in is the problem, and that is the homeowners responsibility... NOW HE GETS TO BATTLE IT OUT IN COURT...

    Bet you all love them awesome smart meters now right?

  16. Who is going to be responsible when your pipes freeze?


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