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Sunday, March 09, 2014

New MSP Helicopter

Salisbury Police ‏
Spd would like to welcome the new "Trooper 4" to Salisbury. Looking forward to working with the new MSP AW139 helicopter and crew.


  1. what a waste of taxpayers money! total bs!

  2. MARYLAND STATE POLICE not SPD. Salisbury will never have the ability to own and operate air craft.

  3. It might be nice if we could actually afford it! Oh, I forgot we can just borrow more money for our kids to repay.

  4. What's the $ per hour cost to fly that thing anyway? I know for a fact it's in the thousands because the old one was.This one will be even more expensive to fly and maintain.

  5. Nice looking helicopter.

  6. No one who has had a family member saved by a life flight is complaining about the cost. Might be you or yours on day.

  7. I have no problem using tax money for things that benefit us all.But to give money to enviromental groups is a waste,cant show for any of it except some stupid signs.

  8. Anonymous said...
    What's the $ per hour cost to fly that thing anyway? I know for a fact it's in the thousands because the old one was.This one will be even more expensive to fly and maintain.

    March 5, 2014 at 2:48 PM

    Let's put it this way. A private helicopter flight from PRMC to Baltimore, a 30 minute flight, costs nearly $40,000. The MSP does not take flights from PRMC to Baltimore anymore. But they will take a drunk who fell off a bar stool in Seacrets in Ocean City to PRMC. What a waste of tax dollars.

  9. Anonymous said...
    No one who has had a family member saved by a life flight is complaining about the cost. Might be you or yours on day.

    March 5, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    The helicopters don't save lives, physicians do. By the way take Ocean City for example. When the ambulance gets to the patient they call for the helicopter and they have to wait. The wait is so long that the ambulance can actually drive to PRMC in Salisbury quicker. It has been proven.

  10. whine whine whine you people need some cheese to go with your whining get out and get a life burger king is hiring for you morons

  11. I am sure it is a waste of tax payer's money but it is pretty cool

  12. Out of control government.
    They spend YOUR hard earned money on their toys. Their very expensive toys.

  13. Maybe if all the people that have commented on this site about not paying taxes, working under the table, or hiding money/assets would pay their taxes, it would not be such a burden to have a new trauma helicopter.

  14. March 5, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    The helicopters don't save lives, physicians do. By the way take Ocean City for example. When the ambulance gets to the patient they call for the helicopter and they have to wait. The wait is so long that the ambulance can actually drive to PRMC in Salisbury quicker. It has been proven.

    In case you didn't know anon 3:13PM the Maryland State Police has stationed Trooper 4 in Ocean City the last 3-4 years during the summer months. This was done to expedite trauma patients to PRMC or Baltimore. Yes the helicopters that are strategically placed through out the state help save lives by transporting patients much quicker by air then by ground. The physicians are not the only ones involved in patient care. It all starts with the EMS crews treating and packaging the patient first, transported to the hospital by land or air with the final assessment and further treatment done by emergency physicians. It has been proven many times that a patients survival rate is dramatically increased when they go by air. The best thing about the Med-evac program conducted by the Maryland State Police is that there is no charge to the patient or family for transport from the scene to the hospital.

  15. Every one of the complainers would be the first waiting on the chopper when it was THEIR kid laying on the side of the road. So typical of the eastern shore.

  16. So what should taxpayer money be spent on? If proven lifesaving equipment is not worthless spending money on? More welfare for the lazy?

  17. Im for this kinda spending..we all benefit from its potiential...expensive yes ...complain about welfare spending ..supporting illegals education..bay clean BS taxes ..rain chicken tax ..revenue cap attacks..2nd admendment attacks but not this....rock n roll guys... hope i or my family never need yor help..

  18. get real this is overkill and total bs! but all you libs and police supporters think it's just the greatest. so how about this, you use it you pay for just like everything else in life! why should I have to pay for this type of bs, and if for some reason I would ever want it all I need to do is sign on the dotted line! that's not to hard is it? oh but I forgot you libs want us to pay for all your bs ideas!

  19. 7PM liberal, "the best thing is that it is free". Nothing is free, it's paid for by taxpayers which is why some are complaining. Free is the problem with government programs, it's totally out of control and Obama and O'Malley are making it worse every day.

  20. YES! MSP putting ITALIANS and BRITS to work.
    Why not buy AMERICAN?

  21. And now you know why the real side of the state laughs at the eastern shore. Ignorant fools who wouldn't know a good thing even if it fell on your head. 8 helicopters servicing roughly 6 million people. They are the direct reason why hundreds of otherwise dead people are saved every year. This is EXACTLY what "Taxpayer" money should be spent on. Again, if money isn't spent on this, what exactly should it be spent on? More Obama phones and food stamps?

  22. Anonymous said...
    whine whine whine you people need some cheese to go with your whining get out and get a life burger king is hiring for you morons

    March 5, 2014 at 4:28 PM

    You need to get a job and pay taxes so you would know what it is like.

  23. Anonymous said...
    I am sure it is a waste of tax payer's money but it is pretty cool

    March 5, 2014 at 5:16 PM

    That's what the firemen say.

  24. March 5, 2014 at 3:13 PM

    The helicopters don't save lives, physicians do. By the way take Ocean City for example. When the ambulance gets to the patient they call for the helicopter and they have to wait. The wait is so long that the ambulance can actually drive to PRMC in Salisbury quicker. It has been proven.

    In case you didn't know anon 3:13PM the Maryland State Police has stationed Trooper 4 in Ocean City the last 3-4 years during the summer months. This was done to expedite trauma patients to PRMC or Baltimore. Yes the helicopters that are strategically placed through out the state help save lives by transporting patients much quicker by air then by ground. The physicians are not the only ones involved in patient care. It all starts with the EMS crews treating and packaging the patient first, transported to the hospital by land or air with the final assessment and further treatment done by emergency physicians. It has been proven many times that a patients survival rate is dramatically increased when they go by air. The best thing about the Med-evac program conducted by the Maryland State Police is that there is no charge to the patient or family for transport from the scene to the hospital.

    March 5, 2014 at 7:00 PM

    That doesn't mean they have actual traumas. You sound like an idiot. The Helicopter is stationed there because The Ocean City Fire Department is the worst abuser of the Helicopter so politics say its best to station it near OC. Again it doesn't prove the need.

  25. ok 11:06 I am tired of aholes like you spouting off bs! lets see the numbers. exactly who was saved and what contributions have they made to our society vs the dollars spent to keep them alive? put up or stfu! like I said you want it you pay for it! why force others to pay for what you think is a good idea? Maybe I think it's a good idea all liberals ought to given fee lobotomys. Can I get the taxpayer to pay for that?

  26. 5:52 I am not 11:06 and I'm certainly not a liberal. I have seen these helicopters in action dozens of times - from transporting trauma patients to assisting ground officers in locating suspects. It is an asset and a force multiplier. It saves lives. Transporting patients to Baltimore and getting them to shock trauma within the "golden hour" has proven to be priceless when saving lives. You are one of those "conservatives" who give real conservatives a bad name. Maybe one day you will need an air transport to U/M Shock Trauma......but due to more like you....it won't be available. Rather than being transported within the golden hour someone will stand over your grave and give you a "golden shower".

  27. Would that someone be you 9:08?

  28. As someone who was on a ventilator and dying I can tell you that I sit here today thankful and grateful for a helicopter. They transported me via helicopter to John Hopkins in Baltimore where my life was saved. Helicopters do get older and maintaining those helicopters is quite expensive. If it was your loved one who was dying you would want the opportunity to be flown over the bridge. You would want every chance you could get to save your family and loved ones.

  29. 9:08 ohhh tough talk, force multiplier! wow you really got my attention now. I'm impressed! NOT! like I said you want you pay for it what part of that don't you understand? Now go f off and piss on your mom and tell her it's raining! if she's as stupid as you are she'll buy it!

  30. Again 5:52, what should tax money be spent on?

  31. WASTE OF TAX PAYING DOLLARSMarch 9, 2014 at 2:53 PM

    Cost us Tax-payers $2,000 dollars and hour to fly this thing...

  32. WASTE OF TAX PAYING DOLLARSMarch 9, 2014 at 2:53 PM

    Cost us Tax-payers $2,000 dollars and hour to fly this thing...

  33. Anonymous said...
    5:52 I am not 11:06 and I'm certainly not a liberal. I have seen these helicopters in action dozens of times - from transporting trauma patients to assisting ground officers in locating suspects. It is an asset and a force multiplier. It saves lives. Transporting patients to Baltimore and getting them to shock trauma within the "golden hour" has proven to be priceless when saving lives. You are one of those "conservatives" who give real conservatives a bad name. Maybe one day you will need an air transport to U/M Shock Trauma......but due to more like you....it won't be available. Rather than being transported within the golden hour someone will stand over your grave and give you a "golden shower".

    March 6, 2014 at 9:08 AM

    Mow be a fireman saying this. Who else would know what the Golden Hour is.

  34. Anonymous said...
    As someone who was on a ventilator and dying I can tell you that I sit here today thankful and grateful for a helicopter. They transported me via helicopter to John Hopkins in Baltimore where my life was saved. Helicopters do get older and maintaining those helicopters is quite expensive. If it was your loved one who was dying you would want the opportunity to be flown over the bridge. You would want every chance you could get to save your family and loved ones.

    March 6, 2014 at 11:56 AM

    If you were so smart you would know that the MSP helicopters no longer do inter-facility transports. If you were so smart you would have carried your lazy butt up to Annapolis and fought with the legislators that allowed this to happen. You are worthless and have no clue what you are talking about.

  35. 4:46
    I am not 11:56 but when did they stop doing the inter-facility transports? I know someone that had a child transported from Salisbury to Balitmore via a helicopter. It's been probably about 3 years now but just curious when it changed.


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