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Sunday, March 09, 2014

Mitchell Campaign Trying To Use Salisbury News To Promote Fundraiser

In typical CHUCK COOK style, the Mitchell Campaign is trying to use our comments to publish County Council Candidate Laura Mitchell fundraisers. Yes, not one but a few of them.

Clearly JT can't provide enough traffic to get more than 2 or 3 people to show up and or people who have any MONEY so in typical Chuck Cook/Frank Kratovil style they are trying to use our Website to get people to show up.

We will continue to REJECT those comments. Remember Laura, I have "THE SMOKING GUN" against you that will come out two weeks before the election. YOU WILL LOSE.


  1. She is horrible for the city, and worse for the county. Hope she loses both, quickly. Either way, the employed foot most of her bills, if not ALL.

  2. If you have dirt on her why not just release it now?

  3. What are they trying to post?

  4. nail her joe! wtf is wrong with this city and the voters in it?

  5. I love the whoa is me picture if the voters vote for this idiot it will be part 2 of ruining Wicomico county she and liarton have done in Salisbury.

  6. Does this woman like Attention or what ? She knows something bad is coming out againt her 2 weeks before voting what is Wrong with the welfare QUEEN ?


  8. Bring back america.March 4, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    Maybe Johnathan taylor can make her some marijauna cup cakes and her and our openly Gay Mayor can sell them at the kindergarden school where jim works.

  9. She should use the money from her fundraiser to buy some decent clothes.

  10. Blackmail and extortion is a crime Albero. Worse than that it's a parasitic practice by those without conscience or soul.

  11. If you go --

    Ask her spouse about his employment record at Albright College!

  12. 6:05, The only blackmail in Laura's life is her husband.

  13. 605 ....Trust me what is coming out on mitchell I am sure was ok d by Lawyerscjoe ain't that stupid.

  14. My lawyers have viewed the information and have given me the go ahead to publish it.

    Trust me, she's going to be so pissed off it isn't funny but it is perfectly legal on my behalf.

  15. What a schrewd woman. Surely she is capable of being an effective candidate. She has already generated a tremendous amount of attention to herself. I am sure a lot of people are same as me, and that is

    I had no idea this woman was running for anything until reading your blog. You are not her campaign manager are you?

  16. 6:48, aka, JT, ROTFLMAO. You people are incredibly stupid to think a comment like that would impress others to believe it's true. You should have left off the last sentence and you might have gotten away with it.

    Well, (following along) you'll want to stick around two weeks before the actual election to see what we will deliver about Mitchell.

    So ALL of you know, the day I go public with this information I will be delivering the same to WBOC, WMDT and the Daily Times. They WILL have the very same evidence TWO WEEKS BEFORE the election to confront her about what has been exposed.

    This may prove that your local media may cover up the biggest story of the year. Think DEEP Laura. What could be the WORST thing Joe Albero could ever come up with that YOU would never expect him to know. HMMMMMM

  17. When is the election?

  18. One major problem Joe, she and her butt buddy's control the votes that get counted on the machines. Just flip the header, bingo, Ireton is mayor instead of you.

  19. Bring back america. said...
    Maybe Johnathan taylor can make her some marijauna cup cakes and her and our openly Gay Mayor can sell them at the kindergarden school where jim works.

    March 4, 2014 at 5:18 PM

    Jim doesn't teach anymore. Dr. Freddy gave the HOMO a gravy job where he does nothing for a half a day and gets full time benefits then he goes to the County Government Office Building and F**ks up the City. He is a TAD teacher so that means he barely has any students throughout the week. Ask my children about him.

  20. Anonymous said...
    Blackmail and extortion is a crime Albero. Worse than that it's a parasitic practice by those without conscience or soul.

    March 4, 2014 at 6:05 PM

    What the? Is this the same "sedition and treason" Homo from an earlier article?

  21. JoeAlbero said...
    Whoops, black male.

    March 4, 2014 at 6:19 PM

    Hahahaha! oooops! Chuck Cook is going to post that on your/their web page saying you are racist.

  22. Anonymous said...
    One major problem Joe, she and her butt buddy's control the votes that get counted on the machines. Just flip the header, bingo, Ireton is mayor instead of you.

    March 4, 2014 at 7:52 PM

    We do have some good Republicans running for the County Council and if the Dems like these losers win then we can say for sure that the election was rigged. Laura Mitchell, Ernie Davis, Josh Hastings and Ron Pagano are in the Ireton/Cook click and they are trash.

    Remember to Vote Republican.

    This message is not endorsed by any candidate.

  23. Who is the dude with the ugly hat? He needs to hit the treadmill every day for a couple of weeks.

  24. 9:43 PM don't forget about Kirby Travers. He is definitely a red neck Democrat from the Hebron area.

  25. Anonymous said...

    March 4, 2014 at 5:13 PM

    Panhandle? She looks like a man with Love Handles.

  26. Anonymous said...
    She should use the money from her fundraiser to buy some decent clothes.

    March 4, 2014 at 5:35 PM

    Don't worry Gamee Elliot and the crooks at the Chamber of Commerce will be raising money to get her on the County Council and dress her up to try and look professional.

    I can tell you this much she is despised at the Maryland Municipal League and you can be rest assured she will be despised at the Maryland Associations of County's, also known as MaCo.

  27. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Blackmail and extortion is a crime Albero. Worse than that it's a parasitic practice by those without conscience or soul.

    March 4, 2014 at 6:05 PM

    Hey genius... nowhere did Joe say "or else", or "unless you pay me...". So, your blackmail and extortion theory is a pipe dream. He is flat out going to post about her. She's an elected official, her life should be an open book for all to see.

  28. we see how long kratovil lasted, it's time to clean house again!

  29. How did Kratovil lose when all the elections here are supposed to be rigged?

  30. I for one would never ever vote dem. In my life time simply because of Obama . That being said I find it strange that you would withhold what you referee to as "evidence" from the public. If this evidence is powerful why would you keep it from us? Why wait 2 weeks before the election? I'm only guessing but, is it so she doesn't have time for damage control ? Either way I hope she never gains office on the shore again.

    One final question. is this "evidence" enough to have her removed from the office she now holds.

    Once again I apologize for any spelling errors and, not knowing how to construct a sentence .

  31. Anonymous said...
    How did Kratovil lose when all the elections here are supposed to be rigged?

    March 5, 2014 at 12:29 PM

    Rigging the city election was the beginning for local elections Dumbo. This is a new Device by Jim Ireton and Chuck Cook. Worked for Obama so now they will make it work for the County elections.

  32. 2:55 PM you damage control theory is right on.

  33. And what's her chubby hubby up to these days --- and with whom???

  34. Looks like Oliver twist sitting t her and saying, can I have some more.


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