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Sunday, March 09, 2014

Harrier Added To June’s Air Show Performer List

OCEAN CITY – The Ocean City Air Show announced this week it will be one of only six events in the nation that will feature a demonstration by the U.S. Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier during this summer’s event.

The Harrier is one of the most sought after military aircraft demonstrations because of its unique ability to hover and perform a vertical take-off and landing. A Harrier demo at an oceanfront venue is dramatic because of the spray it creates when it descends vertically to hover just a few hundred feet above the surface of the water.

The 7th Annual OC Air Show to take place June 14-15 will be the only air show of the year in the mid-Atlantic region to feature a Harrier demo. The U.S. Marine Corps is the third branch of the U.S. military to announce support for the OC Air Show. The U.S. Army Silver Wings Parachute Team will also perform and the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds will headline the event.



  1. Ok. Let's all go stand around under the flight path of planes doing dangerous maneuvers!!

  2. 550, I'm glad you're not going! What a clueless butt wipe! Freshen up on your airshow pilot's rules before you show everyone how ignorant you are!


  3. 7:25 Try googling airshow accidents before you call people names. Typical redneck response…no facts and name calling.

  4. Yes, recent stories have shown how pilots always follow the rules!

  5. Hey 5:50pm....screw you a $$ hole. I was a gulf war Marine and I saw first hand what these wicked warrior's could do..to protect US. Of course you wouldn't know anything about that would you?

  6. 7:49pm...another ungrateful civilian. Eat crap dirtbag

  7. truth be told the harrier is a great aircraft, once they figured out how to make the nozzles revert together during a failure. That stopped them from flipping over and plowing into the tarmac. Wait until the JSF (F35) replaces these and the blue angels start flying them. The stunts that can be performed with the F35 will raise the bar again! Making for one hell of an air show!

  8. Would they be the same people that now fly commercial airplanes? You people are too stupid to pick up on what 5:50 was implying. Y'all are whining on this blog about a pilot doing a fly by of his house because it was zoo dangerous but you want to go to an air show. Air shows have a terrible safety record. Google it. Semper fi. What do to now?

  9. It costs too much to have a life flight copter but lets spend money on flying planes around for entertainment. Makes too much sense to me!

  10. Freedom has a taste the protected will never know. You people warm yourselves under the blanket of freedom we provide and then you dare to question the means by which we provide it? In Gratitude Does Not Begin To Describe Your Cowardly behavior.

  11. Jimbob
    The last war that was fought for freedom was WWII. We/you lost Korea & Vietnam. Gulf/Iraq/Afghanistan were wastes of human life since the countries could have been bombed beyond recognition.

  12. ok for you mental midgets out there. no one is twisting your arm to attend this show so don't! hmmm the military vs the state police? not sure which one actually performs a needed function here! any ideas? fools!

  13. I am constantly amazed at how many people yearn for the good ol' days. you know, where people would mind their own business and not try to influence what their neighbor should or should not like or do. If you don't want to go the the air show, don't go. If you don't like the noise, don't go. Stay home and relax. Do some gardening or whatever it is that you like. If you don't like air shows, car shows, Dew Tours, etc., don't go. Why does anyone nowadays feel the need to condemn what someone else likes or dislikes. Ah... for the good ol' days.

  14. lmao in the good ol days obummer would be president! and all the crazy libs would stay in the closet!

  15. what good is any show of military force when we can't even prevent a communist country from invading our allies? it's all a show and no respect on the global scale, this country has become weak and weary, send the blue angels to crimea or ukraine and let them show off there


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