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Sunday, March 09, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: US Sending Fighter Jets To Boost NATO Presence In Europe Amid Ukraine Crisis

The Defense Department confirms it will send six additional F-15s and one KC-135 to support the defenses of US allies in Europe in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine's Crimean peninsula.



  1. Quite a "Revelation"

  2. Who made that decision and why?

  3. Just whatever you do, don't cross the red line. lol

  4. really F-15's against the new Migs, stupid

  5. I expect to see Cindy Sheehan and all the rest of the supposed anti war crowd start getting loud again. Bet we don't though. Liberals ONLY have principles when there is an agenda attached to it.

  6. 6:08 I agree with the sentiment but for different reasons my friend. Learn your international aviation before you chime in.
    The F-15 is a very formidable foe especially considering the glass platforms on board. There is no "new" МИГ. (MIG) However the Russians have substantially upgrade the Sukhoi SU-27 airframe to the new SU-37. which does have some modern radars and armaments as well as thrust vectoring and a glass cockpit. It is still no match for our front line aircraft or pilots. In general the Russian air force is still grossly dilapidated, out dated and in a very poor state of repair and readiness.
    BUT, 6 f-15's and a tanker are a clownish laughable response to Putin.
    So what did anyone expect from Obama? (the clownish, laughable presididnt)

  7. Those planes are a public display and decoys for what we have within striking range.

  8. a couple dozen f22's would definitely have gotten puten's attention! figures Obama would send f15's. good aircraft but limited capability! just like him! lmao!

  9. I see the bear from the north and the dragon from the east joining forces.

  10. 8:55 It does not matter. Both of them combined do not have our Naval and/or Air force capability.
    They're advantage is sheer numbers of troops. Only. Which is meaningless until they get to this continent, which they will not do.
    That is in a conventional warfare scenario. Lets not entertain thermo nuclear at this time...

  11. Got to love the armchair generals.

  12. 9:15 You are naive to say the least....

  13. Like the 50,000 National Guardsmen who were sent to the US-Mexican border UNARMED.Just a big show to appease the public & appear like additional border control.With this action Obama is insulting Putins intelligence in the same manner he insulted ours.Is anyone actually fooled by this?

  14. I'm sure Putin is shaking in his boots...NOT, LOL.

  15. Sometimes I think we are NATO,all by ourselves.

  16. Amen 4:00.The rest of the NATO countries are behind us all the way.Waaay behind us.


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