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Sunday, March 09, 2014

Reid Hits Koch Brothers For Putting Money In Politics With Incendiary Speech

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday singled out the Koch brothers in an incendiary speech on the chamber floor, calling their involvement in politics “un-American” and accusing them of trying to use their wealth to undermine democracy.

His opening remarks stoked a feud that has grown nastier week by week as Democrats worry about their prospects in November’s elections.

Groups associated with Charles and David Koch, billionaire industrialists with deep ties to libertarian and conservative circles, have been running ads attacking Obamacare.



    Replace Koch brothers with George Soros.
    He spends a lot more on Democrats than they do on conservatives.
    Exactly, un-American...

  2. Truth hurts hey harry cant hide from the abysmal failure......goodbye to you

  3. Dingy Harry accusing the Koch brothers of using incendiary speech?????!!!! Really??

    He stated from the well of the Senate that Americans are liars regarding complaints with Obamacare, and that Romney did not pay taxes. Dingy Harry is surely confused.

  4. The Ford Foundation gives more money to liberal and communist causes than ALL conservative donors combined.

  5. Can we arrange to have Harry's plane run out of fuel at 20,000 feet?

  6. On the latest list of donors for the election cycles; the Koch brothers came in #58. Most of the largest donors were UNIONS and dems. hmmmmmm. go back to sleep harry.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Can we arrange to have Harry's plane run out of fuel at 20,000 feet?

    March 5, 2014 at 9:50 PM

    That is exactly how he should die. I would love to see the video the exact minute he finds out.

  8. An interesting union that spen a lot of money on Obama was the International Association of Firefighters. Remember the 12 that were just hired by the Salisbury Fire Department on that Federal Grant!

  9. 9:50 - that would waste a good plane!
    Have it run out of passenger oxygen....

  10. If they donated to the DNC, you wouldn't hear a word from dingy reid. He's as crooked as they come.

  11. Wow the hate on here is really rediculous. You can disagree with someone withour being disagreeable or wishing them dead.

  12. Harry would be in such a state of denial that he would survive the plane crash.Not a piece of wreckage as big as a breadbox and he would just walk away unharmed.

  13. Harry needs to take a long nap !!

  14. Hey Harry,

    Stop blabbing and put your False Teeth back in your Mouth you old FART...


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