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Sunday, March 09, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 3-4-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Police:"IF NECESSARY"...Will Go Door To Door To Ta...":

Lock and Load! Time to stock up on the Ammo. Join your local Militia. In the mean time you have an election coming up in November. If you believe in gun rights as well as your property rights the best thing you can do for your country is vote for the best Republican. No more I'm voting for Norman Conway because he is a nice guy and he looks out for the shore. No Dumb Dumb Norman Conway looks out for himself. No more voting for Jim Mathias because he was Ocean City's Mayor and he is a nice guy and he will look out for the Eastern Shore. No Sleeping Beauty he might be a nice guy, but he is looking out for himself. No more voting for people like Barbara Mikulski because she is a nice lady and she looks out for the Eastern Shore. No Barbara Mikulski looks out for herself and herself only. These Democrats are strict Democrats and rarely ever cross the aisle. The Democrats have already made their decision before something comes up for a vote. The meet on issues and decide what they are going to do and how they are going to vote before the issue is voted on. Yes they meet on the issues and no Republicans are invited. If you think this doesn't happen then you are a fool. What do you think Rick Pollitt spends all his time in Annapolis for? He is meeting with other Democrats and lining up his future in politics.

If we want to save out country and our rights we need to vote for every Republican on the ballot whether you like them or not. This goes for town and county elections even if they are non partisan. No more Jim Ireton's, Jake Day's and Laura Mitchell's. WTH were you guys thinking. In the city election the Republican Party needs to find good candidates for the Mayor in Council. We have a County election coming up and you have to vote Republican. I have seen some negative comments on her about John Cannon. Guess what he may be a RINO at times, but your other choices are Laura Mitchell and Muir Boda. Laura is a blood sucking leech on the tax payers and Muir Boda is not a Republican, he is a liberal Libertarian who switched parties just to have a better shot and winning an election. The candidates to avoid in the County elections are Laura Mitchell, Muir Boda, Kirby Travers, Ernie Davis, Josh Hastings and Ron Pagano.

In the state elections avoid Norman Conway and Jim Mathias by all means.

To all good Democrat voters it is important that you cross party lines in the general elections and vote Republican. If you want your country back it is important that you have an open mind and vote Republican. You may even want to reconsider your party affiliation, but do not vote for a Democrat again. We need to get rid of the straight down the party line Democrats as they have ruined our country. Think about how many jobs are lost? How much money you lost in the stock market? If you are a farmer your property rights are gone. How much has gas gone up since 2008? How much has taxes gone up since 2008? Do not believe the Jim Ireton's and Chuck Cook's of the Democrat Party. They are the reason Salisbury and the state of Maryland are in the shape it's in. Please vote Republican on November 4, 2014!!


  1. I think this post is an excellent example of what is wrong with our country and its government. Who give a rodent's behind what political party someone belongs to? We've got true idiots and imbecils in both parties. We've also got solid citizen-leaders in both parties.

    How about you climb down off your partisan high-horse and lay out some REAL reasons to vote for or against somebody?

    Oh, I know why - that would take too much effort. You'd actually have to look at people's record and square it up with FACTS, rather than seeing the world through partisan-colored glasses.

    George Washington was wise to warn us against the rise of the power of political parties...

  2. All politicians look out for themselves. Did you ever see a poor former president?

  3. @ 10:40-There are lots of REAL reasons and IF you were as open minded as you would like to claim (to quote: "Rather than seeing the world through partisan-colored glasses"), you would damned well know the reasons. I will concede that there may be a few decent democrats, but by and large they are immoral, do as I say and not as I do, tax and spend criminals and have driven this country to the point of no return. Square it up with the FACTS.

  4. I wonder what Democrat wrote the 10:40 AM post. I can assure you if it wasn't Ireton or Cook they have close ties to the two of them. Go crawl back under your rock so we can save our country.

    If you think these weren't good examples to vote against the ones mentioned then you are part of the problem. There may be idiots and imbeciles in both parties, but they are definitely the ones voting and supporting Obama and that Muslim administration.

    It appears to me that you are a partisan Democrat since you really can't accept the truth.

    I urge ALL good people to vote Republican in the next election. 10:40 AM is a lost cause. Time to move on from him.

  5. This is definitely the best post I have seen in a long time.

  6. Comment worthy of a post???!!! Got news for you arm chair warriors; sedition is a crime against the USA. Joe are you promoting sedition and treason here?

  7. Hey 10:40 AM you want facts? Apparently you haven't read the article on the cop killer!! Proof that Democrats vote straight down the party line. What do you bet this guy gets appointed by all Democrat votes. See below!


    On Monday we will learn a great deal more about what sort of party the Democrats are in 2014. Senator Harry Reid will move the nomination of the brazen race radical Debo Adegbile to the floor of the Senate for a vote. Adegbile is the President’s nominee for the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the Justice Department, one of the most powerful appointments in the executive branch.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Comment worthy of a post???!!! Got news for you arm chair warriors; sedition is a crime against the USA. Joe are you promoting sedition and treason here?

    March 4, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    OOOOOOOOOHH! Are you trying to scare Joe and the readers!

    Treason is you and your Democrats voting for and supporting an illegal alien from Kenya as your President. Treason is you and your Democrats allowing the Kenyan to trample on and ignore the United States Constitution.

    YOU are to stupid to realize that your President would have never been eligible to walk through the doors of the White House until he stole the election because of you and your Democrats. Now the White House and the administration is infiltrated with illegals and the Muslim Brotherhood because you soft hearted liberal are to stupid to know any better. Sad thing is you are allowed to vote, without an ID of course.

  9. 11:07 AM I just looked up Treason and it had a picture of Obama next to it. I was hoping to see your picture there, but it's not there yet.

    Teason - the crime of betraying one's country, esp. by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.

    Sounds exactly like what your President is doing. You are an accomplice.

  10. 11:17, Not to worry. It's just JT trying to stir the pot, as usual.

    Over the years I've received calls from the White House, the FBI and so forth. The Anti Albero people go to great lengths to try to get me into trouble only to find out the comments sent to them were bogus and made up.

    in fact, I have a direct connection/contact to the White House if ANYONE attempts to threaten the President.

    FUNNY, ever since I made that announcement years ago, ALL of those kind of comments stopped because they knew it was the Anti Albero people sending them in with the hope they'd get published. That's right, it was Obama's own people sending them in trying to get US in trouble.

    So please don't worry. I may not like Obama's politics but the President is aware of my Freedom of Speech, as well as all of our viewers.

    The joke has always been on JT. I'll bet HE doesn't have friends in the White House.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Comment worthy of a post???!!! Got news for you arm chair warriors; sedition is a crime against the USA. Joe are you promoting sedition and treason here?

    March 4, 2014 at 11:07 AM

    Do you even own a gun? I bet not.

    Do you even own property? I bet not.

    My guess is that you live in the City limits and you are renting where you live. Are you living in someone's basement?

  12. Joe the fat one referred to JT doesn't in fact have friends in the White House. Most of his friends are at White Castle.

  13. Heard through the grapevine Laura Mitchel is having a fundraiser tonight that is open to the public. folks should stop by and let her know what they think of her politics.

  14. The way I am voting this year is: Dont care if Republican or Democrat, I am voting for any and all NEW Canidates. Anyone running for another term, will not get my vote.

  15. 10:40-You're acting like it rocket science or something! Let's start by looking at the inner cities nationwide-they are war zones. Oh of course there are small pockets here and there of niceness but for the most part they are horrible and not to mention broke. The common denominator is-generations of democratic control.
    Then we have obamacare. A boon doggle of epic proportions.
    "If you like your current health insurance plan you can keep it."
    obama is a pathological liar. He doesn't know what's going on at the IRS, NSA, Benghazi, and on and on. He's the consummate incompetent. Anyone with a "D" behind their name, condones him and his lack of integrity. That's is their true colors proving they too are lacking in morals and all other virtues.

  16. Some FACTS for you 10:40.
    The top 10 cities (pop. over 250,000) w/the highest poverty levels ALL have had democratic mayors for decades.
    As if poverty isn't enough the most violent cities in the country are run by democrats.
    Democrats and their policies have ruined the country. There are no if's, and's or but's about it. This is not debatable. All the democrat policies have been failures. While people are murdering and raping each other, you democrats are worried about obesity and gay rights.
    Only an ignoramus would care about gay rights. If gays had any sense they would want to know who thinks they are perverted and not want to do business and spend money with them.

  17. Who the hell is this Cook guy you keep referring to?

  18. Good answer, 10:40. Let's abolish parties and make people figure out about a candidate based on what they say and stand for, not the letter next to their name. The problem is that many - on both sides- don't know how to read anything besides those letters. And THAT'S a comment worthy of a post.

  19. Cook is Ireton's Heinrick Himmler, Hitler's reignstock, speekensee Duetch?

  20. Got news for you, folks. If Cannon, Mitchell and Boda are the only ones who filed for at-large, you will be stuck with at least one of the last two because there are only 2 at-large seats.

  21. Republicans and Democrats. 2 sides of the same coin. Neither party is good for the country as they exist today.

    The ONLY reason we have 2 parties is that they colluded to create a system that gives them a 50% chance of power and eliminates political competition. When will people realize this?

  22. Doesn't anyone bother to actually research anything before they spout off. Cannon, Boda, and Mitchell are filed for at-large seats. But so is Matt Holloway. Two of this group won't make it into office in December. It's your choice which ones.

  23. Democrats want people to rely on government and not free enterprise.

  24. Excellent Comment Worthy of a Post.

    To bad it ruffled some ignorant Democrat feathers. They are very sad people who can't understand the truth and then they get ignorant about the "Facts."

  25. Anonymous said...
    Some FACTS for you 10:40.
    The top 10 cities (pop. over 250,000) w/the highest poverty levels ALL have had democratic mayors for decades.
    As if poverty isn't enough the most violent cities in the country are run by democrats.
    Democrats and their policies have ruined the country. There are no if's, and's or but's about it. This is not debatable. All the democrat policies have been failures. While people are murdering and raping each other, you democrats are worried about obesity and gay rights.
    Only an ignoramus would care about gay rights. If gays had any sense they would want to know who thinks they are perverted and not want to do business and spend money with them.

    March 4, 2014 at 2:07 PM

    These are the Facts, These are the Facts!

    And that's a Fact Jack!

  26. 3:40 PM the slate for Wicomico County Council At-Large Candidates are Matt Holloway, John Cannon, Muir Bota and Laura Mitchell.

    Muir Bota is a Liberal Libertarian who is in bed with the local Democrats. He switched parties to Republican to hopefully improve his chances on getting elected. After all he ran for the City Council twice against Debbie Campbell and he wasn't very nice to her. He ran a nasty campaign against her and he lost. He was and is in bed with the Slum Lords like Stu Leer and Richard Insley. Do those names ring a bell? He also ran for Congress a Libertarian and ... wait, I had to stop laughing I almost choked on my milk ... and he ran a dirty campaign against Andy Harris and LOST again. Are you sure this is who you want be you County Council representative.

    Here is a thought.

    Wicomico County Council Winners 2014

    District 1 - Ernie Davis (D)
    District 2 - Kirby Travers (D)
    District 3 - Josh Hastings (D)
    District 4 - John Hall (R)INO
    District 5 - Ron Pagano (D)
    At-Large - Laura Mitchell (D)
    At-Large - Muir Bota (D, L, R, ??)

    Now that is very scary.

    Do you get the picture. You must vote for every Republican on this Ballot or you will lose more jobs, lose your homes to foreclosures, lose your farmland and your property rights to Mr. Moderate Josh Hastings from the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy. That's right. Mr. Hastings believes in eminent domain and he believes the government should be able to tell the farmers what they can't do with their own property. Get ready folks. Can you see Ron Pagano being his attorney?

  27. Anonymous said...
    Republicans and Democrats. 2 sides of the same coin. Neither party is good for the country as they exist today.

    The ONLY reason we have 2 parties is that they colluded to create a system that gives them a 50% chance of power and eliminates political competition. When will people realize this?

    March 4, 2014 at 4:06 PM

    Are you really that stupid? So yo will keep on voting for the third party candidates or you won't vote at all. And you are allowed to vote.

  28. Joe you should move this back up to the top for Monday morning. It's important that our local people see this and prepare for an ugly fight in the upcoming election.

  29. Anonymous said...
    The way I am voting this year is: Dont care if Republican or Democrat, I am voting for any and all NEW Canidates. Anyone running for another term, will not get my vote.

    March 4, 2014 at 1:42 PM

    What an idiot. Sometimes incumbent Republicans are your best choice. You are a fool if you vote for any Democrat. Ugh! You people can't think for yourselves.

  30. The most sickening thing about the politics of Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton is, they think what they stand for is working, locally, statewide and nationally, when in fact their policy's are and have been proven a complete FAILURE time and time again. When progressives, liberals (democrats) are in control, you see the highest rates of DEBT, TAXES, CRIME and DEVIANCE. You see the highest rates of homeless, unemployment and squalor. You see the lowest rates of income, home ownership and tax revenue.
    The truth is, Cook and Ireton and their ilk have it completely BACKWARDS! They are not progressives. They foster, care for and preside over REGRESSION and DESTRUCTION. They DECIMATE economies, they lower standards and destroy the qualities which made America great.
    They are wrong, they are impotent and they are deviant.
    NEVER vote for anyone like them or connected to them again as they are a force of destruction.

  31. Anonymous said...
    Heard through the grapevine Laura Mitchel is having a fundraiser tonight that is open to the public. folks should stop by and let her know what they think of her politics.

    March 4, 2014 at 12:06 PM

    Does anyone know how her fundraiser went? Does anyone know who was in attendance? Enquiring minds want to know.

  32. Anon 1:53 AM makes and interesting observation.

    Wicomico County Council Winners 2014

    District 1 - Ernie Davis (D)
    District 2 - Kirby Travers (D)
    District 3 - Josh Hastings (D)
    District 4 - John Hall (R)INO
    District 5 - Ron Pagano (D)
    At-Large - Laura Mitchell (D)
    At-Large - Muir Bota (D, L, R, ??)

    Now that is very scary.

    Look at all the people the Dems put up to run against Republicans. Laura Mitchell and Muir Boda at Large candidates. They know they can count on Muir Boda to side with them.

    Notice how they didn't put up anyone to run against RINO John Hall? Because he is married to the Democrat activist Carolyn Hall who is best buds with Jim Ireton. John Hall can be controlled by Jim Ireton through his wife.

    Shame on the Republican Central Committee for not putting up someone to run against Mr. Hall. Proves they only care about someone only having an (R) beside their name to be a candidate for their slate.


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