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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Study: Fatal Car Crashes Involving Marijuana Have Tripled

According to a recent study, fatal car crashes involving pot use have tripled in the U.S.

“Currently, one of nine drivers involved in fatal crashes would test positive for marijuana,” Dr. Guohua Li, director of the Center for Injury Epidemiology and Prevention at Columbia, and co-author of the study told HealthDay News.

Researchers from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health gathered data from six states – California, Hawaii, Illinois, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and West Virginia – that perform toxicology tests on drivers involved in fatal car accidents. This data included over 23,500 drivers that died within one hour of a crash between 1999 and 2010.


  1. They need a breathalyzer test for it - just like alcohol.....

  2. since pot stays in ones system for 30 days after smoking it, I question the validity of that statement.

  3. SKEWED!!!! Sheeple, remember what you are looking at a study that is easily skewed to revel whatever the testers want to support.

    There is so much wrong with this study. So their assertion is that drunk driving is bad, but driving drunk and stoned is worse. I didn't need a study to tell me that. Piggybacking drugs is one of the signs of a substance abuse problem as is endangering the lives other people.

    Instead of taking a prohibition approach how about instructing the public on proper use and protocol of these recently legalized drugs.

  4. 12:49 gave me a chuckle - instructing the public on proper use

  5. LMAO. Such a misleading article. Unlike alcohol, marijuana can stay in your system for quite some time... doesn't mean you are under the influence, as compared to alcohol. What a joke of journalism.

  6. I'm calling BS on that "study"....They are really pulling out all the stops to scare the public now. I can already hear the talking heads on the news channels speaking, in frightful and alarming tones, about the "epidemic" of car crashes by "pot heads". I'll tell you this --- you can smoke the baddest weed ever grown on the plane,t in the history of mankind, and drive from here to California -- and back --- and have no problem. Keep the hysterics down to a reasonable level.

  7. Study just in, eight of nine drivers involved in fatal accidents haven't smoked any weed. Better start smoking

  8. What are their numbers for people under the influence of prescription drugs, I wonder?

  9. So if pot stays in your system for 30 days how are we to know if someone is under the influence of it while they are working? If you want to sit home and smoke it I couldn't care less what you do in your own home but I do worry about people driving if under any influence of a drug.

  10. Marihuana was outlawed in 1937 because prohibition had just been lifted on alcohol and the liquor companies didn't want completion, and the mob needed a new black market product to replace their revenue from bootleg alcohol.

    Next thing you know there will be commercials or maybe even a movie suggesting that if their white daughters smoke pot they are likely to end up with a black jazz musician! Reefer Madness is when you open the refrigerator and it is empty :) lol

  11. Leave no turn unstoned~!

  12. what did they expect? duh...

  13. Since when does Marijuana drive a Motor Vehicle?

  14. Reefer Madness is opening the refrigerator and it's empty! :)

  15. "HEY DUDE, this is some good shi$ here man"February 11, 2014 at 3:25 PM

    How come Obama's car has not crashed yet?

  16. I'm still waiting for the stop sign to turn green

  17. One in five people not driving at all test positive for marijuana. Thank goodness most of them don't own cars.

  18. Pot smokers always claim that smoking makes them "chill". Right? Well I interpret that to mean "not give a sh*t" about anything or anyone which further translates to reckless driving.

  19. It's been pointed out several times that you wouldn't be able to tell how recently the person has smoked. So this article is ridiculous. I'm a mother of 3 and am a daily marijuana user. I believe weed does make it difficult to focus on driving and I wouldn't drive until the effects have worn off, about an hour or so after smoking. Of course, there's always going to be irresponsible people in the world and jump in the car immediately after toking. But that goes for drinking, too. And drinking and driving is worse by far!!

  20. Just because they tested positive doesnt mean they were high when they crashed..smh.. its really not that serious ppl.

  21. The accidents are caused by stoners reaching too far to get their hands on the Doritos bag so they can munch, causing them to veer off the road. So yes, smoking the hay is very dangerous people.


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