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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Former Mayor Barrie Tilghman Says Family Members Are Off Limits To The Press

As many of you know, I have many photos I could have chosen from for this particular Post but I want to send a message to Barrie Tilghman in a professional way so as she will listen to what I'm about to say in a respectful way. 

Yesterday the Daily Times did two articles in their Voices Section. Kind of a point, counter point you might say. Barrie Tilghman basically stated she felt Family Members should be off limits to the Press/Bloggers. 

Barrie, with all due respect, you are way off base here. Your idle threat in your message will never scare me and to suggest legislation is actually starting to rule in your favor is simply hogwash. 

Let's start by going back to the day the image above was taken. In that Press Conference where you felt the need to expose my personal e-mail to you in which I stated you are a waste of good sperm, you went on to say that your Son is a responsible journalist. 

Right there you opened ALL press up to discussion about your Son. For the record, I did not publish anything about her Son, nor will I mention his name now. 

Then came the time when I mentioned your Husband and his involvement in being a partner in the land that now houses the Walmart in Fruitland. That is public information and the public has the right to know.

Finally there was your Daughter who got into a physical altercation with a Council Member immediately following a Council Meeting on the GOB property. There was a Court Hearing on that matter and even the Daily Times brought it up in their paper. 

My suggestion to you Barrie is, don't bring up your Family Members to the Press and I'm sure they/we will certainly NOT bring them up. 

Now, why the Daily Times chose you, (of all people) to participate in this point, counter point discussion is beyond me, unless they were simply using you to get a reaction from their readers.

However, I can assure you that our Legislators are working hard in Annapolis as we speak to further PROTECT Bloggers from being sued by people like you, (as you did to me and lost).

One has to wonder why you are all of a sudden trying to get back into the public eye and or why you would make such statements in the Daily Times. Could it be your preparing to make a run for County Executive or political office and you are trying to scare Bloggers from bringing up you and your Families past? Time will tell. 

I'll simply say this. Salisbury News is here to stay. We provide a much needed service to the Eastern Shore and we feel it is our job to provide a platform for BOTH sides and not ONE side, like the Daily Times. 

In closing, I wish you the very best. While we do not see eye to eye politically, you did serve the public for quite a few years and I respect you for that. I hope you and your Family remain retired and enjoy a wonderful life away from politics. Your skin simply isn't thick enough. 


  1. Its old news and you need to move on. The two of you need to keep your distance and find better things to worry about. Don't look into things so much and focus on something positive.

  2. LOL-is this woman ever obsessed with Sby News. Gotta love it.

  3. 9:29, I agree. However, it was Barrie Tilghman that brought this to the forefront yesterday and mentioned Bloggers. Read the article yourself. I have the right to defend my position as I will NOT be bullied with idol threats.

  4. I was there when that photo was taken! Nobody had heard of blogs until Barrie made such a big deal out of them and even gave out the URL for Joe's blog. She is the one who started the ball rolling and made Joe famous. She set up the situation and when it turned out differently than she hoped she's now trying to deny everything.

  5. Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    Idle threats. My bad.

    February 11, 2014 at 9:35 AM

    Well, you are an idol to some people.


  6. She is wrong, as usual. Elected officials parade their families out front and center when campaigning. If you want privacy for them, then keep them out of the public eye. Too funny that she does mention blogs. Sby News is what she really means. She needs to move on 9:29 because quite frankly with her record, her opinion is worthless.

  7. Barrie trying to stay relevant when she is really just pathetic. Please go away.

  8. thought you said that if you lost the election you were going to quit SBYnews???

  9. County executive? She must have bumped her head good this time.

  10. This all came up because you had that old post up about Ireton's father.

  11. Just like Obama and Hillary Clinton, I can't stand the sight of this woman.

  12. 9:39, that is the same thing the opposing viewpoint said, that elected officials campaign with their families, etc.

    That said, however, a little kindness and discretion for the families, particularly minor children, isn't a bad thing. I actually like to see politicians with their families to remind me they are human. As long as they don't try to prostitute the children, it is kind of nice that they do these things as a family. If family members aren't in the news for doing something bad, they should be left alone. Just my two cents.

  13. 9:51, I didn't lose the election. Just ask people who they voted for and you'll quickly find the answer.

  14. 9:59, that is very possible. Obviously people are quite interested as Blogger now has it as our #1 post for the week.

  15. 10:05 but they do prostitute their children and along with that comes the good the bad and the ugly. If a elected official doesn't want their families in the public eye, then they need to stop dragging them out when the times are good.
    As far as her take on FDR she is so off base, it's funny that someone could be so uninformed. The reason he wasn't photographed in his wheelchair was because at that time there was only the MSM to deal with and as it is today they are controlled.

  16. Barrie's children were and are over 18 adults, sorry fair game.

  17. I needed this laugh today! Thanks! ;-)

  18. JoeAlbero said...
    Idle threats. My bad.

    February 11, 2014 at 9:35 AM

    Well she does idolize you and so does that fat blogger.

  19. Anonymous said...
    thought you said that if you lost the election you were going to quit SBYnews???

    February 11, 2014 at 9:51 AM

    Jimbeau don't you have school work to do?

  20. I have no dog in this fight since I did not move to Salisbury until 2010 and was not here for the Tilghman administration, nor do I really know what happened between Joe and Barrie. I do agree with the earlier comment, however, that said both of you should just move on and stop worrying about what the other says and does. Let it go.

  21. Is it just political types that THINK they have the family off limits gig?

    There are many public figures from doctors to lawyers to college presidents that might want this gig applied too.

    Keep going and you won't be able to print anything about anyone let alone blog it or tweet it.

    An old saying comes to mind...stick and stones may...

    Words ... Get Over Them!

  22. That is one ugly woman.

    Maybe if Pollitt doesn't file for re-election she will.

    Maybe Jimbeau is thinking the same thing.

  23. Speaking as someone with a friend in politics, when her kids were young, they did some campaigning and going to meetings with her. They wanted to be with their mom and learn about things. She told them there were times the paper might say nasty things about her. But no one went after her kids or stalked them at school or talked about what they wore.

    I don't think people should expect officials to give up their families for the privilege of serving the public. It's nice to have regular people run for office. I agree with the poster who said if the kids haven't done something like get drunk, get arrested, etc., leave them alone.

    If they have, they are fair game to the extent anyone else is, but probably shouldn't be more because of choices their parents made.

  24. Children should be off limits.
    Adult children are not.

    I hated the way the media treated Chelsea Clinton when she was in her teens.

  25. She may be a woman, but she is roots deep in the good old boy network and related to many. So is Louise Smith.

  26. when you are in PUBLIC OFFICE you knowingly open up you and your family to public scrutiny! The old saying if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen...then stay out don't try to tip toe back in.

  27. I've seen "fair game" in many of the comments above. Fair game ---- really. Not one person should be fair game let alone children. The nasty, uncalled for comments on this site against people are just wrong. I've seen it get really personal. What they wore, how they look, where they live, etc., and I would bet if those commenters had to put their name on their comment, they would not post some of the really ugly remarks.

    Barry Tilghman served as a Mayor. People elected her to do so. She did. And, it seems if you disagree with her opinion, then you just bash her. What is wrong with you all? People are always going to have differences but that doesn't mean "Fair Game" to continue to post ugly comments about that person. It just tells me what type of people read this site. Shame on you.

  28. you have got to be kidding me-- is the Daughter assaulting people again?

    Don't you love the elitist nature of people who think winning an election is something bigger than actually being accountable for the Job they do when they win?

  29. There is no reason to report on a candidate's family unless it relates to their ability to the job for which they were elected. Too many times reporters ( and I use that term loosely) just want the sensationalism to boost their ratings or hits as the case may be. Other times it is just a way to hit below the belt and justify it by calling it news. Get real. At least admit the real motivation behind these stories.

  30. Only a paranoid personality would interpret quotes from this article to be threats. Tsk, tsk.

  31. 11:15 doesn't have any idea about a thing yet he can subject this City to his opinion --dollars to doughnuts he pays no City taxes either or owns property within City Limits. and drinks Dasani instead of City Water

  32. 3:32, your bias is showing. Good thing you aren't a reporter.

  33. May have spent most of retirement now needs to get back in politics to make it back.

  34. anonymous 3:09, Barrie Tilghman has said her fair share of things about ME as well. She helped and supported the Anti Albero Blogs for YEARS.

    Don't walk around acting as if Barrie is innocent.

  35. Anonymous said...
    I have no dog in this fight since I did not move to Salisbury until 2010 and was not here for the Tilghman administration, nor do I really know what happened between Joe and Barrie. I do agree with the earlier comment, however, that said both of you should just move on and stop worrying about what the other says and does. Let it go.

    February 11, 2014 at 11:15 AM

    If you don't have a dog in this fight then move the Hell on Dirt Bag!


  36. This was not about the honorable BT. This was about the media providing the mandated firewall by not reporting dysfunctional criminal behavior by any fellow member of the Media or Democrat Politico and their Family. The creed o for all members of the progressive fraternity of miscreants.

    The report of the alleged tasering Prince William Co VA. Leprechaun/Rapist was supposed to be off limits.

    After getting scooped by design, our hometown News rolls out a local expert on victimization to explain the Daily Slime's own take on the facts swirling in regards to half of the current Mayor's gene pool.

    However it was not a rape support expert or an activist victim -
    the expert was a former Salisbury Mayor.

    Bravo once again Joe. The people need to know what is covered up by the lap dog partisan press. It should always be the headlines here.

  37. Why are we giving any face time to a has been drunk? Her time has come and gone thankfully. ..ignore her Joe. .she is yesterday's news.

  38. Joe --

    It's time to repost your BPT photos so folks can fully recall her arrogance and buffoonery.


  39. Classy, Jim. What a miscreant.

  40. Aw..looks like Barry was offended by the truth..so sad.

  41. True for everyone except Sarah Palin.

  42. Elected officials should and need and must be called out otherwise things will continue to spiral downward. Those who cry foul and don't believe in "fair game" are part of the problem. Things are so out of control there is no time left for civility. Things need to be called like they are and whatever it takes to run these snakes out of public office and the limelight is "fair game." They must be put in their places for the common good.

  43. There is always time for civility. It takes a courageous person to act on it. Children are never fair game. Family tragedy is NEVER fair game.

  44. 9:55
    Never? The Politics of Personal Destruction is NEVER a manner of civility when it comes to anyone who is opposed to Progressive Politicians.

    This is not about the Children in the typical Progressive mode of spin.

    This is a response to SN's reporting of the Mayor's Father being arrested and arraigned for the assault and Rape of one of those Woman the Republicans supposedly have a War against.

    So I guess when VA Congressman Jim Moran's Son was filmed by Veritas directing an individual how to engage in Voter Fraud -I guess that was supposed to be a NEVER too?


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