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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Salisbury Rain Tax Must Be Reconsidered By City Council

Mayor Jim Ireton stated more than 5 years ago, elect me and I'll make it so everyone can swim in the Wicomico River in 10 years. Well Folks, it's been almost 6 years, how's it working for you?

Let me drift for just a moment and I'll get back to the main topic in just a second. A Mayor is like a CEO of a major corporation. Your Council Members are the board members who protect the best interest of the investors, (taxpayers) of that corporation.

When a Mayor comes forward and says, in the best interest or the Chesapeake Bay, I want to VOLUNTEER $24,000,000.00 a year from our fair City and guess what, it will only cost you $20.00 a year to make that happen, do you believe him?

REALLY, $20.00 a year Jim? OK Folks, there are 8,000 residences in the City of Salisbury. At $20.00 a YEAR, that comes to $160,000.00 a year, TOTAL! That's $23,840,000.00 SHY of what Ireton is proposing to GIVE Governor O'Malley. 

Remember now, O'Malley is NOT asking the City of Salisbury to participate, Jim is volunteering this money.

Now, your City Council, (Board Members) are supposed to be PROTECTING us from such fraudulent proposals. Unless, that is, IF Jim Ireton is expecting to force BUSINESSES to come up with the $23,840,000.00 SHORTFALL? Now let's see. These businesses have already paid IMPACT FEES as well as STORM WATER MANAGEMENT. Do YOU think it would be FAIR to impact Salisbury businesses for that shortfall, especially after they already paid up front to help protect the Bay?

Here's my question to all of you, as well as those Council Members representing us. Over the last 20 years, hasn't the grade of the Chesapeake Bay Restoration been a FAILING GRADE? How's it working for us?

Now, as stated earlier, our Council is here to PROTECT us. If YOU were Mayor and O'Malley came to you and said, I want you to invest $24,000,000.00 into our Chesapeake Bay Foundation and you knew it received failing grades, would YOU just give him the money?

OK, let me try it this way then. Change everything back to CEO and Board Members of a major corporation. If Governor O'Malley came to you as a corporation and asked you to INVEST $24,000,000.00 into the Chesapeake Bay and he told you that you'd get a great return on your investment, (knowing it has received a failing grade for 20 years) would you make such an investment in the best interest of your INVESTORS? Hell No, you wouldn't.

Salisbury and Wicomico County are as close to the Bay and Ocean as your pretty much going to get in the state. WE are NOT polluting the Bay. In fact, the Bay is cleaner here on the Shore than anywhere else in the state. Yes, we do have issues with the WWTP and pollution in the Bay but you have to realize, our water does NOT flow backwards into Annapolis, Baltimore and so forth. Their water flows down to US. Our Bay pollution is coming from Pennsylvania and so forth, yet THEY are not regulated. We can try to clean the Bay all we want, until we as a state stop others from up north from polluting into the Bay, it will never get clean. 

So when the Mayor tells you it's only $20.00 a year, yet there is a massive shortfall in his FIGURES, know right here and now that this is just the very beginning of a massive commitment and that rate WILL OBVIOUSLY GO UP.

Do NOT let your Legislators screw you into believing it will only be $20.00. Remember, $24,000,000.00 vs. $160,000.00. Where's that $23,840,000.00 shortfall going to come from!

Jimmy, you can't even clean the RIVER. Enough of this BS. 


  1. We already know that homo pansy worthless Mayor Fake Day and no good city council will pass this tax onto the taxpayer. The brain dead idiots deserve what they voted for. So it is no need to complain about the liberals raising your taxes. Really glad I moved out of the state of Maryland,and moved to Texas.Maryland is a great state but with all the government regulations ,high taxes such as the rain tax ,gun regulations.The people voted for OweMalley so just bend over and take it. If people want change quit voting for these liberals that do not give a crap about the taxpayer

  2. I did not understand any of this when it was broadcasted on the news this morning.
    And everything you said was going through my head. Why is he volunteering to tax us AGAIN. Why is city council rolling over and allowing this?
    So they mask it as a stormwater fee???

  3. City Council are you reading this? I certainly hope so. You need to tell Jim Ireton to go pound sand, and quit volunteering money from the residents of this city that they don't have. If he wants to volunteer, then so be it, but don't be volunteering my money, I have to work hard for it and I don't appreciate you, Jim Ireton, one damn bit volunteering for me. This is absolutely ridiculous.

  4. O'M' wants the money in the fund so he can "BORROW" it for the building of the rapid transit system on the western shore.

  5. The idiot mayor of Salisbury needs to be tar and feathered. What, is he hoping he will be MOM's VP running mate? What an absolute clown.

  6. I just hope that city taxpayers will make note of anyone on the city council voting for more taxes, and makes sure to vote them out at election time. I also can't help but wonder what the effects of the federal project to dredge the Wicomico River will bring. The dredging is needed, but at what cost? They will be stirring up hazardous material that has been spilled from raw sewage overflows and has for years settled in the river's silt and mud. Where will the sludge that they dredge up be stored, and for how long?

  7. Oh, I have a comment! "Give us money, it's to Save the Bay! Okay, please continue. Show me what you have in mind to build that will take the rainwater that runs off my roof and driveway and "cleans" it before it gets to the rivers and streams that feed the bay. Do you have blueprints? How big is it? how many will we need? One per house, or will one work for the whole block? Or town? How much do they cost to build? How much will they cost yearly to run? What color are they? Are there other cities that have these? Do they work there?

    No one has ever spoken any of these answers. No one has proposed anything except "Give us money and we'll save the Bay."

    Let me tell you, folks. The machine has already been built, tested and has been in place and working flawlessly for many years. It costs commercial building projects around 20% on total project costs, and is required by law to be up and working before the first foundation is excavated for. It's called a 100 year storm water retention pond.And if you think for one minute that these large companies, hospitals, and other businesses won't stand for this tax, well, you just wait and see!

    So, the Mayor wants to charge this money to the homeowners and landlords, and send it off to O'Malley. What the heck is he going to do with it? Sponsor a set of crews to go around Salisbury digging stormwater retention ponds for every house and neighborhood?

    HA! He's building a high speed rail for his buds! He doesn't have time for the Eastern Shorebillies!
    He doesn't care about helping Salisbury stop runoff from getting into the bay. He just wants the money.

    Look, we already pay for tax ditches to be created and maintained. We already pay taxes to support roads and runoff through Public Works, Planning & Zoning, Parks & Recreation, Water & sewer bills, Bay Restoration Fees and probably ten more ways that I missed.We absolutely do not want a rain tax.

    People on POLAND laugh at us...

  8. Another day, another bunch of people who have the energy to complain anonymously in blog comments, but not the energy to go to council meetings and voice their concern, and to get out and make their voices heard in public to push for change.

    Until you people change, things will continue to get worse.

  9. The other issue is he tells the residents who get to vote they will only pay $20 where as all the business who can not vote get stuck with the rest of the TAB. I can not wait for Jim to go back to teaching!

  10. 1:24 I do not recall seeing you there either, unless you were in the back row and I missed you.

  11. anonymous 1:24, funny you should say that. You see Ladies & Gentlemen, WITHOUT the publics knowledge, Jake Day and Jim Ireton CHANGED for Council format so as the public could NOT speak about resolutions like this until AFTER the Council voted on it.

    They have been ramrodding and rubber stamping items like there's no tomorrow. Of course NOTHING has been said in the Main Stream Media about it.

  12. Go ahead Salisbury, keep voting for Democrats. You are getting just what you deserve. Heck I live in Delmar. I think the council should up it to $100 per home. This will not be happening in Delmar because Carl Anderton is our mayor and he is Republican.

  13. Norm Conway voted for the Rain Tax. I know a lot of people like him, he's a likeable guy, but he has been a terrible representative for us! Sales tax. Rain tax. Taxes on tax. He has to go! Vote for Mayor Carl Anderton.

  14. There are more than 8,000 residences in the City of Salisbury.
    Houses and condos: 11,845
    Renter-occupied apartments: 3,910
    Houses and condos: 16,085
    Renter-occupied apartments: 6,362

  15. 2-12-14
    Someone left the door on Ireton Srs. cage & Jimmy Jr. has been too
    busy hunting for him to worry about the business at hand in the town of Salisbury!
    Oh look, the cops found him and now Jr. is no where to be found.
    By the way, they`re ONLY A FEW steps behind Jake Day!

  16. You could tell Cohen was not thrilled with this, despite her vote. She made a comment about transparency of what the money is spent for (vs. what we've had in the past.)

    She is more of an environmentalist than Ireton can ever hope to be, but she didn't seem very happy about this.

  17. i don't think the mayor did the math wrong, he probably meant $20 from every living, breathing citizen. so clever ha!

  18. 3:20 OK, so you're at 764,040... still 23,235,960 short. Now, take out the section 8 "renters", because they won't be responsible for a penny. Take out anyone on SNAP, EBT, WIC, etc... because they won't be responsible for a penny. Now, where are we? If your answer is "screwed", you would be correct.

    MD should put the heat on other states, but they won't. Whatever money is "volunteered" by any city, county, state, whatever... there will be fraud, theft and the "idiot" factor. It's a sham, no better than the Nigerian lottery, except it's "legal".

  19. 1:24 - I think you are wrong - a lot of people everywhere read this blog and they know how we feel just like the city and county councils know and just like Rick Pollitt and Jim Liarton know. Even old representative Norm Conway knows but still votes for more taxes. GET RID OF THEM ALL when you vote again.

  20. i am so fed up i didn't even read the whole article but but we started a flush tax with parris G (Dem) then O-stupid (Dem) doubled it, that's $60.00 for every house and business to pay every year. that's a lot of money and what in the hell are they doing with it? Well now a rain tax I don't think you are going to get the bay any cleaner with other states dumping crap in the bay Va & Pa etc I can tell you they just need money for there voters who live for free. read the 4:30 pm article. How much can the working people stand.

  21. anonymous 4:39, You CAN'T get rid of them. All you have to do is flip the names on the electronic ballots and they remain in office and or get elected. They can deny this all they want, Ireton did everything in his powers to tick people off during the campaign and purposely wanted people to vote for me. I WONDER WHY?

  22. I lived in Baltimore and there are chemical companies like the grace co and other factories all around the mouth of the Patapsco river. The water contains high levels of benzene and other pollutants. Ask the politicians why that area has the highest cancer rate and why there are no fish there. Ask them also why they are not regulated? The storm water run-off is worse than chicken poop. Also ask them about the fish kills in that area from where sewage has spilled into the river near northern Anne Arundel county. The chicken farmers did not do that!

  23. I want to chime-in on this subject. Right before Salisbury's Mayoral election, I remember, vividly, Joe Albero issued REPEATED WARNINGS to Salisbury Residents & Businesses about Jim Ireton's endorsement of the Governor's plan to invoke MASSIVE TAXES FOR RAINWATER RUNOFF.

    I thought to myself, Owe-boy, Joe is going to slam dunk this election as surely the Salisbury area residents find out and won't stand for such shenanagans.

    Fast forward to today - was not Joe Albero ON POINT?

    Did he not warn the Salisbury Residents, and, particularly Businesses about this impending scandel?

    As it stands right now - the only recourse Salisbury area residents have is to recall that rascal and put him back into the hole where he belongs.

    Joe - in my humble opinion you are a Super Hero as your prediction not only came true - but now the Salisbury taxpayers will soon have to bare the brunt of poverty caused by a rag tag Mayor Ireton!

  24. Like why isn't the Wicomico T-party raising cane bout this new tax????

  25. Beezer is right, the only option left for Salisbury property owners for a remedy is to recall him. And if I remember correctly, former Mayor Tilghman tried to thwart the referendum process altogether. NOW, Salisbury residents are finding themselves to be in a pickel, thanks to Jim Ireton. We really need to recall the B---std.

  26. You can't blame me, as I did not vote for Ireton. Neither did my wife.

  27. Responding to 7:32 Posting - Recalling Ireton

    I knew this guy was bad news from the beginning. First off, he is obnoxious. And history proves he is a racist. Yet he accused Mr. Albero of being a racist. IMHO he is a cut-throat ruling tyrant that wants to tax anything that moves, including our rainwater.

  28. I say we sell Jimmy Crack Corn's services on Craig's List until the debt is met

  29. I don't know how everyone else feels in Salisbury, but I am taxed out. Shoot, I'm almost as well off to just let my home go into foreclosure. It seems as though for every one step forward I take - the tax structure sets me back two paces.

  30. I agree with 3:00.

    Delmar has Anderton as Mayor. Tom Hughes's daughter Karen as Deputy Mayor, a guy who is successful as a salesman in this economy in Gibbs, libertarian Bunky and Superintendent Ring's wife Steph as Commissioners.

    We have a clueless liberal Mayor, Day who never met a law he felt he wasn't above, Cohen who is nice but liberal, Lara on welfare, Shanie lol and poor Spies who seems like the most rational. We're a city and the small town next door has more leaders on their Council than we have cumulatively produced in decades! How does that happen?

    And for the record the rain tax is voluntarily being enacted by Salisbury. Norm Conway voted for it. And I'm just tired of tax and spend liberals staying in office.

  31. Salisbury could learn a lot from Delmar...most people are proud to say they are from Delmar and there is a lot of community support and pride. The town has tried to bring in new business and has done a good job for the most part. Delmar is not perfect but it sure beats the rental hell hole Salisbury has become. The worst part about Delmar is that half of it is in Maryland....

  32. When are you people going to say ENOUGH! Our government no longer works for us. Too much apathy too few patiots with guts. Its time for rebellion.


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