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Sunday, February 16, 2014


Theft noun \’theft\ (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

The act or crime of stealing

The act of stealing; specifically : the felonious taking and removing of property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it

An unlawful taking (as by embezzlement or burglary) of property

What is going on in Wicomico County and the rest of America?

I read the paper every day and a week doesn’t go by without reading about someone stealing money from a non-profit or business for their own gain. In all circumstances, these people have been put in a position of trust to monitor the funds for their organizations; then turn around and commit theft/larceny. In most cases, they face the possibility of years in prison and a large fine.

Yet they go ahead with the crime knowing they might avoid detection for a few years, but if caught, a good attorney and a promise of partial reimbursement to the victim will keep them from serving any jail time. In many cases, the legal system goes for a lesser charge to ensure a more solid case.

I personally believe that the guilty individual is not concerned how this effects the organization or the people who may rely on the services of the organization. They seem to be on a “power trip” thinking they can deceive everyone. SHAME ON THEM!!

I am passionate about this, as this recently happened to the organization for which I have worked for over 34 years located in Salisbury, Md. This organization has treated me well and I have given over 100% of myself to them and hold them close to me. My Mother and Father would expect nothing less nor taught me any different. They instilled a sense of pride in me and a work ethic to always do my best, a work ethic I still use today.

When something like this happens in your work place, and the individual was a trusted co-worker, it is like someone has hit you in the chest…disbelief overwhelms you. Then the police department shows you the evidence they have collected and you still shake your head. You question, how could someone you thought you could trust do something that would hurt so many people and then you begin to take it personally and your hurt and disbelief turns into anger.

In my case, the person was convicted of theft $1,000 to under $10,000 and sentenced to 5 years. All time to serve was suspended. 2 years’ probation, 100 hours of community service and restitution of under $5,000 is what was ordered. This “trusted employee” had worked for this organization for 27 years. “Had” being an important word, because they did lose their job, but the betrayal they left behind was overwhelming.

Someone asked me if I would forgive this person. Being a member of Trinity United Methodist Church and a Christian, I will in time, but the betrayal is still very raw and the trust that has been shattered will slow my healing.



  1. I appreciate the novice diagnosis of your coworker. But you are wrong. People in financial positions see it all. The $300 a week you spend on beer. The $150 lunches with your wife. The $60,000+ new truck. And they are barely scraping by. This is not to say there is anything right with what they are doing. It explains often why they do it.

    It is not a power trip. And honestly it has nothing to do with you as a coworker. It does not affect you at all, unless you stick your nose where it does not belong.

    The employer agreed to the plea deal, so who are you to judge. And I hate to break it to you, but you don't own the business. After 27 years, if that is all they got away with, the employer should consider themselves lucky.

    Don't blame the employee when there are no checks and balances in place. For that the employer is wholly and solely at fault.

  2. 7:01-"don't blame the employee?" Wow! Who in the hell raised you to think for one second that stealing is okay? Obviously you are from a lower class.
    Used toilet paper has more value than YOUR opinion. Anyone who makes excuses for a thief is a foul person.

  3. Employees are to blame period but it is a fact that employers tend to get a bit weak in the knees when they have to open up their books for an investigation. Allegations have to be backed up with evidence. Many times the employers just want to say "can't they take my word the employee stole $."

  4. You don't take anything that doesn't belong to you period 7:01! This is something that had you had decent parents you would have learned.

  5. way to go, you can google and read a dictionary... how does this help anything?


  6. ha ha ha typical comprehension challenged. I believe 7:01 clearly stated:
    "This is not to say there is anything right with what they are doing."

    I see the mental mindless are out in full force this morning.

    The employer has a responsibility to protect his assets. If he doesn't, the fault is his.

    I have been brought in to 4 companies, where the person before me stole. My job was to evaluate their processes and put protection in place.

    Every single time, the employee had the opportunity to steal because the company did not put any check and balances in place.

    Any idiot knows you can't leave valuables lying around for all to see, they will get stolen.

  7. Funny how you think you are the mouthpiece for the company. I guess if they wanted their dirty laundry aired they would have done it themselves.

    You come across rather arrogant and petty and I wonder what the purpose was of dragging your church into it. You do not act very christian despite your protest of being so.

    "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her."

    Maybe you should go about your day and mind your own business.

  8. I am sure they aren't losing any sleep over your lack of forgiveness.

  9. 8:22
    Plain and simple... "thou shalt not steal"...

  10. 8:03-What are you simple or something? 7:01 CLEARLY states "Don't blame the employee when there are no checks and balances in place."
    Anyone who takes something that doesn't belong to them is nothing more than a common criminal. There is no excuse and it doesn't matter whether there are balances in place. You keep your grubby putrid hands off of others things. The employee is to blame and should be publically ridiculed to high Heaven. Maybe that will teach their children a lesson because God knows as a parent they are worthless pieces of trash.

  11. The only thing that explains why they do it 7:01 is because they are thieves. The product of parents who lacked in values and moral themselves. For you to attempt to justify stealing only shows your lack of values and morals. Your type needs to be put in their place and told how it is. Anyone who justifies stealing is nothing more than common trash not worthy to breath the same air as decent people. There is no gray area.

  12. "It explains often why they do it."

    The only thing that explains why they do it is lack of character. Don't try and justify. This only shows you suffer from character flaws yourself.

  13. God helps those who help themselves.

  14. Of course they aren't going to lose any sleep 8:24. This is true with a lot of criminal minds. I've seen hopeless drug addicts who have stolen and are truly sorry and remorseful. But what we seem to be dealing with here is someone who is not normal because they made a habit out of stealing. Hopefully this person isn't a parent because they have proven they are horrible at it and are a poor excuse for a parent. A true parent would never steal because it reflexes on their children.

  15. If it was the "parents" fault why were the parents not on trial?

    Quite the stretch to blame the parents of an adult child.

  16. 9:16 I do not steal but thank you for your nonsensical unjustified and unsubstantiated judgement. You must be a christian too.

  17. These embezzlement cases are troubling because they do show a "defect" in a person's character. They are not just stealing on a whim type of thing, but are planned and executed in a way that screams pathological. I can guarantee this person has always been cunning and deceitful. Lying most likely been a problem also.

  18. 9:24 I think you mean reflects, and no it does not reflect on their children, I highly doubt their children even knew about it.

  19. 9:29 I am sure you have told a lie or two in your lifetime. I guess that would make you cunning and deceitful also.

  20. Folks, all you have to do is read the comment from 7:01 to understand why this country is literally falling apart. This mentality permeates all levels of our society in both the public and private sector. To put it in the most simple of terms: so many people have just no sense of what is right or wrong anymore. So, so SAD.

  21. " People in financial positions see it all. The $300 a week you spend on beer. The $150 lunches with your wife. The $60,000+ new truck."

    These sentences speak volumes. Jealousy. Jealousy is the root of all evil and will cause people to steal and in their twisted minds this is how they justify the thefts.

  22. Criminal behavior certainly does reflects on a whole family. Whether by previous generations who didn't value moral behaviours or by future generations and leading by example. Definitely something amiss in the family dynamics that not only "taught" this person theft is okay and can be justify and then allowed the person to betray their parental duties by engaging in the act of stealing.

  23. Character is what you do when no one is watching you, what you do when you think no one is looking. hmmmm. looks like poor character to me.

    stealing is wrong no matter what. period.

  24. 9:49, no. But if that were so, and if I were you, I would remain silent. I am sure you have some not so stellar relatives you do not want coming out of the closet and tarnishing that opinion you have of yourself.

  25. It is jealousy. Reminds me of Dr Ben Carson. His mother was a housekeeper for wealthy people. She didn't envy them, but choose to emulate them. She took notice of what they did and how that related to their success. She taught this to her boys. One of whom went on to be a renowned brain surgeon the other a rocket scientist.

  26. I do not think they see it as jealousy though. When you are struggling to make ends meet I think they almost see it as a way to make ends meet.

  27. Unfortunately, incidences like this make everyone in financial positions look bad. Wonder what happened to honesty & integrity? Things are going to temp us in every facet of life. It is how you handle that temptation that defines us.

  28. Why debate the issue. The bottom line is, Thy shall not Steal. What is wrong with you people. There is no justification for taking something that is not yours. A thief is no better than a liar. It's just wrong no matter what you folks say. It's just wrong.

  29. "In My case"....claiming victim has reached a new stratus

  30. 1:36 gee I thought this was a conversation, not a debate. Thank you for straightening that out for all of us. Let us know when we can converse again

  31. To all you guys and girls how would you feel if you knew it was taxpayers money. Wake up people. THIEFS are amoung us everyday. Some hide behind their religion like this gal did. She has been at it for most of her state service. I hope the IRS and her church are on to her too. Phoney, fake a liar, cheater and a thief are all words that describe this former state employee.

  32. this only seems to happen when businesses do not have checks and balances in place. then they blame everyone but themselves. it takes two. get your house in order and it won't happen again. lesson learned.

  33. If this is the way this church handles its private business, and if this is the mindset of your congregation, I would have no interest in joining it. Not very Christian behavior. Actually sorta embarrassing. Airing your dirty laundry publicly.

    Nothing like being a hypocrite and casting the first stone, and all.

  34. This is NOT about a church employee, it is about a MD. state employee. This state employee got off easy with community service and repayment of less than 10% of what she stole. Her husband is a big wig in the Wico. county government and that is why no one heard about it. Shame on you thief.


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