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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lefties Bash Late Republican Star, Smear Her As ‘Roaring Racist’


Shirley Temple Black passed away last night at the age of 85. In addition to being a celebrated child star, Temple Black also had a successful political career — as a Republican.

Editors Note: If you are offended by crude language please don't click on More


  1. Their words of hatred speak volumes of themselves, not her.

  2. isn't it ironic that all the people that are calling her a racist are the ones using the foul language, wishing her dead, and have cute nicknames like "Mr Smoke U out"... the left is such a wonderful batch of humanity isn't it?

  3. I'm sure if a liberal celebrity like Sean Penn or Jane Fonda died, every conservative on Twitter would be completely classy and respectful.

    1. Jane Fonda doesn't have to die for me to call her a traitorous bitch that should have been left in Viet Nam with her communist friends. An American bullet is to good to be wasted on her. She should suffer long and hard for what she has done.

  4. Wow! Unbelievable! People saying mean stuff on the Internet? What is this world coming to?

  5. Reminds me of the comments made about a certain former mayor of salisbury.

  6. 11:23 Awww, really? You are so immature. Two wrongs never make a right and you know something. The left is the biggest hippocrites when it comes to race.

  7. 11:23 I wouldn't. Sean Penn can *** my ****, with a side of *******! Horrible actor too. Bono, the same.

  8. Pretty easy to pick on the dead huh?
    Libs make me sick.

  9. 11:23 We'll be too busy partying when they die to twitter!!!

  10. hey anon 11:23

    i'm the one who made the 2nd post. i'm neither liberal NOR conservative. but if sean penn OR jane fonda OR ANY hollywood trash wants to put their money where their mouth is they should run for office. instead they use their stature and notoriety to impose their wacked-out, extreme views. but if they DIED i wouldn't rant about it out of RESPECT! that word is lost on most people these days, right or left.

  11. I guess she didn't have a needle hanging out of her arm when they found her so they can't idolize her.

  12. Liberals are the most strident bigots on the planet. What makes them extra slimy is their constant screeching about 'tolerance' and 'diversity' while practicing neither.


  13. Chuck Cook said...
    I'm sure if a liberal celebrity like Sean Penn or Jane Fonda died, every conservative on Twitter would be completely classy and respectful.

    February 12, 2014 at 11:23 AM

  14. I noticed that most of those bitching and calling her names were of a certain ethnic persuasion, that has limited vocabulary and intelligence!

  15. Anonymous said...
    Wow! Unbelievable! People saying mean stuff on the Internet? What is this world coming to?

    February 12, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    Liberal Punk! If someone said anything about your mixed breed Kenyan or his white prostitute mother you would be up in arms.

  16. Anonymous said...
    I guess she didn't have a needle hanging out of her arm when they found her so they can't idolize her.

    February 12, 2014 at 3:44 PM

    Brilliant! Good Point!

  17. Funny how the ones claiming she was a racists are a few idiot liberals and many uneducated black people that base their racism on what they hear or the color of someone's skin.

  18. If Sean Penn's Daddy wasn't a Hollywood bigwig-- he'd be working the street on Hollywood Blvd instead of pretending that being an actor makes him something special


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