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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Salisbury Police Acknowledged Some Calibration Issues

After months of obstruction, the City of Salisbury acknowledged that some lapses in the calibration of their speed cameras had in fact taken place, according to a report on WMDT:

Annual calibration reports for the city's cameras were recently released after public information requests from several watchdog groups. In those reports, it was revealed that certifications for two cameras had lapsed. They expired in December 2012, and weren't renewed until January 2013. It ended up being a 34 day span. 

"All of the citations that were issued in that span were either voided or the people were refunded their money," Barkley said. "But, just because it lapsed, doesn't mean it wasn't accurate." 

The error is not completely unheard of. Brekford also runs the programs in Greenbelt and Hagerstown, where hundreds of citations were also refunded or voided because of the same situation.

"Some of those issues with the other jurisdictions, I can't tell you it's all Brekford, I don't know," Barkley said.
He adds the oversight reinforces the need for the local jurisdictions to run their programs, and not the vendors.

Salisbury had initially told the Maryland Drivers Alliance that they don't keep calibration records on file, but that their vendor had them... even though a city official is supposed to sign daily logs by law. Brekford delayed the Public Information Act request for a month, and then demanded and excessive fee of to see the records
Then a narrower Public Information Act request made by another MDA member was obstructed for three months. Eventually some documents were provided in response to a request by the Washington Times, which showed significant calibration lapses, and most requested daily setup logs were not produced. It also turned out that the number of records Brekford claimed as the basis for their excessive fee in our initial request was greatly exaggerated, if the all of the documents even existed at all.


  1. They just reinstalled the speed camera on s. Division st near Onley rd.

  2. time to paint the lenses kids.

  3. How do I go about getting my money back for tickets I paid for last year?

    1. Go to the council and demand that they release all the DAILY setup logs for the cameras, and that a full audit be performed of the program since its inception.

  4. There is a big speed camera hearing in Annapolis on 2/18 at 1pm in the Environmental Matters committee. PLEASE contact the committee members and make your complaints to them. Click on the "Legislative Tracker" tab on our site for information on these and other bills. AUDIT THEM ALL.

    Also, we could use the help from some locals in disproving their claim that 'everything is just fine now'. They never produced the daily logs, and we think if some locals insist on producing ALL the daily setup logs from 1/1/2013 through 7/1/2013 there will be numerous gaping holes and irregularities. Also someone should insist they reveal how many citations were voided or refunded, when, and whether the city or Brekford paid. They have not properly justified the long delay: failure to produce records within 30 days violates state open records law. Were they keeping it secret to avoid refunds? Was Brekford obstructing?

  5. Why is it no charges are being filed against these law breakers? The ones that are supposed to uphold the current speed camera laws? If the current states attorney is going to pretend he dosent see these law breakers {as they quickly make new laws} then he should pretend he'll have my vote or support with the next election. Maybe someone should file a charge on him for not upholding his oath of office and the law! Dirtbags!

  6. Brekford is probably corrupt just bvlike othewr corporations and just out for the millions that these cameras make annually. salisbury is possibly just as corrupt as chicago and the obama.

  7. I am sure Joe could post the action paperwork here for a class action LAWSUIT against MarylandFebruary 15, 2014 at 1:48 PM

    Class Action Lawsuit by We ( the driving) THE PEOPLE...

  8. I've always wondered about the dual vehicle issue where one car was passing another at a higher rate of speed.My concern was that possibly I could get a ticket because of the other vehicle,or we would both be ticketed.

  9. Spd is corrupt from the top down, they are running the good ones out.

  10. They are also supposed to verify by physically checking each day that the signs denoting a speed camera area are in place and unobstructed. If they failed to do that the day you got your ticket you are not guilty.

  11. I have been caught by one an hour and a half after the start up self test performed by Ivan Barkley. After going back to the cam site with a tape measure, I was able to prove the cam at 25% off calibration. I did not have to pay.

  12. So, without the FOI Act request, the police wouldn't have known of their own failure to follow policy for 34 days?

  13. Policy only pertains to certain people, not the top brass

  14. @6:18: When we first placed the request, the city claimed all their records were in the hands of their contractor, Brekford. At first the PD acted like they were trying to be helpful, but had little knowledge about what the contractor was doing and seemed as confused as we were over the delay. Then one day they said they were going to discuss the matter with Brekford at a meeting. Right after that point they clammed up and stopped being helpful. It took months after that, several local bad press reports, and the intervention of a Washington Times reporter, to get any of the requested documents.

  15. Joe, its all about money! Also have you been watching the Fruitland Landlord Topic the council keeps meeting about? I guess they are trying to be like Salisbury.


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