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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Jimmy Wants You To Pony Up $24 Million A Year To Clean The Bay...

Yet if you click on the image above taken just yesterday you'll quickly realize just how full of CRAP these Liberals are.

Hundreds of thousands of dollars have already gone into a River in which YOUR Mayor claims you'll be able to swim in within four more years. 

A lot of money has been spent, (even back to the Barrie Tilghman days) to catch the "FLOATABLES" from coming into the River. Well, how's it working for you Ladies & Gentlemen? Click on that picture and let it enlarge so you can see more clearly just what kind of BS your elected officials are feeding you. 

REMEMBER, this is what you CAN SEE. Lord knows what else if sinking to the bottom, eh? So if you throw on a bathing suit, take off your shoes and socks and jump in, when your feet hit the bottom and you feel it all squishy, is it MUD? Its probably more like the swimming pool scene in Caddyshack instead. 

There is no better evidence we can deliver than these images on a regular basis PROVING Jake Day and Jim Ireton are snake oil salesmen and if you are stupid enough to buy it from them, well, you deserve exactly what you get. Just remember, your supposed to be able to swim in that River in 4 more years and six years ago Jimmy never said you'd have to fork up $24 million a year to get there. 


  1. Ireton is Salisburian's worst enemy.
    It's ashamed that the public didn't catch on until he got elected.

    Now, they are going to pay a tremendous price for putting-in such a radical.

  2. Floatables? LOL! Who coined that memorable term?

  3. Sickening to look at.

  4. This is an embarrassment to the second largest city in the state of Maryland. When out of town guests visit and see the river, they cannot believe their eyes.

  5. No matter what is said, obviously MONEY is NOT going to fix the problem, as proven over the past 25 years in the Chesapeake Bay.

    The Rain Tax is just another way to raise billions of dollars over the next 25 years and in the end say, hmmmm, I guess it didn't work. All the while those elected officials who created the tax are not only long gone, many will be dead.

    My catch phrase is, put god money after good money. Not good money after bad money. Examples are, the new WWTP. The old mall. Cleaning the Chesapeake Bay or the Wicomico River. All of these examples are putting good money after bad money.

    It would seem that elected officials, (especially liberals) just keep spending our money on proven failure projects. Automotive Bailout. Funding for solar energy and wind energy.

    One of these days Americans are going to be flat broke and not have the funding or the energy to FIGHT BACK. No guns, no bullets. You get the picture.

    Stop the support of ANYTHING further to do with cleaning the River or Chesapeake Bay. It's a proven scam spearheaded by tree hugging liberals. How's that banking thingamabopper spearheaded by the former Zoo Director along the River banks? That's right, NONE of it worked. Hundreds of thousands of dollars completely wasted, AGAIN.


  6. When people get out and vote the liberals are voted in over and over again, so it does not appear that strategy is working.

    Got anymore ideas?

  7. Now is the chance to see who in Sby actually has and stands behind their principles. All those who donated to the campaigns of the liberal bunch need to start a donation drive and donate to it for the river cleanup.

  8. Tell him to buy a pool if he wants to swim.

  9. I remember the living shoreline, what a pile of donkey dung.

  10. So, what measures are needed to clean our rivers and bays?

  11. 9:27, start off with FINES. Start setting examples with the people polluting. Give them tickets. The people who are throwing their plastic bottles on the ground are what ends up in the River.

    A few years ago I personally witnessed someone throwing trash out their window of their car. I took pictures of them doing so and got the tag number in one of the pictures. I went right to the Sheriff's Office and showed them the images. They took down the tag number and sent someone right to the registered owners address. They denied it until they found out I had pictures and they Deputy wrote them a huge fine for doing it.

    Make some examples and people will stop polluting. Create a campaign with WBOC, WMDT and the DT's. Together we can educate the public in which ALL of us will have had enough of this pollution. IT'S ILLEGAL TO POLLUTE!

    That's a start and a positive one at that.

  12. In one word...recycle. All that trash is material that can be re-used. And if everyone recycled it would solve the landfill problem. If you don't believe me go up on the landfill and look at what gets dumped. Most of it could be recycled. Plus it would create jobs that would be needed to process the material. The demand for the raw material is there...getting people to stop littering and throwing away recyclables is the challenging part.

  13. 9:27-It's not really rocket science. First off is everyone needs to admit there is a problem and we all are responsible. The Blame Game needs to stop.
    Then a serious effort to educate the public.

  14. I know this is hard to believe, but there is a common sense letter to the editor in the Pravda Times today regarding pollution of the Bay. If everyone would rise up and say NO to these EPA/ECO idiots and use the monies we have to really clean up our own areas waterways, we would really have something to be proud of here.

  15. Ben still in SalisburyFebruary 15, 2014 at 10:48 AM

    Not a fan of any of the throw money at it politics. Ireton has done nothing to hear realistic alternatives to the going nowhere processes in place. He said he wanted to swim in the river during his campaign and has done nothing that will have a measurable affect on the problem. The stupid following the trail of stupid is worst now because there are very real alternatives and methods proven. Look at the clean up of Carroll Creek in Frederick, loot at the water shed areas in West Virginia who have had success. Joe Albero and the masses are right "Good Money should follow good processes" Why is this difficult.

  16. Here is a thought....lets use logical scene .....If We started at the "beginning" to get to the "end"
    You would have to start in Ohio River basin....and work your way down to the Chesapeake Bay......Until you clean up the contributaries of the bay no amount of money will help..... Check out the NASA shots of the eastern seaboard after Katrina......

  17. Jimbo has done such a good job cleaning the river let's see if he invites his Rehoboth Beach buddies to skinny dip in it.

  18. There's still no plan. Nothing concrete physically or on paper that represents what we are supposed to be buying with this money. The only thing said at the first reading is that we have to get a revenue stream going first.

    THEN WHAT???? There's still no plan, no drawings, NOTHING!!! WHAT ARE WE BUYING????

    This is not what we need to be spending our time on during this MAJOR DEPRESSION. Besides, we already pay taxes to finance tax ditched and maintenance, Public works, State roads division,and many others. Where is this money going????


  19. it is going to polititions and corprations pockets.

  20. ummm-ummm- real good fishing in thereFebruary 15, 2014 at 1:52 PM

    I went fishing there the other day and caught two large rolls of toilet paper with brown stains on them...

  21. No one can blame me as I did not vote for the retard. With his pompous attitude he reminds me of a little Hitler.


  22. The biggest local contribution that could be made to Bay health would be to ensure that the river was clean in Salisbury and Wicomico County so that it was helping improve things as it empties into the Bay. We, under the vaunted 'leadership' of Jimbo & Slicky have at best been treading water on this point during their stewardships.

    Geese aside, can't really come up with a good reason why the river isn't pristine from its point of origin to where it meets the Bay.

    Flush tax! Rain Tax! All BS!

    Clean the streets so litter doesn't get in the storm drains.

    Jimbo must think he'll be Secy of the Interior for Pres. OweMalley!

  23. What I don't understand is that where ever the homeless congregate, there is always trash on the ground. It's not like they have to get to work or anything, why can't they find a trash can to put their 40's and fast food containers in?

  24. A lot of Salisbury's trash that ends up floating into the River and the Bay comes from the Ghetto areas of Salisbury like the Church Street and Fitzwater Street areas. Remember when that idiot Louis Smith used to get city employees and volunteer firemen from Salisbury to pick up tons of trash. She and Jimmy would brag about the tons of trash being picked up. Bragging about picking up trash? That is nothing to brag about that is an embarrassment. Also goes back to proving that the Rental Housing industry in Salisbury is what is killing our once great City. They were going out on Saturday's once a month to pick up the tons of trash. By Monday there was another ton of trash on the streets. These Ghetto thugs don't care about this city and proves that the City is owned and controlled by slum lords.

    On a side note it isn't the bottles or cans that are making Poo River and the Bay look like that. It is the run off from the steel plants in Pennsylvania and other factories on the other side of the bay.

  25. Put a skimmer on the fireboat and use it twice a week cleaning the river.

  26. The water obviously needs to be cleaned up. I will gladly contribute.

    All of you people that just throw stones at those involved in the solution are just perpetuating evil.

  27. Make the incarcerated work for their Daily Bread picking up Goose poop netting out debris and Royal Farms coffee cups from the creeks and streams? Why not consider reducing the County budget by feeding the interned Canadian Goose several times a month?

    Put up some snow fences and have the County employees who gather behind WaWa clean them up instead of spending the afternoon on their I-Phones?

  28. Somebody paid to create and build that man made Island in the Bay for Environmental whackjobs to play all day and earn their 6 figures on their own little Thoreau's Walden on the Chesapeake. Tap into their slush fund


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