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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Maryland Liberals Winning The Battle But Republicans Can In Fact Win The War

There are TWO ways Republicans can win this war within the state of Maryland. One is easier than the other but consider the following. 

One, the Eastern Shore can secede from the state of Maryland and become its own state. We can become a republican state and I mean that by every sense of the word. 

The second option is an even easier one. ALL Republicans can simply LEAVE the state of Maryland and move to either Delaware or the Eastern Shore of Virginia, both of which are not very far away. 

The idea would be, leave these Liberals basking in their own BS and let them figure out just how they'll survive. They can tax themselves and fee themselves to death until these SOB's finally figure out that it is the Republicans that have been carrying them all these years. 

I was watching a local television station yesterday where they were saying there's a SHORTAGE of real estate for sale. Are you people kidding me, a SHORTAGE! 

Delaware taxes are dirt cheap. There is no Delaware sales tax. Take the plunge and get the heck out of Maryland before you lose everything. 

Let's see what happens to Jim Ireton and Rick Pollitt when everyone starts packing up and leaving. Tell them we'll come back when we can swim in the Wicomico River and the Chesapeake Bay. 


  1. I would very much like to move to Delaware.With this "shortage"(HA!)of real estate not only would my house probably not sell, but if it did, the loss would be considerable. Of course, the other side of that coin is three years of tax deductions for the loss or part of the loss of value.

  2. Mr. Albero ,
    In response to your choices about the battle and the war.
    There is another choice , because of my beliefs and convictions.
    I will stand my ground and fight , these idiots don't know what war or a battle is yet.
    I may die fighting , but I've had it.
    My training in 1966-1968 has stuck with me , my arms will never leave my property or my side.
    I will never be forced to move from my dwelling because of political issues.
    At the age of 71 , I have led a good life and will sacrifice my life for one nation under GOD
    I have never seen such greed and chicken $hit crap as we have today , it's time people .

  3. 5:39, well, I was thinking of a less violent way but I respect your position.

  4. Secede, and put up a guard shack at the Bay Bridge...Must Have Republican I.D. to enter!

    Better yet, we have like minded counties in Western Md. Let Maryland have Baltimore, PG, Montgomery and their few counties, and we will become "Greater Maryland", or the "Republic of Maryland". I don't want to give up what I've worked my life for because of a batch of idiots across the Bridge. When they lose us as an income source, they will crash and crash hard.

  5. It's obvious that we have tried ways to prevent the democrats from stealing our money , our property and our nation.
    We have tried the so called legal way by voting. However , voting fraud has won the last two election for Obama and many other democrats.
    I will not crawl into a hole and pretend anymore.
    Hitler said " if you treat a man like a dog , in time he will act like one" , I started barking a few years back. It's now time to bite!

  6. 5:41, I applaud your spirit. Will you run for the County Council at large seat? You could be part of the solution. Current candidates are Laura Mitchell, Muir Bodacious and John Cannon. Anyone who pays attention knows what a fiscal train wreck any of them would be.

  7. I'm with you on secession. Everyone says it can't be done in this generation of 2014 - I say it can.

    There are still enough of us out here that are inspired by our Forefathers - you just can't give up. We can secede - and it ought to be done. FYI - we are not the only ones that are aspiring for this action. One Frederick County Commissioner actually called out for secession.

  8. Joe - this post could set off a brush fire that could spread like wild fire.

    This is one fire that I would personally like to see get started. Speaking for myself, I am maxed out on taxes. PLEASE, NO NEW TAXES OR INCREASES, PLEASE!

  9. You are all looney toons. Really, talking od armed sedition and sucession?? Fools.

    1. You have got to be a spineless liberal democrat or just to lazy to do for yourself. Which one is it?

  10. I would suggest the rural area's of Maryland seceding to Virginia. We can live with their politics at least for now.

  11. Gerald retired Detroit copFebruary 14, 2014 at 9:16 AM

    I am just going to leave. With all the anti liberty laws coming out of Annapolis, this state is too draconian.
    I am moving to Virginia.

  12. Central Maryland can survive indefinitely with no industry or free enterprise. The federal govt in DC will continue to provide jobs to MoCo/PG/Howard counties at the expense of the rest of the US, so long as the rest of the US contiues to pay for it. And the rest of Maryland can milk off that. This is basically the state's economic strategy, and it overwhelmingly favors democrats.

  13. As a liberal, I vote for option 2, please.

    Your freedom to move to a place where the state government fits your ideas of what govt should and should not be is unassailed. Let's get you packing.

    Let's face it - you'll be happier and so will we. And isn't that more important than anything.

    Happy Valentine's Day - from your soon-to-be ex-neighbor.

    1. my ex neighbor either. because I don't live in Section 8 housing .

  14. 9:36, Your not my ex neighbor because I was already smart enough to buy a home in Delmar, Delaware. But thanks for the kind wishes.

  15. I love how 9:02 calls you all fools, but then can't even properly spell secession.

    Personally, after being raised on the Eastern Shore and attending UM, I left Maryland for Virginia 14 years ago. It has been a wonderful place to live, but NoVA's growing liberal elitist population and an influx of socialist-loving immigrants are drastically changing the political landscape. We're still considered a swing state, however, so all hope is not lost.

    I still miss Maryland, though. All my family is still on the Shore, but more and more they are wanting to leave. They already do most of their shopping in DE and are considering relocating there.

    The entire situation just makes me sad. Progressives seem desperate to run Maryland into the ground.

  16. You realize this is basically the plot of Atlas Shrugged? Rand's little thought experiment did make a few flawed assumptions.... notably assuming an unrealistic degree of incompetence for all but a fraction of a percent of the population. And the book sort of let's off just when society collapses, so you really don't know the "looters" didn't end up finding "Atlas" and "eating" him anyways after that.

  17. Anonymous said...
    You are all looney toons. Really, talking od armed sedition and sucession?? Fools.

    February 14, 2014 at 9:02 AM

    Must be an uneducated or Jim Ireton follower.

    By the way Goof Ball it is "secession" not "sucession!"

    To understand the term you need to correctly spell it.

  18. Anonymous said...
    As a liberal, I vote for option 2, please.

    Your freedom to move to a place where the state government fits your ideas of what govt should and should not be is unassailed. Let's get you packing.

    Let's face it - you'll be happier and so will we. And isn't that more important than anything.

    Happy Valentine's Day - from your soon-to-be ex-neighbor.

    February 14, 2014 at 9:36 AM

    Anyone that admits he is a liberal must be a lunatic. Funny thing is I sense some embarrassment on his part because he didn't sign his name.

  19. I'm so surprised at the few comments , with the condition of our country.
    Mmm makes me wonder how many patriots we have in the area.
    Our founding fathers fought over the same thing we are up against!!

  20. Anonymous said...
    5:41, I applaud your spirit. Will you run for the County Council at large seat? You could be part of the solution. Current candidates are Laura Mitchell, Muir Bodacious and John Cannon. Anyone who pays attention knows what a fiscal train wreck any of them would be.

    February 14, 2014 at 7:54 AM

    I heard Muir Boda is dropping out if he hasn't done so yet.

    With Laura Mitchell entering the race or considering entering what does that tell you about her allegiance to the City of Salisbury and her representation on the Council. She doesn't get my vote.

  21. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 14, 2014 at 2:43 PM

    I have a better idea. Counties of Eastern Shore Maryland would join State of Delaware. It would probabaly double or triple size and population of Delaware. It would also give Delaware access to the Bay. Citizens would have no sales tax, low taxes and etc. Somerset county citizens would have choice to vote on if they like to be part of Delaware or Virginia. Everything else would stay the same. We the People Would KICK MARYLAND OFF THE SHORE.

  22. I'm thinking 2:43 may have a valid effort. Is there a way we could include our like minded brothers of northwestern MD? Then, Delawareans could ski!

  23. There are not enough Rhinos that would work for minimum wage to support your State of Nirvana. You need to open some illegal camps to have enough slaves working under the table. I guess that I should just be thankful that this brilliant new Utopian dream state should sky rocket my Salisbury home value enough that I can finally get the hell out of this God forsaken ghetto.

  24. Where do you come up with this stuff?

    I am sure if people could sell their unsaleable home and move they would. I am not sure how bringing economic demise to your family is an "easier" solution.

    Seceding will never happen.

    If you're going to write an article at least come up with some viable solutions.

  25. Fight the good fight. We have worked hard for what we have here on the shore. We have the right to self determination HERE. I am not leaving because some lazy, hand out, jag off liberal wants me to leave. I have invested much of my life in this farm here on the shore. I won't go quietly.

  26. I was going to say the same thing as "Obama Crooked Bastardo" but he/she beat me to the punch.

    I have felt ever since I was a kid that the Shore should have been a part of DE since is not landlocked to the rest of MD, (I just looked at a map) and this was before I ever got into politics. I also felt that ESVA should have been a part of MD for the same reason. So with that being said maybe all the way from Cape Charles to Wilmington should be DE!

    Having been a former City employee (for a brief spell) I have seen first-hand the mindset of the cities leadership and although they may mean well with there intentions I feel that they are going about things all the wrong way. Taxation is not the way to go, especially for a failing economy. I don't understand why Rick and Jim are not standing in the lobby of every large/medium manufacturing company and arguing the virtues of coming to the Shore. We are located in one of the best places in the country in regards to location to major cities and thoroughfares. And we have a population that is in dire need of regular employment.

    I anyone is looking for a nice home in WICO CTY let me know, 4 BR, 2.5 Baths, 3/4 Acre partially wooded in a nice neighberhood right on the edge of town then let me know.

  27. Unfortunately, the ballot method is not reliable enough in our area. It's hard enough to accept that Jim Matthias beat Michael James for the senate, but unbelievable that Jim Ireton beat Joe Albero. Computer voting in a democrat-controlled environment is a joke.

  28. Okay I'm on 300 acres, several outbuilding and a 4700 sq ft house in Worcester county. My friend is up in Greenwood DE, a 3000 sq ft house and 15 acres and pays more in taxs (property plus ditch tax, school tax and library tax)than we do.
    DE state government has quite a few million dollar deficit also.
    What would be utopia would be if the Lower Eastern Shore of MD, the Eastern Shore of VA, Sussex Co DE and parts of Kent Co DE could all come together and form the State of Delmarva.

  29. SCARTEY-CAT DEMOCRATSFebruary 16, 2014 at 4:29 PM

    I love the way 2:43 feels...If we start a petition...We may be able to pull this off...ONLY FOOLS like the way things are run...

  30. DE has no sales tax but anyone can shop there. The important things are no state income tax and low property taxes. D some research on the net….TX and FL are the where the people that have some assets are relocating.


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