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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Report: OJ Simpson On Hunger Strike In Effort To End His Life

“I’m not going to eat, and I won’t let docs at the prison revive me in any way," O.J. reportedly said. "I will fight it. I used to live my way, and now I’m going to die my way."
The National Enquirer is reporting that O.J. Simpson is so desperate to end his incarceration in Nevada that he is trying to commit suicide by going on a hunger strike.

Simpson was given a 33-year prison sentence for armed robbery and kidnapping which he is currently serving at the Lovelock Correctional Center.

The suspected murderer is depressed and simply wants to “just sit down in a corner and die,” the Enquirer reported. “O.J. is done.”


  1. Good that will save the taxpayers some money -good riddance OJ

  2. Please don't try to save him!! I'm tired of hearing about this fool!

  3. Good! Waste of good jail space! The Juice ain't loose!

  4. See ya OJ, don't let the door hit ya

  5. So be it. He is a liar and a murderer.

  6. he said he wanted to do it His way; so let him...whatever.

  7. He looks like he could shed a few pounds, so go for it!

    Let `em die if he wants to.

  8. So...let him starve

  9. Why is such a hurry for your destiny in hell? I'm sure all your victims will be waiting for you come judgement day.

  10. "Announcing" one's pending suicide is nothing more than begging for attention. This guy just can't stand not being in the news.
    Hike up the man-pants... Do the crime - do the time.

  11. He is innocent just like before.let him out.just kidding

  12. With all the articles on here about the local, state, national economy, minimum wage, health ins. and EPA, this is one is getting higher numbers of comments. It speaks volumes for what is important to the masses.

  13. Hope this is the last update on his not eating until his obituary notice. His victims didn't get to choose their means and time of death, so he's still ahead.

  14. I'm sure that the administration in that prison are kisssing his a** just like they do at ECI when someones is on hunger strike. I say good riddance, let them go who the hell cares>

  15. Maybe he can go look for the "real killer" when he goes to Hell.

  16. Look at all the whining, yet he did what 90% of ex-husbands want to do with an ex-wife that is a bit&%, he cut her head off!

  17. He's had time his wife and Ron Goldman never got, and never any remorse or admission. No big loss let him go, I'm sure it's not sincere and just a cry for himself to try and get an early get out of jail free card.

  18. No one commenting here would be this mean if he was still playing football. Look how everything was forgiven for the guy that beat, clubbed, and burnt alive dogs, because he is still playing.
    No one wants to talk about how Michael Vick is just like OJ.

  19. 2:28 all football players would starve if the counted on me to watch. sports is not what it once was. million dollar players with 8th grade education, then go on strike. wa wa wa. i wouldn't pay 10 cents to watch any of it.

  20. If I were a correctional officer in that prison I'd walk by his cell every day with a cheesesteak sub with fried onions.

  21. Give him a dull knife and let him cut his own throat, bleeding to death is too good for him

  22. Obama is coming to offer him ERIC HOLDER'S OLD job of Attorney General this coming month...

  23. Tragic metaphor for Liberal Pop Culture worshiping America.

    Running through Airports was a better gig than he ever deserved.

    He did not appreciate what he once had and we all have watched it slip away.

  24. Hopefully he repents of his murders and asks for forgiveness before he burns in Hell. He can fool some people but he is not fooling God.

  25. Not to worry.. Ob' will PARDON him before anything serious happens.


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