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Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Animal Abuse

Well let's see here. I just heard after the neighbors dogs attacked my daughters dog to the cost of over $900.00 to put him back together. Then one month later the same dogs attacked and killed her cat in her front yard the court said they can keep their dogs if they put up a kennel. Where is the justice. I feel the local heath department and the humane society and the court system has let her down. It's like what she had to go though meant nothing. She had to see her cat being pulled apart by these two dogs as if they were playing tug of war. I am so ashamed of you all. This is not the end.


  1. Take matters into your own hands.

  2. Unfortunately she has to go through the court system. Our neighborhood fought with the neighbors and ineffective animal control over their pit bulls running loose for over 6 months.
    Despite city laws, we had 3 neighbors and 4 dogs running loose. One attacked and mauled a smaller dog. Neighbor had to take him to court. Animal control did nothing, as in all the other cases. This went on for 6 months.

    Some of it is due to the ways the laws are written. Another large part of it, no one from SPD or AM bothers to educate you to what the laws are and what your rights are. This leads to a lot of misunderstandings. LE does a very poor job in this area. Always has and always will.

  3. I agree. If the dogs pose a threat shoot em

  4. if that was my cat the dogs would be dead.

  5. the laws regarding animals biting people and/or other animals need to be revised my neighbor tied a cement block to his dog's cllar and made him drag it 10-15 feet to get to his feeding bowl he was off the chain and broke through a wooden fence and bit my cat's foot off response quarantine for one month later he was off again and mangled my cat so much he had to be put down that time we could not prove he had been in our yard so the dog is still on the chain with the cement block shame on you animal control

  6. I would shoot them in self defense.

  7. In situations noted above is it legal to shoot the attacking animal?

  8. It is not the job of city or county agencies to educate the public on the laws, it is the publics responsibility to Learn and KNOW the laws in there area. If the local laws need to be changed, contact the agencies involved and help them get the changes needed instead of blaming them for not getting it done.

  9. I think the owners should be held accountable. Obviously you should always be able to defend yourself, your pets and your property. Huge fines and jail time will be a start for those negligent pet owners. For most of us our pets are an extension of our family.

  10. 3:41 hate to break it to you but it IS the job/responsibility of city or county employee to know and educate the public on the laws they have sworn to uphold.

    Where do you people come from?

  11. Cats are subject to leash laws the same as dogs! Keep your cats on a leash or in the house off the lease they are feral and subject to the laws of nature and even though I don't dislike cats they get what the owner allows them to when they roam wild. My dogs stay in my yard as they are trained and any cat that they spot in our yard they will "play" with it and it may be injured or die. If you were to come onto my property and kill one of my dogs I'n afraid your cat would be the least of your problems keep your cats inside and don't tresspass you'll live longer.

  12. I didn't shoot them... weren't me...I never saw nothing.

    Air rifles are very lethal nowadays.

    But, you never bought one, as they require no background check or registration!

  13. get some pics of that dog in your yard with time stamps on them.had similar problem.told animal control I was willing to prosecute,2 days later the problem dog was gone!

  14. forgot to say I was ready to take care of problem dog myself if animal control didn't!

  15. I am the mother of girl that lost her cat and had to pay to save her dog. She lives in the county and I have worked for the County for many years. What I don't understand is why is it that my daughter did not have the same change as the other party did to address the Health Department and the Humane Society. If they had followed up on the first report maybe this would not have come to this. Yes we will going as far as we can on this. map

  16. What does the health department have to do with this?

  17. 1;34 not sure but it may be the rabies aspect. if a dog bites a person you have to prove they have up to date rabies vaccinations. i am not sure if it applies to any bites or just people bites.
    that is handled by the health dept.

  18. PRMC is the worst hospital I have even been in. There dirty and don't care about the patient.

  19. There is no dog control in Salisbury, they will do anything they can to not come when called, and then they want you to meet and talk with the neighbors who have ignored your requests. And if you refuse to try to talk to them again they just don't bother to come out to the address at all or view from inside their vehicles!!!!

  20. It was Pet RE that told my daughter to contact the Health Department plus they had to file a report with them. That was when her dog was attacked in her yard. So she did. But for some reason when we went in to talk to them after her cat was killed (in her front yard) we were told there was no report. Yet Pet ER has a copy of what they faxed and conformation of it. It was also at that time we were told that they might deemed these dogs dangerous due two attacks on two different animals with one being killed. So why after all the steps we took why at the "Doggy Court" did she not have chance to ask her questions. Appeal is in the future. map

  21. Its funny how people are saying they feel its ok to shoot an aggressive dog or a dog that hattacked an animal or person....but if a cop shoots an aggressive animal, you guys want the cop prosecuted for abusing/killing the dog or making statements that you would shoot the cop in defense of the dog. I guess its ok for you guys to shoot aggressive dogs because you guys NEVER lie, but its wrong for cops to shoot aggressive dogs because cops are NEVER honest and have no ability to identify when they are being threatened by an aggressive dog. Perhaps some of you guys could organize and instruct the cops on when its ok to shoot dogs and when its wrong so they can do everything to please the public, regardless of the danger they might be in.

  22. 44:48 Cops kill ANY dogs. They kill dogs that are not even near them.
    That is what people are enraged about.

    Quit making stuff up to support your unsupportable theory.

    Nice try LE.

  23. BS. I'm the same subject that posted above. I've been a cop for ten years. Haven't shot one damned dog. I would have been totally justified in shooting two of them but I didn't. During my employment a total of about three dogs have been shot or shot at my fellow officers. Two of those dogs were in fighting/killing another dog. The other that I know of was charging the officer and he missed the dog and it ran off. During those 10 years, how many aggressive dog complaints do you think we handled? Three dogs shot or shot at in 10 years. Yeah numbers like means we're a bunch of murdering A-holes. You're the one making stuff up. How many cops have you seen shoot dogs? Nice try Fool.

  24. 2:30, Thank You for stepping up and defending LE.

  25. go to the city website, there a job for animal control officer. apply and fix all the problems


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