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Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: County Roads Employee's


One day last week I had my normal daily activities here at home to do and decided to take advantage of the sun and get outdoors around the house. While I intended to enjoy it I was interrupted by a Wicomico County Roads dump truck going by not 1,2, but three times with cold patch, shovels & rakes in the truck stopping nowhere in sight to do any patch work. A quick drive to both ends of the road revealed no cold patch work done, but boy did they miss an opportunity to pick up a bunch of roadside trash! They apparently drove by it all 3 times failing to see it I think not more like failing to stop and take 5 minutes to make this taxpayer feel like maybe they should all lose their jobs and I wouldn't care since they have once again failed me and the taxpayers of Wicomico County. I'm watching the trash and plan to give the county time to reply to my complaint before I take pictures and send them to you! Maybe it's time to ask your resders how they feel about the level of services they are recieving from the county overall?

Thanks for everything you do!


  1. Why can't you and the neighbors pick up the trash, why is it the county's job? Don't the prisoners pick up the trash?

  2. 9:09 Exactly. If the local yokels throw their beer cans, McDonalds trash and cig packs on your side of the road, pick it up and put it in the trash. Pay the county to take your/their trash to dump.

  3. If people stopped what they were told to do to please someone else things would never get done. Their job that day was not to pick up trash. Even if they did pick it up where were they suppose to put it? Are they suppose to carry around trash bags in the event they might find some trash?

  4. There job is to fix potholes not pick up trash. Sounds like you have a lot of time on your so why don't pick up the trash.

  5. lot of stupid comments or county workers or both

  6. You have no idea what these guys deal with, especially when it snows. Their division is ROADS, not trash pickup. When there's trash on our street, I pick it up; perhaps you should try it! Maybe then you'd be too tired to whine anonymously on a blog about things you obviously don't understand the workings of.

  7. I have plenty of time on my hands but I left MD and took my $ to FL. No state income tax, CCW permits with no hassle and it is 75/sunny. How is it in the peoples republic of Md? LOL!

  8. Sounds like they were doing the job they were assigned to be doing....fixing pot holes.

  9. 11:22 PM as soon as my kids are old enough I am moving to Florida or Texas. They don't seem to want to hang out with Daddy anyway and I think that is encouraged by their mother.

  10. 11:08 PM

    PART of their job is to keep the roadway clear, such as dead animals.

    Whichever agency owns a road, they also own 50 feet to each side of said road. So therefore it is their responsibility to keep their 'property' clean.

    Much like an agency would send you a notice/ticket in mail if you had trashy yard.

    1. Whoever told you that doesn't know what they are talking about. Most county roads, the county has 15 feet from the center of the roads. Get your facts straight.

  11. 11:22 and yet you continue to come on here and make comments. why? Find a blog in FL to bother.

  12. What day was sunny last week?
    Lots of free time on your hands going up and down your road looking for potholes they did not fill. On that sunny day while looking for unfilled potholes you could have carried a trash bag and gotten some exercise while beautifying the neighborhood.

  13. 12:16 Maybe because I still own properties and businesses in MD, DE, and PA. It's called being a stakeholder but not a resident. Sorry that it is difficult fort some people to comprehend anything other than their own little world.

  14. I called the Roads Division this week because my car is being torn up with all the pot holes in the county roads (and city streets but that's a different department) Their response.......we have pages and pages of roads that need repaired because of all the bad weather. My response to that is ,Well, that is their job and I pay many dollars worth of county (and city)
    taxes so what does that have to do with that? Instead of the county roads guys setting their alarms for their naps each day while on duty, why not keep working and do without naps, lunch...etc to get the job done for the residents of Wicomico County.

    1. Your comment makes no sense. I have seen the number of potholes lately from the freeze/thaw. I wouldn't expect them to get fixed all at once, there is no way. What I bet is a bunch of people that watched channel 47 about damaged cars are trying to call up there and get their vehicles fixed for free. This is what we get when we cut a department in half. Potholes are road hazards, deal with them. Learn to expect them at certain times, after long periods of rain, freezing temperatures. Slow down a little.

  15. Guys that are out patching are not picking up trash. There is a litter control crew for that. Putting trash on top of patch makes no sense to me.

  16. Dear commenter. Pick up the phone and call to report the trash, or go out there and pick it up yourself. They didn't put it there, but am sure that the inmate crews that pick up trash will be glad to pick it up. Have you called about the trash? Why is it not just as much your responsibility? Do you know for sure what the dump truck that "interrupted" your day was doing. Where was It at. What was the number on it. Some of you guys need to get a life.

  17. I think the the road division employees try to do the best job they can with everything they are required to do. If I had anything to say is that they are probably under paid and make less then people on welfare, so just be glad you have people who still want to work in these jobs.

  18. Anonymous 11:22

    You are sadly misinformed...there is no people's republic of Md...
    it is definitely the "Democrat Politician's Kingdom of Maryland"

  19. convicts and welfare recipients need to pick up trash daily.

  20. Sorry the sarcasm escaped you…Peoples republic of MD like peoples republic of china….get it now?

  21. Actually the writer is my neighbor and the mess on that road is often created by the county when the trucks transport uncovered roll offs from a transfer station to the main landfill. If you think the county roads workers need to drive up and down the same road 3 times in an afternoon without patching a single piece of asphalt perhaps you should pickup the trash. Do you even read Joe's stories about the taxes we that actually own property pay to Wicomico County? If they rode up and down the same 2 mile road and failed to take the five minutes to pick up the garbage that we are talking about they need glasses because it's unsightly and they apparently need something to do! As for us picking it up we always do maybe if the county will enforce the littering laws and enforce them on the driver? Oh that's right he works for them.

  22. 7:17 oh u mean slum lord. you have no skin in the game. when you live here then your opinion will be relevant.

  23. Maybe the author doesn't know who to call. So if you know, tell her/him.

  24. The original letter was vague and opened the door to a lot of criticism. I admit wondering why you didn't pick it up yourself.

    Once you clarified transfer station/landfill scenario, it became clearer to me the ongoing litter in your neighborhood you must be dealing with.

    Take photos and have them posted.

    I agree, you are not being paid to constantly clean up after others, nor should you have to.

  25. As the writer of this post I chose not to include the truck information on either the Roads crew or the roll off truck in order to keep somebody from getting in trouble I will however photograph the trash and forward it to Joe. I'm just really tired of excuses all the time if I thought it was my responsibility to pick it up I would have already done so as I have already done in the past multiple times. It's time for the citizens of Wicomico county to hold our county department heads and workers to a hire level of services qnd they need to act like they are appreciative of the sacrifices many make to pay taxes and remain prisoners of poor real estate values and an increasing sense of hopelessness that things will only get worse as time ticks by.

  26. Maybe Roads #63 or Roads # 50 can get out of there taxpayer take home fueled and warm newer 4+4 pick ups and pic up some of the trash them selves instead of trying to delegate it out to other workers across the county and end up spending more taxpayers fuel money for something they could have done themselves.And #63 could stand a good brisk walk.

    1. Don't know who any of those people are but maybe the writer should put something useful in the comment like where it is and maybe they would.

  27. 11:58
    Did I say residential properties? My properties in MD are commercial with the exception of my 5 acre property and home on the water. I pay RE taxes like everyone else and that makes me a stakeholder. I'm sorry that you are nor fortunate enough to be so successful. BTW, Joe is in the same position, he owns property in MD but lives in DE.

  28. 5:42 lots of slum lords in the commercial industry also. Big assumption that I am not successful, but goes to show what a pompous butt wipe you are, thank you for that.

    Don't drag others into your conversation. Especially those that are actually proactive to change. Joe still lives here, you do not.

    In fact, on every single post you make you boast about living in Florida while still slumming properties here, which you seem to think makes you special. I do not have that same opinion.

  29. After reading the comments, the only thing I have to say is that this writer should get out the phone book and call one of these departments and report the trash. If you felt this compelled to write this letter, maybe you could have included where the trash was. I think like one writer said that these guys to a pretty good job considering the cuts their department has taken. We shouldn't paint a broad brush because of one person or incident. The last I heard they had like 20 people now to take care of the whole county. I am sure there was a reason the dumptruck was going up and down the road. Maybe they were looking for something that had been reported but couldn't find it. These guys get the brunt of everybody's frustration about the government because they are the ones that are out there in public view. Do yourself a favor, report where the trash is. Don't assume that anyone is a mind reader.

  30. Guys that are out patching are not picking up trash. There is a litter control crew for that. Putting trash on top of patch makes no sense to me.

    February 15, 2014 at 8:32 AM

    They carry a small pile of road patch, not a full load. There is plenty of room in front of the pile.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Whoever told you that doesn't know what they are talking about. Most county roads, the county has 15 feet from the center of the roads. Get your facts straight.

    February 15, 2014 at 8:33 AM

    You are the one who does not have their facts straight, again.

  32. 9:33 AM

    They have been downsized to 38 people from what I read. Down from 70something

  33. This is kinda off the roads subject but its county waste at its finest.As a business owner in winterplace park i am totally baffled at the number of single occupant rec and parks vehicles on there way to that location there daily. I noticed 3 single occupant vehicles on the way there twice last week. I do not know who manages this department but either they have never run a business or just do not care about depleting taxpayer funds with expensive gasoline.But as i have for many years i will continue to pay my EXPENSIVE PROPERTY TAX to keep departments like this which are mismanaged afloat.

  34. Just think if they had 70 employees they could waste more tax payers money.

  35. Sounds to me like a top down issue- the County knows what it's job is and what is not.
    If that is the case why doesn't this County have a leadership who makes sure they do their jobs?

    Snow removal crews showing up a whole shift before the storm is the usual scam these people see as an entitlement. Those workers should be furloughed this Summer equal to the overtime they brag about.

    A GPS and cameras need to be supervising our PUBLIC SERVICE employees. In the schoolrooms and on board their rolling condominiums they spend their days in going from C-store to C-store. Our County Health Dept is another scam with management of the facility being an overstaffed joke cut the fat Mr Pollit -do it in your own office.

    1. You must be talking about the State Highway. Provide one example of a county crew showing up a shift early for a storm. You can't.

  36. What am I supposed to do with empty beer cans and fast food trash? I don't want to get stopped by the police with that stuff my truck. Got chuck it out somewhere.

  37. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What am I supposed to do with empty beer cans and fast food trash? I don't want to get stopped by the police with that stuff my truck. Got chuck it out somewhere.

    February 16, 2014 at 8:40 PM

    When you buy gas, there are trash cans at the pumps.


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