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Monday, February 17, 2014

'My Job Is To Protect The Country When I Can,' McConnell Defends Vote

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WHAS11) -- Under fire from the tea party for his part in allowing a senate vote to raise the nation's debt ceiling, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said Friday he had to act in the best interests of the country to avoid default by the United States.

"My job is to protect the country when I can," McConnell said at a campaign appearance in Louisville, "and to step up and lead on those occasions when it's required. That's what I did."



  1. So bussiness as usual..how about we sever our ties to the FED and stop borrowing our great geart grandchildrens future

  2. What you did was to roll over and let the evil win. Default will be here in the future with 10x consequences unless you get a spine and stand up for what's right now.

    But you let it go....

  3. No doubt we need some good strong Republican leadership.

  4. I just told my Son yesterday to be wary of Ron and Rand Paul-- their Son and Brother in Law Jessie runs McConnell's office-- I think we are always going to be set up to be duped

    Vlad Lenin once said 1 voice out of 13 is alright to have around for dissent

  5. mitch needs to go soon.

  6. Get rid of the spineless RINO!!

  7. debt=protection how Orwellian?

  8. 8:15
    Nice smoke screen.
    McDonnell needs to go.

  9. 6:59
    perhaps you need things plainly stated. Mitch McConnell is a turncoat traitor. A RINO Republican who has repeatedly capitulated to the Soros agenda.

    His Chief of Staff is Ron Paul's Son in Law Jessie. All we ever heard out of Ron was talk.. so who is to know if they all are not one big happy family with their insider trading and laws meant only for them?

    (Personally I am a Libertarian however in my opinion Obama pushing legalized Marijuana has neutralized over 80% of the Libertarians who were never politically inclined, not very smart, and there solely to get their weed decriminalized.)


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