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Monday, February 17, 2014

Here’s the U.S. Army’s $96 Million, 300-Acre Fake City in Va. — Complete with Subway Station, Football Stadium, and Mosque — for Terrorism Combat Training

The U.S. army has constructed an elaborate fake city designed for terrorism combat training, noted the Telegraph, spanning 300 acres and including a five-story embassy, a bank, a school, an underground subway and train station, a mosque, a football stadium, and a helicopter landing zone.

Located in Fort A.P. Hill, Va., according to the Fredricksburg Free Lance-Star, which is just under an hour north of Richmond, the facility includes bridges and other other structures that can be adapted for specific purposes and scenarios.

The Army’s Army Asymmetric Warfare Group opened the training center last month, the Telegraph said. The AAWG was created in 2004 to help combat terrorism and deal more effectively with emerging threats.


  1. And we have homeless people right here.

  2. Not only that, be on the look out for one of two things...

    1)They use this to create a false flag operation to make you all think a city is being attacked...

    2)They will sell it to china so they can make a city of their own on our soil for all the debt we owe them...
    (kinda funny how not to long ago they said china wanted to use 300 acres to build a sustainable city on it... and look at what's here and 300 acre city)

    I agree with poster above, we have homeless and the rest here like every other country yet we still send millions to other countries to help those who hate us so much so, they wouldn't help us if we had problems like them...

    oh not to mention we can build a city that military can train on when we have people losing their jobs daily... Oh not to mention the took pensions from military and here is some of that right here...

    Its funny how the govt hates America and the citizens and the rest yet you all still let them through this shit in your face so blatant that it mocks your stupidity you say you do not have... Always saying they are out of touch with the people... NO hell NO they are not... they know damn well what they are doing and why and they know damn well we hate it and are upset and want something done and they lead you to believe they are doing something when clearly they are not...

    its ok tho, sad to say, my satisfaction will be when they come and put a gun in your face and haul you away... Then i will be running around yelling I told you so, you dumb ass... as they haul you away to probably kill you..

    Oh but history can't repeat itself now can it... The govt will never shoot its own people right, how could they right? yes exactly, look at kent state shooting where the guard shot students who had rocks...

    NO clearly this never happened in any other country at any other time...

    Why do you think they come after us? we are the last hope of freedom in THIS WORLD PERIOD!!!! if you take out the USA then every country will be run like china and the rest... where you want to kill yourself but theys stop you because they want you to keep working as their slave...

  3. We'll have a lot more once the military is desensitized to carrying out lethal operations domestically.

  4. the homeless will welcome a warm bus and shelter. The rest of us better be getting ready for a fight.
    That's what they are getting ready for, and most of you just dismiss it as normal "training".
    You'll be killed quickly because you just won't accept the fact that they are preparing as fast as they possibly can....

  5. What in the world does that have to do with this story?

  6. Seems to be a bunch of paranoid nuts on here

    You all commenting in other post about packing up and leaving Maryland better prepare to move out of the USA

    1. How do you type with your head in the sand.

  7. Oh my..the military built a fake city so soldiers could be better trained for when they have to go to war....

    But what do I know except for the fact you can never train enough for what you will see in combat.

    My comment is based on 3 combat tours, so unless you have been deployed yourself just relax because this is for soldiers to train before they go to war. Thanks

  8. 8:16 The question is; to war with whom?

  9. I'm a veteran. Soldiers train for conditions and environments they EXPECT to be in ..... so explain why they are using a football stadium, a subway station and a 5 story embassy? Are there many of THOSE things in third world countries? And taken in the context of our own government's purchase of BILLIONS (read that again) rounds of ammo (including ammo for the Social Security Administration (??) and the Post Office (?!) and the joint exercises of U.S. police forces (!?) and the U.S. military (why do the police in this country need to coordinate ANYTHING with the military??), its hard to call any alarm about those things "paranoid". Did you call your teacher "paranoid" when she told you 2 + 2 = 4? Because if you can't put these (and MANY other actions by the U.S. government) together and come up with something better than "tin foil hat" or "paranoid", you probably also failed first grade math.
    They ARE getting ready for SOMETHING in THIS country. You better start paying more attention.

  10. No starbucks, no Walmart, no McDonalds?? That is definitly not an American city!


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