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Monday, February 17, 2014

Meet Judge Arenda Wright Allen, Who Struck Down Virginia’s Ban On Same-Sex Marriage

The federal judge who struck down Virginia’s ban on same-sex marriage Thursday is an appointee of President Obama and in 2011 became the first black woman appointed as a federal District Court judge in Virginia.

Arenda Wright Allen, born in 1960, is a Philadelphia native who spent decades as a government lawyer: first for the Navy’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps, then as a federal prosecutor, and finally as a public defender. She is married to a retired pro soccer player from Jamaica and has two children — one of them named for musician Yanni.

When Wright Allen testified about her career before the Senate Judiciary Committee, she brought her pastor with her, from the 300-year-old First Presbyterian Church in Norfolk. Next to her husband, Wright Allen said, the Rev. Jim Wood was “probably the closest man in my life.”


  1. This is a BS feel-good article that misses the point of the ruling. If anyone takes the time to read Judge Allen's ruling it becomes quite apparent that she does not know the difference between the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The citations she uses are from the Declaration and have no basis in our Constitution. Just about what I would expect from a judge appointed by our King Barack.

  2. Did this woman get her law degree at Sears? She obviously doesn't know the difference in the constitution and the declaration of independence.

  3. If Obama had a sister......

  4. another affirmative action buffoon.

  5. What an uneducated savage who is playing by a page out of the Obama book on Homo's. I am quite certain Obama told her to lift the ban. I wonder if she could legally do that?

  6. Gimme-job....legislating from the bench.

    This starts in DC - we need to end it there too!

    November is coming - with 2016 shortly behind!

  7. you guys are too funny. Just admit that had she ruled in favor of a ban on ssm, you would be applauding her

  8. Typical Clinton or Obama appointment. Making sure the downfall of America is complete.

  9. 9:22 - if that were to happen, I would laugh my butt off as the democrats would have been taken by one of their own...wonder what she would have gotten in exchange....

  10. Homos are still the minority. Good luck with that Mr. and Mr., or Mrs. and Mrs. raising normal kids.

  11. "What an uneducated savage" ? Since when is a federal judge uneducated? Oh, when they rule contrary to your wishes! Savage? Hmm, appears you might be a bit racist too.


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