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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Are Salisbury - Wicomico Taxpayers Being Set-up By Some Of Our Own Elected Democratic State Representatives?

Are Wicomico residents being set-up for imposition of a new special tax?  A few days ago, SBYnews picked up some peculiar activity on our radar screen as we will elaborate latter-on in this article.

On February 7, 2014 - (keep that date fresh on your mind) - two western shore Montgomery County State representatives, Delegate Shiela Hixson, and, Senator Richard Madaleno sponsored new taxing legislation that will allow Counties to create special tax districts to impose new taxes.  (HB1279/SB0627)

Special Taxing Districts - Transportation Improvements and Exemption From County Tax Limitations - (click onto link to read bill)

According to the bills language, these newly proposed tax districts may allow special taxes to be assessed - (i.e. local motor fuel taxes and/or other taxes, etc.) - to fund transportation improvements.  This bill will allow creation of new taxes to override any previously established state & local tax cap limits.  


Wicomico County - State Delegate/County Council Breakfast Meeting No. 1, Wicomico Youth & Civic Center - December 7, 2013

A few weeks ago while attending the first breakfast meeting at the Civic Center that included our County Council and local State Delegation - I heard our County Executive - Rick Pollitt allude to legislation that might be able to supplement Wicomico County's diminishing transportation budget.  He stated that it might be beneficial to have said legislation to be pre-filed so as to allow sufficient time for the legislation to be enacted - as opposed to simply letting the legislation die in committee as a result of the legislature running out of time.  - (In this reporters humble opinion - this was a 'fishing expedition' to try and extract more tax dollars from Wicomico's taxpayers in order to fund Wicomico's diminishing transportation budget) 

Wicomico County - State Delegate/County Council Breakfast Meeting No. 2, Wicomico Youth & Civic Center - February 8, 2014

At the second breakfast meeting I noticed that there was a colloquy of discussion on how to try and lure more businesses to our area in order to help improve our deteriorating Income Tax revenue streams.  Recently - (Wicomico/Salisbury) - got national recognition by being nationally ranked as the  - '7th worst deteriorating economy in the nation' - according to the national ranking by the Huffington Business Journal article - 'America's Fastest Growing (Shrinking Economies) : 24/7 Wall St.' - (click onto link to view article)

Conclusion - Ramifications

Are any of Wicomico's current State legislators and/or County representatives encouraging Western Shore Legislative Delegates to do their dirty work

By that - I mean are any of our local Delegates using their western shore Delegate counterparts - (accomplices) - to enable new taxing legislation by having them sponsor new taxing initiatives that will basically enonerate our locally elected Delegates - out of the local public spotlight? (Taxation without representation - authors emphasis)

We have all seen this happen before - (i.e. Wicomico's Maintenance of Effort).  If not, then Delegate Norman Conway, Delegate Rudy Cane, Delegate Mike McDermott, Delegate Charles Otto, Delegate Addie Eckhardt, Delegate Jeannie Haddaway Riccio, and, Senator Mathias won't have any qualms about exempting Wicomico County from this new taxing legislation.  And I am quite sure that the local Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce members will also want to weigh-in on this 'new tax' parade.

Author's Note:  Having previously read virtually every House & Senate bill synopsis for each of the past 6 legislative sessions, I have noticed that most all of the real controversial legislation is sponsored at the 11th hour in hopes that the public won't pick it up.  These two bills were sponsored on last day - drop dead deadline under normal House Rule 32b - February 7th, 2014, in order to try and avoid the public spotlight.  Click here  - the House/Senate Index to see it for yourself.

Article by Beezer - SBYnews Contributor


  1. Now I can see why Rick Pollitt has been spending so much time in Annapolis. It seems our elected officials will do just about anything to raise taxes instead of being fiscally responsible and recognizing, (especially here on the Shore) that we're in a depression.

    Again, we need ALL of our legislators to spend the next two years CUTTING all spending and not bring forth ANY legislation that will further cost taxpayers ANY increase in taxes. It can be done and if you really think about it, IT HAS TO BE DONE.

    Do you Liberals think that money is just going to come out of nowhere and relieve us of all the debt you've placed on us, our Children and our Grandchildren?

    THINK HARD about what I've just said.

  2. This tax more than TRIPLES what we pay now in county taxes!

    I think I'll scream NOOOOO!!!!!

  3. Gentleman Jim has friends EVERYWHERE and Mr Chairman Norm stopped representing his constituency a long time ago.

  4. I swear, if I hear about one more tax or another tax increase I'm out of here. Almost every morning that the Maryland Legislature convenes, I hear about another tax proposal. I wish that the Delegates would not even meet because when they do, they inflict financial damage to all of us.


  6. I absolutely agree, we are in a depression. About the only industry that is flourishing is the plastic industry, EBT cards.

  7. If I'm not mistaken, this was the same Senator who sponsored the Chicken Tax.

  8. This is all liberal democrats know. They don't understand cutting expenses and think every problem can be solved by raising taxes. My question is "why do we keep electing them"?

  9. I highly doubt any politician is going to jeopardize their career to help another politician implement an unfavorable tax. Who ever came up with this also has constituents they have to answer to.

  10. I believe that this election is going to be a blood bath for the democratic party. I do not know about the other side of the bay, but I think that on the east side of the bay there are going to be alot of repubicans elected. At least I'm hoping so.

  11. Sorta naive to think any politician gives a darn about the public. #1 priority is their career. And historically it seems you can do what ever you want and still keep it.

  12. That much of a tax increase would surely stick a fork in me, good thing I live in a welfare state I guess. The only way to get ahead in this economic climate is welfare, food stamps, home assistance and a job on the side selling drugs.

  13. Thanks so much beezer and mr albero for keeping us up to date with the goings on across the pond. i think you are on it to a tee.

  14. I'll tell you what this State is. It is in a State of confusion. There are so many taxes and fee scams that I don't see how an ordinary citizen can survive.
    Seriously, they have taxed everthing but the kitchen sink.

  15. The entire eastern shore from Queen Anne's to Worcester is in a state of depression. So many jobs have been lost that it will take at least a decade to recover. So by my estimation it will be about 2024 before these economies will respond positively.

  16. To 9:41 Posting - I highly doubt any politician is going to jeopardize their career to help another politician to implement an unfavorable tax.

    Better think again! Bennett Bozman sponsored the Hotel Room tax increase for Wicomico's hotel tax - from 5% to 6% and he was a politician from Worcester County introducing legislation for Wicomico County.

    Or how about Norman Conway sponsoring state legislation to override Wicomico County's P&Z conditions to not allow beer or alcohol sales at the Arthur Perdue stadium. Case-in-point - it happens all of the time. They do this to try and insulate the local representative.

  17. Some of the western shore delegates are insane. Just look at what they've done to the inner city Baltimore.

  18. Thanks to beezer and mr albero on keeping us informed with the goings on at the liberal tax and spend building in annapolis.

  19. i think it is time for a revolution!!!!!!!!

  20. Call it a Suck Tax -- in honor of all the sucky perks our County parasites think they are entitled to take from us-- eliminate the personal gratification - furlough the individual public employee --Firefighters doing things we all have to pay to do like their Food and Laundry --charge them for it--if it is a 2% tax--they lose 2% of their income --if you don't like it-put the job title up for bid and hire somebody else-- it's high time Gov't lead the way by eliminating the waste and arbitrary do nothings expecially in Parks and Panning

  21. Reference 5:26 Post

    I agree, the poor taxpayers are mashing the potatos and the governmental employees are getting all of the gravy. I see their new fleets of cars & trucks, and I also see the new sheriff's vehicles. And yet they continue to raise taxes on us serfdoms to subsidize their own living standards. Something is wrong with this picture.

  22. We should also submit for the record the ledger this County pays Attorneys for the hubris of certain individuals like the facility manager at the County Courthouse who thinks she is above a written contract.

    I am sure there are many that can be listed. It seems Barrie Tighlmann thought that as yet another domain that she did not have to be accountable. Impulsive poor decisions and their impact have consequences. We need a ballot initiative to take away any retirement accrued to repay these indiscretions.

    If you make bad decisions there should be personal responsibility- not patron Barristers getting wealthy off the people.

    It should be a barrier to taking action against those who think they can bully as a statement of their own power.

  23. I agree with Joe's assessment. All spending needs to stop right now. We have to stop it!! The local economy is to precarious to let our County Executive simply keep increasing the budget. This budget needs to be trimmed ASAP. The state of our local finances is entering CRISIS PROPORTION!

  24. I have said in many past post slick Rick will not say much until after the next election (if he has the guts to run again) if he wins he will slam us with the rain tax and any other tax possible.

    1. You are correct! Watch as now the county and state are in deficits 2015 will bring huge increases in our tax rates, and we'll have 3 years to either forget or get used to having less of our money before the next election in 2018. Your vote truly will dictate your future.

  25. what's the matter? you folks don't like paying your fair share?
    Rickie and Norm are only trying to help us all out and make the shore a better place to live! bunch of darn ingrates you folks are!

  26. I agree with this article wholeheartedly. Some of Wicomico's biggest taxpayer enemies are living right here among us. Mainly - Democratic. They'll try and tickle your ears though, saying that they are here to help you.

    Remember what R Reagan said;

    'If a man comes from the government and says he's here to help you - remember this - he is your enemy, and you treat him as such'.

  27. Anonymous said...
    what's the matter? you folks don't like paying your fair share?
    Rickie and Norm are only trying to help us all out and make the shore a better place to live! bunch of darn ingrates you folks are!

    February 17, 2014 at 6:34 AM

    Not sure if this is sarcasm or not.

  28. I did not vote for Rick Pollitt nor Norman Conway. I could not vote for Rudy Cane or any of the others because they were not in my District. In fact, I do not believe that I voted for either Democratic candidate - except maybe Karen Lemon.


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