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Sunday, February 02, 2014

Maryland Approves New School Discipline Regulations

Maryland education leaders approved the most sweeping changes in decades to state discipline policies Tuesday morning, culminating a four-year effort intended to reform approaches to student punishment, increase time in school and end racial disparities in suspensions.

The Maryland State Board of Education’s action — approved in a 10-0 vote with one abstention and one member absent — comes at a time when school officials nationally are reconsidering their disciplinary measures. Three weeks ago, Obama administration officials called for a broad rethinking of student discipline and issued the first set of federal discipline guidelines for the nation’s schools.

The new regulations in Maryland do not ban principals from imposing suspensions but establish a more rehabilitative philosophy in schools and reserve the harshest penalties for the most severe offenses. They also expedite appeals, add educational services for suspended students and require plans to eliminate disparities. 



  1. Liberals just keep changing the rules. We have all heard it
    If you don't want a speeding ticket
    Don't speed
    If you don't want an abortion
    Don't get one
    If you don't want to get suspended from school. Change the rules and claim racism.

  2. This will effect the ones that need the discipline the most...by not giving it to them!

    So if white kids start acting up more - they will get less punishment too?

  3. Well the ghetto has won this battle that is for sure. I can not help feeling that it is now open season on white children.
    Sad sad day in this state.

  4. So when a black kid sucker punches
    Someone he gets away with it u hope there kids get the FIRST PUNCH....FN MORONS.

  5. I am saddened to see this, and concerned about my children as they enter middle school next year.

  6. This proves local school boards and administrators have their hands tied. I believe these local leaders are on the same side as teachers and most parents who want to see disruptive kids out of the classroom and serving the consequences of bad behavior. This policy has been in the works for sometime and all suspension numbers are reviewed regularly by the State. Wicomico has been cited for too many minorities being suspended, thus kids with bad behavior just shuffle around the system. It is a sad state of affairs.

  7. The assumption is that kids can't learn when they're suspended. True enough but many aren't learning when they are in school. When they attend, they make it impossible for other kids to learn. So one kid not getting an education cause he's suspended is a tragedy, but thirty kids not getting one because of him is fine.

  8. So do you support SCHOOL VOUCHERs SYSTEM ..its the only way to get control back from these communists they need to be taken out with the trash... democrats and libtards also

  9. Hug a thug. Not sure why letting wild kids ruin school for everybody is better than suspending them.

  10. Shout from the rooftops...we want our schools back SCHOOL VOUCHERS NOW GET IT ON A BALLOT LETS VOTE think of the savings..to weed out the garbage dictated by this communist regime

  11. So, read the article and hmmmm. If any of my children get it trouble, they will have the book thrown at them because they are white?

    This is revolting to tell the truth.

    Here is a question for the powers that be who decided this crap..
    What are you going to do about the kids who continually disrupt the classroom? I'm sorry to inform you, they are often black and have no parental guidance at home. Again, not my kids fault...What if the parent refuses to medicate their child (medicate bc they cant handle them) and that child once again throws a chair across the room? How is this my child's fault? I can't even say boo about it to the Admins bc they hide behind the "special ed" title. OR get get back to hours that "child" has taken away from my kid. Is my white child going to have to suffer or be brought to their level to even the playing field?

    You 10 members truly disgust me. You likely have NOT stepped foot in a classroom in years.

    I pray that parents in this county stand together and take back our schools.

  12. now the blacks will be commiting more crimes in school because they will not be punished. there will be more balack on white crime.

  13. The new policy is summed up in this slogan, "If your Black, you don't get Jack" .

  14. What's next...adopt this philosophy in the public court system. If Obama had his way, there would be no blacks in jail either. If they do the crime, they need to be punished, regardless of color!


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