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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Body Camera Video Of A Confrontation And Deadly Police Shooting


  1. I would have shot him too! Glad the officer didn't get hurt!

  2. This was incompetence on the part of the police officer. When cops know there is a suicidal guy in there and no one else is in immediate danger they really should have a better plan of attack. Telling him to stop isn't going to work. So you have to find a better approach especially when you know the situation before going in.

  3. Could this have been avoided had the officer approached the situation differently? Do you really believe that the officer we see in the video attempted to minimize the likelihood of resorting to lethal force?

  4. Poor Obama welfare guyFebruary 12, 2014 at 11:13 AM

    Good shooting...

  5. The police are not there to talk, they are there to act. That is what I saw. This police officer defended himself and I can appreciate that. THe real question for me is why did he try to defuse the situation with a drawn gun? If he felt he had to have his gun drawn then he is not the person that should be responding to this problem. It did not appear that anyone was in imminent danger, until the cop showed up that is.

    Now, I am not bashing the cop. I am bashing the fact that he felt he was qualified to deal with this situation and he clearly was not. He was aggressive in his approach, the tone of his voice, his positioning himself in front of the only exit, he had a gun pointed at the victim. All of these things increase the tension creating a very predictable reaction. And all of this in an environment where no crime had yet been committed. This officer needlessly ended a life, not because he defended himself but because he should not have attempted such an amateur move as talking down a person that is contemplating suicide in the first place. So he made matters worse simply by his presence and his willingness to use his gun.

  6. It is my observation that in this case, a semi-automatic gun would have been appropriate. One shot from that range or a warning shot may have worked. Once you pull the trigger of an automatic it's hard to stop the gun from firing.

  7. Anonymous said...
    It is my observation that in this case, a semi-automatic gun would have been appropriate. One shot from that range or a warning shot may have worked. Once you pull the trigger of an automatic it's hard to stop the gun from firing.

    February 12, 2014 at 12:03 PM

    If you didnt realize that the officer was shooting his duty weapon which is a semi-automatic weapon you shouldnt be commenting about the weapon. Also police officers are not trained to shoot warning shots. There a rule of 21 feet which is someone with a knife can cover 21 feet and be on top of you before you can draw your weapon and fire accurate shots hence the reason why the officer made an approach with his weapon drawn. Once you are inside someone elses house which you do now know the layout of, the suspect has the upper hand and knows all the hiding spots. Before people respond maybe you should go join a police agency and respond to calls like this and learn. Not bashing, just putting some common sense out there. You dont respond to a man with a gun call with your bare hands...

  8. A warning shot, give me a break...The officer goes home to his family plus saves the tax payers money.

  9. 12:19 The call was for a man with a knife not a gun. The call was received as an attempted suicide. So if the officer was there to protect the man from hurting himself, why did he fire his weapon 6 or 7 times? And this 21 foot rule. Does the officer have a built in mental tape measure?
    Of course the officer was proper in protecting himself, but shoot him once and if he keeps coming fire again not 6 or 7 at a time.

  10. 12:19 The call was for a man with a knife not a gun. The call was received as an attempted suicide. So if the officer was there to protect the man from hurting himself, why did he fire his weapon 6 or 7 times? And this 21 foot rule. Does the officer have a built in mental tape measure?
    Of course the officer was proper in protecting himself, but shoot him once and if he keeps coming fire again not 6 or 7 at a time.

    February 12, 2014 at 2:09 PM

    Attempted suicide call doesnt mean you dont respond to the call and keep you weapon holstered. Man with a knife call or not. 21 feet rule is something all police officers are taught and shown how fast someone can cover 21 feet. You dont need a mental tape measure. Its not hard to see that the guy in the video was like 10-12 feet away from the officer. he did a great job, he pied the corner and observed a man with a knife. He ordered the subject numerous times to drop it, which the subject ignored and continued to walk towards the officer.

  11. Very good , this is the way an officer should act and protect!

  12. Good shooting, and, as a home inspector, most big rooms are 12 feet wide, or 13. So 21 feet is about where the officer first saw him. He shot at an approaching man less than 7-8 feet away, and the guy therefore failed to stab the officer or the girl at the door with him.

    Peace followed, hence the name of Peace Officer.

  13. Another hero cop, with his life endangered by a terrifying walking man with a kitchen knife. Wow, the day is coming when a poLICE officer will shot you for blinking too quickly. How easily could he have backed out of the house? Tasered him? Stunned him momentarily with pepper spray and crack him with the baton? One shot, below the waist? All viable options, but he resorted to the most extreme choice with no hesitation. In no way shape or form was that shooting necessary. I am willing to bet a nickel that at least two of those shots missed too. Now he begins his 8 month paid vacation. Suprised they didn't assasinate the woman for standing up too fast. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE BACON.

  14. Anonymous said...
    This was incompetence on the part of the police officer. When cops know there is a suicidal guy in there and no one else is in immediate danger they really should have a better plan of attack. Telling him to stop isn't going to work. So you have to find a better approach especially when you know the situation before going in.

    February 12, 2014 at 10:45 AM

    Hey Dumb Dumb, the cop did have a better plan of attack. The cop is still alive today thank God. No go crawl back under your liberal rock and die.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Could this have been avoided had the officer approached the situation differently? Do you really believe that the officer we see in the video attempted to minimize the likelihood of resorting to lethal force?

    February 12, 2014 at 10:47 AM

    No and yes. Great marksmanship and one less Obama voter we have to support in jail or a mental institution.

  16. Anonymous said...
    12:19 The call was for a man with a knife not a gun. The call was received as an attempted suicide. So if the officer was there to protect the man from hurting himself, why did he fire his weapon 6 or 7 times? And this 21 foot rule. Does the officer have a built in mental tape measure?
    Of course the officer was proper in protecting himself, but shoot him once and if he keeps coming fire again not 6 or 7 at a time.

    February 12, 2014 at 2:09 PM

    Last time I checked people with knives kill cops just like people with guns kill cops. It wasn't a Nerf bat. Great job officer now you get to go home alive.

    If you don't want to die then don't go after a cop with any kind of weapon. If you don't want your suicidal loved one with a weapon to die then don't call a cop. Duh!

  17. Anonymous said...
    12:19 The call was for a man with a knife not a gun. The call was received as an attempted suicide. So if the officer was there to protect the man from hurting himself, why did he fire his weapon 6 or 7 times? And this 21 foot rule. Does the officer have a built in mental tape measure?
    Of course the officer was proper in protecting himself, but shoot him once and if he keeps coming fire again not 6 or 7 at a time.

    February 12, 2014 at 2:09 PM

    The officer isn't there to protect the guy from hurting himself, the cop is there because he was there to investigate a complaint. Unfortunately for you wet pants liberals the criminal tried to kill the cop and the cop won. Great job. Now some young child doesn't have to grow up telling everyone his dad used to be a cop.

  18. AnotherMcLain said...
    Another hero cop, with his life endangered by a terrifying walking man with a kitchen knife. Wow, the day is coming when a poLICE officer will shot you for blinking too quickly. How easily could he have backed out of the house? Tasered him? Stunned him momentarily with pepper spray and crack him with the baton? One shot, below the waist? All viable options, but he resorted to the most extreme choice with no hesitation. In no way shape or form was that shooting necessary. I am willing to bet a nickel that at least two of those shots missed too. Now he begins his 8 month paid vacation. Suprised they didn't assasinate the woman for standing up too fast. WAKE UP AND SMELL THE BACON.

    February 12, 2014 at 5:15 PM

    Didn't you just call the cops pigs? You are constantly bashing the cops on here aren't you. What did you get arrested for to make you hate cops so much.

  19. LOL I see the cops are out in force today, typically defending the indefensible with all their aggression, hostility and rudeness.

    The cop handled it wrong.
    It is that simple.
    No one needed to die.

  20. 5:35 the cop was called there because the girl was afraid he was going to hurt himself, she clearly states that on the video.

    Try paying attention, bacon.

  21. 5:28 "Hey Dumb Dumb, the cop did have a better plan of attack. The cop is still alive today thank God. No go crawl back under your liberal rock and die."

    That the best you got?
    Name calling?
    Telling people to go die?
    Wow, good job telling me off, what are you, 10?


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