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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Jobs In Salisbury

Good morning Joe,

We usually hear about all the unemployed people here on the shore and I just wanted to share something with you in hopes it might help someone find a job. Driving down E. Main Street there is a banner on the fence by Chesapeake Shipbuilding announcing they need help. They are looking for welders, pipe fitters and painters. Hope this can really help someone out.


  1. Those jobs require labor, getting dirty and actually showing up on time. I doubt many people want to do that anymore.

  2. 7:46 - narrow mind.

  3. 7:46 are you applying? or are you too good for that job too?

  4. Also require real skills not just a college degree.

  5. 7:46 is correct. They are not being "narrow minded" but telling it the way it is 8:06 & 8:07.
    I know I know the truth sucks, but you people need to hear it and get honest with yourselves and face reality for once in your lives. Society has become lazy because they don't mind being slaves to the government.
    You people are the whole problem-honesty and telling it like it is- is a foreign concept to you.
    With the unemployment rate as high as it is in this area, there should be 100's of people applying for these jobs.

  6. Anonymous said...
    7:46 - narrow mind.

    February 15, 2014 at 8:06 AM

    No he is correct. You are a soft hearted liberal that is to stupid to understand you help pay for the lazy slobs. Unless you are one of the entitlement whores yourself.

  7. 8:55am there won't be 100's of people applying for those jobs. Cut off the freebies and you will see people in line.

  8. Why should I get dirty in a shipyard for only $15/hr? That's only $2,400 a month! Between unemployment, EBT, and other programs, plus a few odd jobs for cash (no taxes taken out) I can easily make more than that plus My family gets free health care at Three Lower Counties. Plus I can watch TV anytime I want.

  9. "Plus I can watch TV anytime I want"

    You forgot and make more babies that you can't pay for. It's enough to make you throw up when you see what losers some of these girls settle for. Men without sufficient means to support even just themselves, no cars, criminal records, etc. When I was younger and dating no such loser would ever been in my company. I had standards.

  10. OSHA must be experiencing budget cuts.

  11. Wow! All you people do is complain about a lack of trade and manufacturing jobs. Someone lets joe know about some and he posts the notice and the only comments are still negative and political. How about thanks to joe and the person that let him know about them.

  12. 10:51 Because, that wouldn't be the "christian" thing to do.

    Everyone is negative, which breeds hate.

  13. Yup narrow minds.
    Percent of the US population on welfare 4.1 %
    Percent of the US population on food stamps 14.3 %
    Percentage of the US population of working age 66%

    So you make such crass general statements to label everyone because of 4% of the population?

  14. Percentage of the US population of working age 66%

    how many of that % is actually working?

  15. "Plus I can watch TV anytime I want"

    obviously you are one of the useless leeching welfare kings or queens. that keep making more welfare babies so you can get more entitlements.just about as usefull as a crap stain.

  16. These opportunities are great and will be good jobs for many people. That said, Salisbury's problem is the fact that there are no businesses that pay a decent wage for educated individuals. I have to drive to Easton just to find something that I can support my family while working in a very common field. We don't retain our educated individuals in this town. It one of the reasons we have such idiots running the show here. If this continues I will be forced to leave an area that I love. You can't open decent businesses here either because the lack of jobs in the area leads to a lack of customers with disposable income. This is a horrible cyclical problem. Look at the businesses we have lost. Hell, we couldn't even keep a Gap in the mall. The numerous empty commercial spaces provide opportunity for business, but rents are really high for start ups. If the city would provide tax breaks, that might help. Problem is we tax people to death and don't support our local businesses.

  17. 1:29 I am not sure how we are not supporting our local businesses when the majority of day to day spending is locally.

  18. For the past few months, I have been driving around Salisbury on my way to work and home from work along with just my every day driving. It seems all I really see anymore are people dressed like bums, carrying bags of "stuff" (their clothing, etc) suitcases. Where are all these people going and where are they coming from? Shelters, camps, under the bridge?
    Salisbury just looks really "poor" anymore from when I moved here over 30 years ago. Back then it was a really nice town to live in - now all I see are empty buildings with businesses going under, boarded up windows, For Sale signs everywhere -

  19. I want to enlighten some of the people on this blog. I am what many would call a slumlord, but I do not own any properties in Salisbury. The majority of my properties are in other states and are not section 8 by any means. I purchased properties in affluent areas before most people had ever heard of foreclosures and short sales. I lived a frugal lifestyle and utilized my income from work to buy properties rather than new cars, cable tv, etc. My rentals had central A/C but my home did not. The moral to this story is that people make choices in life… i invested rather than consumed. There is/has been a mentality of wanting it all now and being entitled to it that permeates our culture. No one wants to work hard, sacrifice and delay gratification anymore. Given the economy in Salisbury, there should be a long line of applicants for $15+/hr jobs.

  20. I would like a followup on this one. I would like to know if they get any takers

  21. now with obamacare even with good pay it all goes to healthcare premiums and taxes and then you are left in the poverty level. this is the way it is in obamas america. this is obamas plan.

  22. I just drove East on East Main Street at 11:40 AM on a Sunday after church and 3 Salisbury Police Officers were standing in a parking lot near or about Devages. Why are they running radar in the same area as the Speed Camera? Does that mean you get 2 tickets if you get caught speeding? Doesn't the Salisbury Police Department have better things to do on a Sunday than place 3 police officers in a parking lot to catch speeders? Don't we have some real crime and criminals to go after. I am a big supporter of the police department, but this is a waste of good resources. If the City of Salisbury can put 3 police officers on radar duty at the same time then we have to many police officers on duty. They are getting just as bad as the paid Salisbury Fire Department. Jimmy, Barb and Hoppes need to go!!

  23. That area is full of welfare and entitlement people.
    The ain't gonna work , they is getin nuff suf fre.

  24. Actually 108,000,000 people receive some type of freebie from the government.

  25. As long as people don't view SS as an entitlement.When a person pays in their entire life to something and then government officials refer to that as an entitlement I'm offended.

  26. But with imperial gallery closing down and others downsizing and cutting hours....we will still experience a net loss. You will definitely see an increase in government funded job creation. But a net loss in jobs funded totally by private sector.


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