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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Eric Holder To Step Down This Year: Report

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will step down this year, he said in an interview with the New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin in the magazine’s Feb. 17 edition.

In a feature article, Mr. Holder said he plans on staying in his position “well into” the year.

Last November, Mr. Holder, the first black attorney general, told CBS News he didn’t have “any plans” to step down.


  1. Ha ha the witch is dead.and take your little dog too

  2. Like everyone else, time to get out before the charges catch up to him.

    They should still stick no matter what.

  3. I do believe he is bailing in an agreement that gets him a pass on indictment for Fast & Furious. He's a jerk and deserves a military trial for treason!


  4. Translation: Bill Clinton's fixer for the Marc Rich pardon has BHO's signature on his pardon, which will be announced the morning of January 20, 2017.


  5. Janet Reno is no longer our worst ever Attorney General; she's moved up one notch.

  6. Kim Jong Un in North Korea made him a better offer...

  7. He's made a fortune off his Bank protection racket and his Prison Labor corporation that has been a boom to his Vanguard Growth Fund

  8. ONE DOWN NOW...Obama is nextFebruary 11, 2014 at 9:24 PM

    ONE DOWN...Obama's impeachment paper-work is in transition...than he bites the dust...

  9. The sooner the better. There hasn't been any justice in the justice department. This man belongs in jail.

  10. Such a corrupt man...life in prison would be too easy for him

  11. A few years too late.....

  12. He needs to be taken out in cuffs and an orange suite. Our most corrupt and arrogant attorney general ever!

  13. Says a lot that he has to "step down" versus being physically removed.

  14. 8:04 - just like Jimmy Carter is no longer our worst president.....

  15. If his head hurt he need him a Tylenol.

  16. Thats not all that is going to be hurting if he actually gets the jail time he deserves.


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