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Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 2-12-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Police: Man Stuns Woman, Rapes Her: Mayor Jim Iret...":

All Of You Make Me Sick. Mayor Jim Is A Good Man. I Know Him Personally. He Does Not Hate Women. Yes That Is His Father But If You Pulled Your Head Out Of Your Ass For A Minute And Stopped Assuming, You Might Know That Jim And His Sisters Never Had Much Of A Relationship With Him. Jims Mother Took Her Children And Left After realizing What Kind Of A monster The Man Above Is. All Of You Are Monsters Too And Im Ashamed To Live In The Same Place As A Bunch Of Nasty Bigots That Have Nothing Better To Do Than gossip. This Entire Site Is Like A Middle School Girls bathrooSadm. It's sad


  1. I just wonder who this guy is.

  2. Now we understand why Jim is the way he is, pitiful up bringing.

  3. Hope nobody ever judges me for what my father did.

  4. Where in the hell did you learn punctuation and grammar!

  5. I agree about most of the commenters here being bigots with nothing better to do but that was almost impossible to read, Why Was Every Word Capitalized?

  6. Truer words have rarely been spoken.

  7. Personally I'm getting a little sick of seeing the guy's picture anyway.

  8. I see the spelling and grammar police are out today. How about simply choosing to focus on the message?

  9. Feel free not to come to this site, Jimbo. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree.

    Gossip? Do you mean discussing documented facts?

    Take some personal responsibility for who and what you are, and maybe your feelings wont get hurt.

  10. 8:53 and what's your excuse?

  11. 9:05
    I think it's about credibility. If people have so little self worth and don't take the time to make sure things are correct why should we pay attention to them. We all make mistakes, don't get me wrong but this comment was a nightmare to read.

  12. 9:13 I personally don't think just because someone is not versed in computer literacy or perfect English negates the message they are trying to relay.
    I have seen people make some awesome points on here with one spelling error and all you dimwits dismiss the message and bash them for spelling.
    What that tells me is that you have no credibility.

    I am not a fan of Ireton's but why should he be judged for the errors of a father that was not even a part of his life?

    If your brother gets a DUI does that mean you are a drunken POS too?

  13. 9:05 In that case, the message AND their poor typing is horrible. Whether you like that the article was poted or not, doesn't matter...it is news, and sbynews post everything. As far as the biggotry, and gay hate... I don't condone, nor participate in that part. That would be the bible thumpers who come out to hate.

  14. 9:23
    9:13 here
    If all of us here are dimwits as you say why do you continue to come here? Your comment screams of irony. You don't want people to be lumped in with their drunken brother but it is ok to lump together all the "dimwits" that have made a comment.
    Sometime a simple comma can change the sentence completely and so can how you spell a word.
    Let's eat Grandma vs
    Let's eat, Grandma

  15. 9:13, if you are saying you can't understand the message because of the bad punctuation, then I think perhaps 9:23 hit the nail on the head. Dimwit!

  16. 10:02 Irony is dimwits like you missing an obvious point to only further validate that of 9:13
    9:13 did not criticize anyone for spelling, like you. Which was the point of the post you so conveniently missed and lamely attempted to twist into another topic.
    That would easily put you in the dimwit category. One consolation is you are not alone. There seems to be a lot of you dimwits out there.
    Enjoy your grandma.

  17. 10:02, nice try. I see you also have comprehension issues.
    I appreciate your attempt to twist my words to make an illogical point. You must be at the top of the dimwit list. Gauche.

  18. anonymous 9:23, Need I remind you of Jim's actions towards Women who have earned respect. Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen, Lore' Chambers.

    Need I remind you of Jim's actions in MoJo's as the Mayor of this City. Running from the Police in Rehoboth.

    It is up to the public to decide if there's a connection. It is OUR votes and YOU should NOT hide anything from the public.

    Now, let's NOT forget Jim Ireton creating a website in my name defaming me as much as possible. Hmmm, I was fair game then.

    1. Joe those aren't the only things he's done. Rumors are abound that He frequently attends all male Toga parties wearing nothing underneath the sheet.

  19. 9:23 here.
    I believe the topic of my comment was criticizing the author by the spelling/grammar police, and missing the point of the post. And judging people by the actions of others.

    I have no issue judging Ireton by his own actions.

    I never said hide anything. I did not even criticize publishing any of the articles, so I am not sure where you are coming from.

  20. Mayor jim ireton may or may not be a good man, i don't know and won't judge. However, the citizens have a right to know about his dad to make an informed decision. How much are his legal fees costing taxpayers?

  21. 11:06, Brilliant! You do have a right to know about his dad. But I forget, what is HE running for in our city/county? We need to know about him to make an "informed" decision? Give me a break.

  22. 11:06 his legal fees are no different than any other criminal. I am not sure why that matters.

  23. His son is running up legal bills for the city's taxpayers. lawsuits against the red light district and suits by people who allege ireton doesn't know how to restrain his desires or emotions. Makes more sense when you see how jim ireton sr. acts.

  24. You should be defamed. You are a disgusting pig and a bigot.

  25. I`m an ex politico from SalisburyFebruary 12, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    I believe I have the right to state the facts AS THEY ARE! Ireton is a homosexual prick. He`s pompous, a 6 foot pansie, and a spoiled brat. Knowing full well the ramifications of politics he acts like the primadonna he is when he doesn`t get his way on his and Jake Days brain children. He is a wholesale disgrace to the citizens of Salisbury.
    I find the ONLY repulsion afoot is the fact a handful of lame-brained liberals of the same cut as he would waste their time defending him when everyone in town already knows the real story. In the character arena he is bankrupt and there is NO SIN in exposing his background nor is it illegal as millions of people do the rudimentry same in things as germain as applying for employment. Face the music Salisburians, your mayor is the SAME CALIBER as your President.

  26. I know his sisters , big deal , they seem to be very nice , however , Jim Ireton Jr. is in need of mental help.
    Maybe , just maybe , Jr. turned out to be the mental person he his , because of his old man.
    I will say that the old man likes his females.

  27. Joe, you should add the picture of that pervert in the orange jail scrubs and you will see your hits skyrocket.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Truer words have rarely been spoken.

    February 12, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    What words are you referring to?

  29. All the pro Jim Ireton comments on here are obviously from the same person.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Personally I'm getting a little sick of seeing the guy's picture anyway.

    February 12, 2014 at 9:02 AM

    Then go away!

  31. Anonymous said...
    I see the spelling and grammar police are out today. How about simply choosing to focus on the message?

    February 12, 2014 at 9:05 AM

    What message? That you are about the only friend Jim Ireton has and you think it's ok to be a rapist, a sodomizer, a homo and a pedophile?

  32. I`m an ex politico from Salisbury said...
    I believe I have the right to state the facts AS THEY ARE! Ireton is a homosexual prick. He`s pompous, a 6 foot pansie, and a spoiled brat. Knowing full well the ramifications of politics he acts like the primadonna he is when he doesn`t get his way on his and Jake Days brain children. He is a wholesale disgrace to the citizens of Salisbury.
    I find the ONLY repulsion afoot is the fact a handful of lame-brained liberals of the same cut as he would waste their time defending him when everyone in town already knows the real story. In the character arena he is bankrupt and there is NO SIN in exposing his background nor is it illegal as millions of people do the rudimentry same in things as germain as applying for employment. Face the music Salisburians, your mayor is the SAME CALIBER as your President.

    February 12, 2014 at 4:00 PM

    Here! Here! I couldn't have said it better myself.


  33. Chuck Cook said...
    11:06, Brilliant! You do have a right to know about his dad. But I forget, what is HE running for in our city/county? We need to know about him to make an "informed" decision? Give me a break.

    February 12, 2014 at 11:39 AM

    Chuckiepoo you will do anything to swallow the sword for your girl Jimmie won't you.

  34. If a teacher teaches half-time, what time is the end of his school day?

  35. Anonymous said...
    If a teacher teaches half-time, what time is the end of his school day?

    February 12, 2014 at 6:07 PM

    He doesn't teach.

    John Fredericksen gave Ireton a cushy job with TAD so he doesn't have to be in school all the time. He is only there about 2 days a week and only a half day at that.

  36. I wonder which family made this post defending Jim Peter Ireton, Jr.?

    Was that you Ann or was it Jimbeau himself?

  37. The left has a tactic called "Demonize the Opposition." As any one of you knows, you start winning an argument with a liberal and they start name-calling. It never fails. So when one of them slips or falls into a vulnerable position, pile it on. They show no mercy, so let them have both barrels at every opportunity. You know they'd do it to you. Just imagine if this pervert was Andy Harris' Dad or Bob Erlich's or worse, any relative of George Bush. Use their tactics against them. They sure deserve it.

  38. People only read to respond, not learn.

    February 12, 2014 at 5:49 PM
    "What message? That you are about the only friend Jim Ireton has and you think it's ok to be a rapist, a sodomizer, a homo and a pedophile?"

    I get a laugh at the most stupid and ridiculous comments on here. I can see this person throwing a keyboard temper tantrum as he is typing.

    Since you are too simple to figure out what I was saying; instead of dissecting a persons spelling, try reading the comment and absorb their message. When your only retort is to comment on spelling you look like a complete fool.

    Thank you for validating my suspicions.


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