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Monday, February 17, 2014

Biden: Be Optimistic On State Of The Nation ‘In Spite Of Who’s President’

(CNSNews.com) -Vice President Joe Biden told fellow Democrats they should be optimistic about the state of the nation, “in spite of who’s president.”

Biden was addressing the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Cambridge, Md. on Friday when he discussed why he feels positive about America and the upcoming mid-term elections.

“It always surprises me when we don’t have the degree of optimism that we should about the state of the nation," Biden said. "And in spite of who’s president, in spite of who’s in the Congress, the American people are so much stronger, so much more resilient, so much more capable, that even the ridiculous policies of our friends on the right cannot keep them from moving forward.”


1 comment:

  1. He should have added "in spite of who's vice president".


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