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Monday, February 17, 2014

Mr. Pollitt, Mr. Ireton, Do You See What's On Our Top 5 Articles Of The Week?

I just noticed that the article we posted the other day about "Jobs" is actually in the top 5 articles of the week. 

Really, seriously? A Post about JOBS! What does that tell you about the state of Salisbury and Wicomico County. 


  1. How do you pick top 5 stories of the week?

  2. Time for conaway, rick and jimbo to take a hike. Send pollitt back to allen maybe he can be the city manager there.

  3. Wake uo people if Pollitt wins again or runs again SELL ALL YOUR HOUSES AND GET OUT OF DODGE These 2 fools are Killing the Eastern Shore..You have been Warned.

  4. I just hope everyone who promises to sell and leave will really do it. We will be so much better off.

  5. 12:38, we don't pick them, Google does. They are chosen by the highest volume of hits on each article.

  6. I don't quite understand. Someone sent you some information about a job banner they saw. How is this anything to do with Pollitt or Ireton.

  7. 2:36, The title was not one in which anyone would think interesting enough to click on, unless they are in need of a JOB.

    You have to click on the title and or come to Salisbury News based on clicking on the title for it to get so many hits.

    It is evident that there are so many people looking for work that it brought in that much traffic.

    I've been doing this for so many years now, believe me, that's a LOT of hits on such a basic Post.

    Do you understand now?

  8. Jobs? What Jobs? What possibly could Pollitt or Ireton boast about in this category.

    All of our jobs have virtually vanished, seriously. I have seen the monthly Bureau of Labor statistics posted on Salisbury News and the numbers are abysmal.


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