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Monday, January 27, 2014

Welcome To Jobless America

It is becoming laughable to hear the Obama administration talk about a so-called “recovery.” Supposedly, this “recovery” started in June of 2009; however, in reality our economy is on life support and the latest jobs figures just confirm this horrible news.

In the government’s December labor report, the nation’s unemployment rate dropped to 6.7 percent, which is our lowest rate since October of 2008. While this may be heralded as good news, it is truly disturbing. Unfortunately, only 74,000 new jobs were added last month, the worst job growth numbers since January of 2011.

This is anemic job creation, a fraction of the 200,000+ new jobs needed each month just to keep pace with the nation’s population growth. It is even more shocking since most analysts predicted approximately 193,000 new jobs in December.

Even worse, of the new jobs, 40,000 were temporary positions, not what wage earners need to care for their families. Not surprisingly, the average work week for Americans dropped to only 34.4 hours. So, there are few full time jobs being created and on average Americans are working less. No wonder there are 47 million Americans on food stamps and over 50 million people who are considered poor.



  1. Oh, come on they are going to raise the minimum wage to solve all those problems.

  2. Really tired of hearing the MSM lies. I have read actual studies where the real rate is around 37%, worse that the great depression. And just think, Obozo's not done yet.

  3. 3:04 too bad you didn't bother to read the article before you commented.

  4. theres no recovery in sight for the Obama administration. his administration is only causing more debt and less jobs with his crazy bills and plans for the future. Obama is by far the worst president to be elected in the history of the united states. its going to take decades to fix or recover from his terms as president if we can even recover. obamacare is only going to sink us further in debt and provide us with healthcare that is unsatisfactory and highly expensive to people who work foe a living.

  5. Be Chillin wif the KING OBAMAJanuary 27, 2014 at 5:21 PM

    Gots a free phone, Government Allowance, Free transportation, Free Food with large amounts of Food stamps, cannot get fired from any job, do not have to wake up early...GOT IT MADE.

  6. What a bunch of wimps! When the first settlers and colonizers arrived here there were no jobs, either. They had to create their own economy; why can't people do that today?


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