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Monday, January 27, 2014

Pepper-Sprayed Occupy Portland Protester Liz Nichols Gets $7,116 Payment Demand From City

Pay up.

That’s the message Portland is sending Elizabeth Evon Nichols -- to the tune of $7,116.

Nichols is the Occupy Portland protester whose image became widely known for being blasted in the face with pepper spray by a Portland police officer in fall 2011. She sued the city for excessive force but lost after a four-day trial in August in U.S. District Court in Portland.

She had sought $30,000, noting the excruciating pain of pepper spray in her eyes and throat -- and the ensuing nightmares, depression and worsening eczema.



  1. this is an outrage and a warning sign of things to come... soon

  2. The dirt bags that participated in the protests all got what they deserved. Now if the courts would start allowing thugs like the ACLU to be held accountable for frivolous lawsuits we would really be making progress in this country.

  3. 1:35 yea shame on them for peacefully exercising their right to Free Speech. How frivolous of her.

  4. I have to agree with Annie,some day it might be something you believe in like not having your power cut off during freezing temps because you use to much.

  5. Although I do not agree with their philosophies...they do have a right to redress the Government for violating their rights...

  6. I HATE agreeing with Annie, but this whole thing is totally wrong. The right to redress and protest is 1st Amendment all over the place, and any attack on that is unconstitutional.

    After that, Annie is not my bestest friend on a lot of things!

  7. 1:35 PM

    thanks for another waste of time. Blaming others for exercising their rights?

    Congratulations. YOU are what's wrong with this country.

  8. Maybe one of you constitutional scholars could explain to me where blocking traffic, vandalism, and assaulting police officers is covered by the first amendment?


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