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Monday, January 27, 2014

Good Samaritans Rescue Dog Stranded For Hours On Icy Delaware River

Two Good Samaritans risked their lives to rescue a dog that was stranded in the middle of the icy Delaware River for several hours.

'Duke' is one lucky dog thanks to Russ Miller and Ciro Silvestri.

"I didn't think. I just went out there and got him. We had the canoe in case anything happens," said Miller.

What made them decide to do what they did?

"I love animals, that's it," said Silvestri.


  1. Too bad the FF and LE couldn't figure out how to save the dog instead of just leaving it there to die.
    Doesn't seem like it was rocket science.
    Thank God those 2 compassionate guys arrived.

  2. Thats one lucky pup!

  3. Love you guys! Glad humans and dog are okay.


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