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Thursday, January 23, 2014


The City of Salisbury wants to remind property owners that sidewalks throughout the City shall be free of snow to ensure safe travel of pedestrians.

Chapter 12 of the Salisbury Municipal Code states:

All owners of any land or premises situated on any street within the city where sidewalks are laid shall remove the snow and ice therefrom for the entire length thereof for a width of at least four feet or, at a minimum, the entire width of the sidewalk if less than four feet and may deposit the same along the remaining portion of such sidewalks which is farthest from the street within twenty-four (24) hours after the snow or ice has stopped falling. In the event that the snow is not removed within the time and manner above provided, the owner or person in possession shall be notified to forthwith remove the same and, in the event of a failure to do so, shall be guilty of a municipal infraction. In addition, the city may cause the same to be removed as above specified and charge the cost thereof against the owner or occupant, to be recovered by suit.

Please be aware that residential property owners who for the totality of their circumstances, considering such factors as age, physical handicap or disability, who are unable to comply with the above requirements may submit a request for an exemption to the Housing Official by November 1st of each year. The property owner shall be responsible for the cost of removing the snow and ice and the fee for such work shall be collectable in the same manner in which real estate taxes are collected. Please be advised the time period has passed for this winter season’s exemptions.

NSCC accepts calls for service (complaints) regarding violations of Chapter 12. To contact Neighborhood Services & Code compliance please call (410) 341-9550 Monday thru Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


  1. Can we call them about city owned properties that are not cleared within 24hrs of the snow stopping?

  2. There is no good reason to live within city limits.

  3. When is the city going to clear the ice and snow from our street? Buena Vista Avenue.

  4. Sure hope the gayor has a clean sidewalk

  5. Hope nobody slips and falls on city property ...wink.

  6. I live in the Mayor's neighborhood. Come by and snap a picture of the sidewalk in front of his house. It is covered with a layer of ice.

  7. That's the thing, once you shovel the snow what's left is usually a sheet of ice. I don't salt because it's toxic for my dogs and burns the pads on their paws.

  8. I love that picture of jimbo in clown makeup.

  9. Is jumbo going to the gay rodeo Saturday.

  10. Does clown face have his sidewalk cleared?

  11. 7:04 PM

    The homo pansy mayor did not shovel his side walk because he didn't want to chip a nail. That is a layer of snow not ice.

  12. So it's ok if you drive a 3,000 pound car on ice and snow, but the sidewalks have to be clear for the thousands of people walking ?


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