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Thursday, January 23, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Feds Subpoena Christie Campaign

Federal prosecutors have sent subpoenas to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s reelection campaign and a state GOP committee amid allegations his aides created traffic jams as political payback.



  1. christie is done unless he pays obama

  2. The feds are not going to stop persecuting Republicans and conservatives with the full power of the Government until they start fighting back with all force necessary to eliminate this thugish counter culture Communist occupying the White House.

  3. I'm no Christie fan but Eric Holder is quick to subpoena Christie while 4 dead in Benghazi, the NSA breach of the constitution and the IRS targeting conservatives lives on unquestioned for years by the DOJ.

  4. In the end he has to get adequate votes to win.From this point forward Christie may be wasting his and everyone else's time with a bid for the presidency.


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