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Thursday, January 23, 2014

UPDATE: Prayers For Brooke

About to start the biopsy - Brooke just went in! Prayers please! — at CHOP.
Brooke is at CHOP now waiting to have a biopsy of her tumor on L4 of her spine. They will be sending this out to a lab to see if they can get information on the genetic make-up of the tumor to then see what treatments it might respond best to. Please pray that the procedure goes smoothly, that the pain is minimal and that they are able to get helpful information.

UPDATE: Brooke is done with her tumor biopsy (2 1/2 hours). She is in the recovery room and woke a little bit ago. Her throat/speaking bothering her due to being intubated. She is having a little pain at the biopsy site but doing okay (although her meds haven't worn off yet so that could change). She will have to limit activity for 3 weeks while her spine heals. Thanks everyone for the positive prayers and well-wishes!


  1. Praying! Stay strong baby girl! You are amazing!

  2. My prayers go out daily to this young lady.

  3. Praying for you Brooke you are a strong young lady!!

  4. Brooke,may you outlive us all.

  5. if anyone deserves a break, its you Brook - keep fighting, use the strength God gave you to show us all how to do it. Prayers always for you Brook and your family.


  6. Brooke - you are the most amazing little girl. What an inspiration and testimony to others. Blessings to you and your mom.

  7. Hang in there, Brooke! I know this is a trying time in your life, but pull through and there are way more years to enjoy a good life ahead! God is with you!

  8. Brooke you are an inspiration to us all!!!! God bless you sweet girl. Keep fighting the good fight !!!!!!

  9. Brooke, you have been through so much yet never lose the fighting spirit. God Bless and heal you!


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