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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Obama Announces Plan To Rule By Executive Order


  1. Our own community organizer trashing the constitution and ruling as if he were the King. What will it take to wake America up?

  2. Anyone with any sense knows what will eventually happen,because there will be no other option.

  3. I did not get any more free phonesJanuary 15, 2014 at 1:12 PM


  4. Sounds to me like a declaration (by the back door) of Martial Law. Been waiting to see when it would happen. Hitler would be proud.

  5. I don't need no stinking Congress!
    I don't need no stinking Constitution!

    Where's John Wayne when you need him?

  6. He's already been doing that. When are the citizens of this country going to wake up and realize they have been had, everyone, Liberals, Democrats, Republicans, EVERYONE. History is repeating itself.

  7. Even my liberal wife said today that we need a good strong republican presidential candidate.

    1. She was part to blamupto Suck it up.

  8. I CANNOT believe there are only 7 comments on this Post.

    This is incredible.

  9. Its because its just a waste of time. You can't fight media anymore, there is nothing you can do about this idiot or the liberals.

    Our Country is gone and will never be the same with out a hard fought revolution. No one has the stomach to do it.

  10. People have no clue, Joe. Dust off the camera equipment. Go to Walmart and ask people about the role of Congress and the President. You'll be surprised at how many of these zombies can barely put together a sentence explaining that they have no idea what the roles of the 3 branches of government are, where their powers are enumerated, and the inherent limits placed upon them.

  11. obama is the worst anti american president in history when the gop takes control of the u.s. and state gov'ts in the next elections it will be nis,nancy pelosi and harry reids doings

  12. 2:48 prove me wrong then. What can be done, tyranny is what we have a person who says he is president but acts like the Queen of the country. I won't say King because he is a pussy by any other name. In a street fight Id kick his ass.

    He is a drug addict, lying piece of crap.

  13. The Sheeple have given up!

  14. I've just been sitting here after this post. I've never been so mad about what is going on.
    This arrogant SOB is running our country , what in the sam hell can I do to stop this mad man.
    I just don't know!
    I need direction , I need help to tell me which way to go.
    I want his life ended , I want him gone , I want him to go , How?
    I vote , but that doesn't help anymore. I e-mail my congressman , I call my representative , I speak out in public about our situation , what next , I just don't know. Do you?

  15. In all of my 70+ years , I never thought I would see this happen in our country.

  16. He's not done yet and most politicians are bowing down or turning a blind eye to his "reign". Beyond expressing outrage to our "representatives" and then voting accordingly in the upcoming elections, what can we do RIGHT NOW to stop this fox in the hen house?
    I am not being flip, this is a genuine question backed with real concern.


  17. They will not impeach him because he is black.

  18. You might say we're all on political novocaine.It's not that we don't care,we're just numb to it all because it never ceases.

  19. pos not even worth using caps

  20. First 3:07 Obama is a symptom of a much larger problem. He is just a puppet for the real power running this country. They are the ones that have got to go. Just a minor amount of research will expose most of their names. They control the left and the right. They will not stop until they have achieved their ultimate objective 'Agenda 21". If you are too lazy to look that one up basically it is a world where most of the sheeple have been removed and the remaining selected few (compared to the world's population now) live in NSA controlled prison cities. The elite of course have complete freedom and dictate what the sheeple are allowed or not allowed to do. This country has been pushed down that road at an accelerated pace since Roosevelt started with "Free stuff" for the sheeple. There are people that know what is going on and have plans of their own. That’s all that needs to be said for now on this forum. Have a nice day.

  21. Of course he has a phone, how many times did he announce it?

    I be its an Obamaphone.

  22. Anonymous said...
    I don't need no stinking Congress!
    I don't need no stinking Constitution!

    Where's John Wayne when you need him?

    January 15, 2014 at 1:46 PM

    F*** John Wayne, grow some balls and do the job yourself.

  23. Anonymous said...
    They will not impeach him because he is black.

    January 15, 2014 at 3:29 PM

    Well if you look at it that way he is white. Quit saying he is black. Blacks are to stupid to realize he is not one of them.

  24. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    First 3:07 Obama is a symptom of a much larger problem. He is just a puppet for the real power running this country. They are the ones that have got to go. Just a minor amount of research will expose most of their names. They control the left and the right. They will not stop until they have achieved their ultimate objective 'Agenda 21". If you are too lazy to look that one up basically it is a world where most of the sheeple have been removed and the remaining selected few (compared to the world's population now) live in NSA controlled prison cities. The elite of course have complete freedom and dictate what the sheeple are allowed or not allowed to do. This country has been pushed down that road at an accelerated pace since Roosevelt started with "Free stuff" for the sheeple. There are people that know what is going on and have plans of their own. That’s all that needs to be said for now on this forum. Have a nice day.

    January 15, 2014 at 4:16 PM

    If you want to get an idea of what he is saying go watch the movie Hunger Games.

  25. Too many small groups fighting this socialist pig and his cronies. Those groups should all unite for a larger group instead of being fractured. I keep thinking some one in power will stop him but no.....w t f is wrong with people. I vote. I contact my reps I work. I feel so powerless. Mrs Tom

  26. They took my EBT cards back. Get rid of him.

  27. OBAMIe knock on my door Ahole

  28. Imagine being him...
    Medication to sleep, ALWAYS looking over your shoulder knowing your time is limited, destroying the lives of millions of people, fraudulently obtaining status, living without a conscience, considering himself a victim, lying, cheating, abusing drugs, never trusting anyone, his life is miserable, always has been, he is a sociopath. A megalomaniac.
    He will probably end up committing suicide or being incarcerated for life eventually like all despots the world has known. Hopefully for America, the sooner the better.
    I for one would like to see this radical counter culture anti-American at the end of a rope or executed like Saddam Hussein and Muammar Muhammad Gaddafi.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Too many small groups fighting this socialist pig and his cronies. Those groups should all unite for a larger group instead of being fractured. I keep thinking some one in power will stop him but no.....w t f is wrong with people. I vote. I contact my reps I work. I feel so powerless. Mrs Tom

    January 15, 2014 at 5:26 PM

    There are to ways to beat this Regime. One is civil war and the second is at the ballot box.

    Fractured groups is exactly what is helping bring this country down. Tea Party, Establishment, GOP, Libertarian, Independent, Green Party. If you clowns would quit trying to change the system we could overthrow this regime. You can take this to your grave. A vote for a third party candidate is a vote for Obama and the Democrats. Are you people really that stupid? Look what just happened in the Virginia Governors race. The Libertarian stole the votes from the Republican candidate. That should not have happened. A third party will never prevail in this country. Not in this lifetime. Instead of trying to make a new party why don't you clowns try to make the one you have better. Leave the third parties and join the Republican Party to make it better. America deserves better.

  30. 7:23 PM I am with you on that one. If this country would start Militias I would be the first to join.

  31. To Joe- re: 2:28
    "I CANNOT believe there are only 7 comments on this post".

    Don't forget most of your readership WORK for a living and can't always read and respond until the work day is done!

  32. Heh! You and Tiger with your blonds... You can say anything you wish.

  33. 7:37 you can't beat the ballot box, they are electronic and rigged. we need to go back to paper ballots and have both dems & republicans standing over counting the votes.

  34. Its about time. We have wasted enough time placating the MINORITY in the house.

  35. 4:30 Where's yours tough guy?

  36. I saw your post Joe. I can't log on often here at work.

    That's the first reason I didn't get on here. The second is that I think a lot of folks have given up and are now trying to figure out a way to survive.

    Once a totalitarian society takes root many die before it changes. No one in today's modern society wants to die.

  37. There actually are two ways for executive orders to be overturned. Executive orders are not automatically law.

  38. Anonymous said...
    Even my liberal wife said today that we need a good strong republican presidential candidate.

    January 15, 2014 at 1:56 PM

    Why would anyone marry a Liberal or a Democrat?

  39. Anonymous said...
    7:37 you can't beat the ballot box, they are electronic and rigged. we need to go back to paper ballots and have both dems & republicans standing over counting the votes.

    January 15, 2014 at 9:12 PM

    I said Ballot Box, something where you put paper ballots in. Nothing was said about computers, but I agree with your post.

  40. I gets Free Cell Phone, car, house, food stamps, sleep all day, ride my Bike when-ever I want, never have to get fired...January 19, 2014 at 3:31 PM



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