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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Andy's Place Busted For Underage Drinking

There seems to be a curse on this business location, (the old Waterman's). Someone recently said they now have a Hispanic Night, usually a sign that a business is on their last leg.

Nevertheless, we're told an undercover, underage person was sent in to Andy's and was able to purchase alcohol. The waitress allegedly never asked for an ID, BUSTED. 

There were four other businesses that were BUSTED for serving underage patrons as well. 

On another note, Paul's Pizza, (next door) closed their doors recently as they are relocating across the street in the strip center. They are NOT closing for good. 


  1. They didn't bother to test the county liquor dispensaries because they know they would fail....again.


  3. They haven't had there beer/wine license more than a year.

    1. The liquor boars needs to take there license Away.

  4. This is the trolll that has been bad mouthing other.local establishments and is a advertiser withheld fat boy JT........Karma is a bitch huh Jt.

  5. Paul's pizza is Awesome Joe and your right they just relocated across the street by the carwash ans will be open in February.

  6. The popularity that Joe gets must get JT all PO'd. What's he got? 4 advertiser's? I noticed Muir Bota didn't have fat boy endorse him this go round, Muir could actually win this go round I think. He's dropped that independent label, old folks and uninformed voters just have no idea what most independents represent so they stick to the party lines.

  7. LOVE PAUL'S PIZZA. Please reopen soon!!!

  8. JT needs a breast reduction while they sew his fingers and lips together. I'm going to vote for Muir, he's been trying a long time, let's see what he can do. At least he diligent.

  9. I miss Paul's Pizza and it's only been 2 weeks!

  10. Do you mean Paul's is moving around the corner on College Ave?

  11. Anonymous said...
    The popularity that Joe gets must get JT all PO'd. What's he got? 4 advertiser's? I noticed Muir Bota didn't have fat boy endorse him this go round, Muir could actually win this go round I think. He's dropped that independent label, old folks and uninformed voters just have no idea what most independents represent so they stick to the party lines.

    January 16, 2014 at 2:19 PM

    Um... Do you mean Libertarian! He changed his party affiliation temporarily for this election. Anyone that changes their Party affiliation just before an election is a loser and shouldn't be elected. How can you trust them.

  12. I've been saying for a long time the Libertarian party needs to stop spending their little bit of money on running candidates and concentrate on getting their ideology out. I believe a lot of people if they knew the parties principles would be on board.

  13. 4:49 Yes and thanks for the correction. I haven't voted for Muir in the past but really think I'm voting for him, Cannon has already had a chance.

  14. cannon is a scumbag slumlord and I am sure fatboy. Jt the hypocrite will vote for him.

    1. The worse landlord ever award has to go to Nicole Greene owner of the rt 12 building

  15. Today JT is saying he will pay for you to leave town, Joe.

  16. anonymous 6:12, First of all, I don't take money from the government. Secondly, I am out of Town, he just can't figure it out. I had always hoped one day the man would grow up and move on. That one day his hatred towards others for no reason would go away. Then a particular Sheriff made me aware that people like him have mental conditions and it is best to just ignore him, so I have for the past 4 years. A big fat guy who's heart is about to explode any day sitting in a wheel chair acting like a bully, (or tough guy) should tell you a whole lot about his mental condition.

    Oh, I've heard about the things he's said. The things he'd like to do to me and I just laugh. Nothing will ever change for him because he will never be me. That's what kills him inside.

    So take whatever he says with a grain of salt and ignore him just like I have done for years now. He just wants to be liked and when he's not you become his enemy.

    Me, I couldn't are less if someone likes me or not. Nevertheless, JT has no money and if he does he got it from YOU taxpayers through the government.

  17. And by the way, I personally think this restaurant SUCKS. I know many neighbors close to it who agree with me too. Beer if VERY warm.

    1. LoL Joe your to funny....I feel bad for the medics that get that cardiac arrest call they will have to knock down.walls and call in the fire department and use the Cherry picker to get hum out...and lets not talk about the poor Morgue technicians.....lol

  18. I just dIscovered Paul's pizza a couple of months ago. As a fan of Chicago style pizza in a NY pizza world, there's mediocre, and good pizza around.

    But Paul's is AWESOME and has made me a NY style FAN!

    Hurry up and open up the new shop, Paul! I'M HUNGRY!!!

  19. You two should do lunch sometime,but DO NOT challenge him to an eating contest.

  20. 6:3y lol just have the EMT's throw him out a 2nd floor window into a fireman's net! Like trying to get a whale off of the beach, got to wait for a high tide hahhaaa

  21. This is no lie. While I can tell you first hand that I LOVE pizza from NYC, Paul has, (BY FAR) the closest experience to NYC pizza than ANY other parlor on the Eastern Shore. HOWEVER, I have also had the pleasure of having Gary Bullard's home made deep dish pizza, (Chicago style) and Paul would be smart to bring Gary in once a week to make his pizza. It is incredible.

  22. Thanks, Joe, but I have to hand credit off to my Mom, Eileen Bullard of Springfield, Illinois. I'm still trying to duplicate what she made even though I have her recipe! I'm getting close, but Mom is still the Queen at 92 and running!

    Thanks, Mom!

  23. As soon as I saw the sign I knew that place was doomed.

  24. well if its hispanic night then its fine to break the law. most are here illegally, given drivers licenses and welfare.

  25. Andy's Place Closed.

  26. Glad Paul has the opportunity to get out of that store --we are real regulars-- and I get creeped out -given what the last owner did there
    This can only help Paul and Linda's business

  27. Now JT is offering $200 Joe. You better jump on this one! He's also talking about an inflatable sheep, whatever that's about. Maybe JR will fund the rest of your move to NC.

  28. anonymous 8:53, LMAO. Inflatable sheep, eh. I told you the man was mental.

  29. Sorry JT but I will not publish your anonymous comments. If you want to use your real name I'd be happy to publish them. However, please use spell check before you hit publish because you can't spell worth a darned and that's always how we catch you when you do comment anonymously. It's really bad.

  30. What a bunch of nerds.

  31. I was reading over there and there's no doubt JT's a halfwit. They claim Salisbury's a "city on the rise" but offer no specifics. They are too dumb to comprehend that when a city's unemployment rate is nearly 9% and single family home sales consist of 1/3 short sales or foreclosures no matter what anyone says the city is clearly NOT on the rise. He says you are being "negative" when you say this. Sorry imbecile it's called reality and it's no wonder JT doesn't even have the proverbial pot to take a leak in.
    It's funny reading how ignorant he is. He doesn't think it's the fault of politicians-LOL! Too dam stupid to know that it's the failed policies those which the local politicians subscribe to that are responsible for the economic mess.
    I feel bad for him for being fat but for heaven's sake what they eat is nauseating! He's forever showing pictures and everything's drowning in some kind of cheese sauce or grease.

  32. I'm still stuck on who the heck is "JT" lol

  33. JT's problem is he's got some kind of obsession w/Joe. This has lead to people using him. He allows himself to be used because he's got some kind of inferiourity complex so whatever good judgement he may have (which itself is debatable) gets clouded w/his Joe obsession.
    There is no way anyone can say with a straight face that Sby is a city on the rise. At the Lower Shore Economic thing yesterday of course the locals were trying to paint a brighter picture but others were much more realistic on the dire straights the area is in.

  34. JT is totally obsessed with Joe Albero. He says this-"I talked to Larry at the crabfeast and he totally disavowed Albero and said he has doesn't read his junk anymore because of all the copy and pasting and that he only read mine because my stuff stays local"

    Direct quote from him. Now who in the hell talks to a candidate and finds this so compelling that they repeat this instead of issues that concern voters? He does have some kind of freaky mental condition.

  35. That stinks. Andys place catered to folks with gluten allergy. Not easy to find. :(

  36. Andy's Place is not closed, not sure why someone would say they were

  37. Serving local independent businesses for over 30 years, I can say this - they all are absolutely clueless. Amazing.

  38. anonymous 6:29, tell that to 18,400,000 OTHER viewers that visit Salisbury News. We're not so worried about JT or "Larry".

  39. I will personally pay all your moving expenses if you move far away and stop harassing my family and our community. Personally, I'd like to see you get hit by a chicken truck and paralyzed from the neck down, unable to blog.

    1. John I hope your store gets robbed and you get gunned down you Fn ass.
      Mike Patterson.

  40. Oh my John Robinson. I don't know you, but you seem like an angry, hurt man to say such things. GodBless you!

  41. John, you need to get back on medication, seriously. Have you forgotten that even a Judge saw right through your BS and threw out ALL of your charges against me. No one ever stalked or ever harassed your Family John. You live in a very strange world. Some call it a "Funny Farm". Dude, you seriously need help before you hurt yourself or someone else.

  42. By the way John, someone sent me your love fest messages between you and Jake Day on Facebook. Jake should have kept his big mouth shut.

  43. This is he FOOL with a gun permit.???

  44. I hope I don't see you in public Albero.

  45. John, You do realize the the public and Judges see these idle threats and pass judgment upon you based on who you actually are, don't you? Nevertheless, you don't scare me, never have, never will. But you sure do sound TOUGH to a guy like Jimmy.

  46. I don't blame Paul's for moving.Seeing that spectacle replaying itself over and over would unnerve anyone.

  47. Wow, Robertson. I think you need to get back on your meds.


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