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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mayor Ireton And Council President Jake Day Pull Another Fast One

To many, Jake Day and Jim Ireton have told many of the powers to be in Salisbury that the RFP for the Downtown Parking Lots is just exploratory. They say they're just trying to see IF there's any real interest.

Today, Salisbury News learned that there hasn't been one RFP proposal. In other words, there's allegedly no interest in someone buying any one of the several lots up for sale. That's what we have been told by a very reliable source.

HOWEVER, IF this is just exploratory, why has the Mayor and Council President already closed down two lots. That's right, they have already started to REFUSE any new parking permits. It gets better. They are also refusing EIGHT permits in another Lot where MOST of the Downtown Residents now park and purchase permits.

Why eight? Because they want to RESERVE eight spots for WMDT's vehicles while they're closing down other parking. Business owners are being told they MUST park in the Parking Garage. Some of these businesses are already screaming because many of their employees don't get off until late at night and they do NOT want them to go to that garage at that time of night. 

So now we're seeing the beginning of what WILL become a very serious issue. If the business owners are afraid of parking in the Garage, WHAT WILL THE PEOPLE VISITING DOWNTOWN DO? More than likely, they won't come Downtown, that's what will they'll do.

Now here's what I personally see out of the parking lot fiasco. Similar to Governor O'Malley wanting $12.00 to cross the Bay Bridge and then accepting a lower figure, this is the way Democrats roll and I think we're going to see the same thing in the end with the Parking Lots. I think they'll do some special interest favors with two or three lots and then come back and say we've heard your plea and we're going to reduce it down to just a few lots instead. 

Have you had enough yet? IF the RFP's are just exploratory, WHY have your leaders already started to refuse renewal permits for these parking lots. You do realize that even IF they had a contract TODAY on one of the lots, it would take more than a year just to get approval and permits to start building. It begs the question, what's up your sleeves Jim Ireton and Jake Day?

You'll want to look at the names on the Downtown Parking Commission as well. I believe one of them works at WMDT. 


  1. Do we expect anything less from corrupt, and fake, "leaders"?

  2. Bribes, favors, and backroom deals have already arranged and promised. Isn't that completely evident?
    THESE are your "leaders". Your security, your safety, your concerns mean exactly nothing to them. isn't THAT completely evident, too?
    Keep cheering.

  3. So, if meters are so necessary for the money, and the City needs money, why.....

  4. They could care less if people can't park downtown to visit. They want to pack it full of people and make a ghetto.

  5. I would never ever park in the parking garage. I am not looking to become a statistic.

  6. If more people used the garage it would be a lot safer. Plus, lets open Main St all the way up so there is parking available the entire way on both sides. This would make for more parking and a safer Main St.

  7. Make all the Main street parking handicapped and elderly.

  8. The karst time I was in the parking garage was to use it as a skatepark and between the stench and the slippery surface created by all the urine it was unreal. Perhaps it is the source of runoff for the high nitrogen levels in the Wicomico River?

  9. The ONLY man capable of fixing this mess is Mayor JOE ALBERO.

  10. There is that me me me mentality, 1:40

  11. Has there been any actual crime in the parking garage? I know a guy was found dead in there a couple years ago but I thought they determined he had been mortally injured somewhere else?

    You people sound like a bunch of scared white-bread suburbanites to me. "Oooh, downtown Salisbury is scary!"

    Most of the crime in Salisbury is over in the Fitzwater St. area (admittedly, not too far from downtown) and elsewhere over on the East Side. Downtown itself is pretty crime-free, for now at least.

    Source: I've lived and worked downtown for several years.

  12. Don't forget the parking garage closes at 7 p.m.

  13. What are you talking about 2:09? The parking garage is open 24/7. They merely stop charging after 7pm, the gates are open.

    Love when people who clearly don't live in Salisbury or know anything about it come on here and talk trash.

  14. 2:00- And Albero is the biggest crybaby of them all. If things were perfect in Salisbury, he would whine that the sky was to blue.

  15. anonymous 2:00, Its about the FEAR of the parking garage and the ability of have a surprise attack.

    anonymous 2:19, grow up.

  16. Joe, I agree it's about "fear." IMHO, the crowd who "fears" a parking garage for whatever reason is not the crowd who is going to come downtown and spend a lot of money in the restaurants and stores anyway. Almost every business downtown is in much better shape than it was a year ago. Whether that has anything to do with Ireton and Day, I can't say, nor can I say what the effect of replacing the big parking lots with mixed-use developments would be. But I do know that very few successful, vibrant downtown areas have large, open-air parking lots taking up huge amounts of space. Density is the key to creating and sustaining a successful, popular, vibrant downtown area where there's plenty for people to do.

    Thank you for posting these comments even though you may disagree with them. It's always good to see healthy debate about Salisbury's future taking place on your blog and elsewhere.

  17. anonymous 2:39, let's keep this "healthy debate" going.

    I'm just not sure where you've been, outside Salisbury but even Berlin has ample parking for more than 5,000 people.

    I've been to Annapolis a million times where parking is a biotch. I have traveled across this entire country and I couldn't disagree with you more.

    There are areas like New York City, (Manhattan) where it is expected that parking would be difficult and expensive.

    However, while Salisbury HAS the opportunity to OWN and have available ample parking for future growth, WHY SELL IT?

    A properly prepared Downtown is a smart way to grow. Just like removing the Parking Meters should have already been removed as Salisbury is NO New York City, Washington D.C. of even Ocean City.

    Plan ahead, plan smart.

  18. I have never parked in the down town garage. Most of the garages I have tried to park in do not accommodate my truck or my high top van. My husbands truck is bigger than mine. Does Salisbury's garage have a height restriction?

  19. Nice paint job on the Brown River!

  20. We hate parking garages and would never use one in Salisbury. Reopen the plaza Main Street to two way traffic, cars and parking like Berlin and other successful local towns.

  21. Progressive trash is always the first consideration in any equation -- with these people--for what channel 47 uses their news gathering resources with-- they ought to park one at Ireton's home for when he gets a temporary flash of brilliance and the rest in front of the Courthouse

  22. catjowill --

    Maybe you should invest in a smaller vehicle? Why do you need three gigantic ones?

  23. Just watched Wboc. They interviewed a resident of the Fitzwater community. She doesn't think something like that goes well there because of break ins . LOL Then Mayor Ireton went on to say the the property across from brew river is finally under contract. I wish someone could tell me where all these people are coming from that will open the businesses & rent the housing? Wouldnt that be 4 or 5 of the same style mixed use buildings? Also, I had heard that the Gillis bought that property across from Brew. You think they are buying the parking lots too?? There is something going on, but if it is the Gillis family who buys all of this up I cant blame them one bit. I think we all wish to have the inside information. Good for them. Should be interesting .

  24. why would anyone go there anyway? Is there anything to see or do down there? I've been down there from time to time over the last 25 years and nothing has ever changed! same ol s$ithole!

  25. Do they have people who still write parking tickets downtown?

  26. 650, yes. That is the total activity happening downtown,aside from court cases.

    Big money!

  27. 8:14

    Oh, look, another person who doesn't live in Salisbury and never comes downtown. Your ignorance is on fine display here.

  28. Put fence up around downtown, sentence all criminals within, they have a bail bondsman, lawyer and court. Let them kill each other. Gayer ireton can be the warden.

  29. Birds of a feather flock together.

  30. Start carrying a gun ALL the time.....don't be afraid of the criminals.

    Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6, I think the saying goes.


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