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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Perdue Vs. Pennsylvania: BOYCOTT PERDUE!


  1. Bring the operation down here in Wicomico Co. We need the jobs!

  2. What a crock! The Perdue soybean plant in Salisbury has been using hexane in soybean processing for over 40 years. This video offers no evidence of anything other than the stupidity of its maker.

  3. Susquehanna river is about the dirtiest river in the country, maybe second to the Potomac.

  4. They need more research in PA! Perdue has always been environmentally friendly, they are and have been crushing soybeans for years in Salisbury and in other locations without hurting the environment. Good chicken products, never boycott them...chicken is still the best buy for the buck!

  5. It's about time that someone see the truth. This company and other chicken plants destroyed the Chesapeake Bay. Environmentally friendly. That's a dam lie.

  6. And chicken is, by far, the most efficient animal for converting grain to meat.

  7. Yuck 4:36! Perdue chicken is horrible. I wouldn't even let my dog eat it. It's loaded with something that when you cook it, it ends up swimming in some kind of gross liquid and it's not fat! People don't even know what they feed these chickens and that's crazy. People wouldn't dare put some unknown substance in their cars but for what ever reason have no problems feeding them selves and their families this stuff.

  8. 5:56. You don't know what you're talking about. I worked for Perdue for years and I DO know what they put in the feed. Higher quality ingredients than in most of the processed foods and snack foods that we buy in the grocery store. I would never buy another brand of chicken.

    1. We agree 6:18, Perdue is hands down the best, most flavorable chicken on the market. 5:56 must buy those big plastic bages of No Name Chicken? with bland taste, from who knows where? Perdue is the Best and will continue to be.

  9. The so called 'name brand' chicken and turkey you get in the grocery stores anymore are pretty foul (as opposed to 'fowl') tasting.
    The best money we spent was on our Thanksgiving turkey. We ordered it though the apple place up in Bridgeville. One of the free range minimally processed kind. The taste was superb. The difference between night and day. Didn't have that funky smell turkeys have that has to wear off of your hands when you touch them raw. It costs about 3 times more but the reality is we really don't need to be eating a lot of meat anyway.
    At Christmas we has some short notice unexpected guests so I had to buy a turkey in the grocery store. After experiencing the fresh turkey and then the store bought one, you could taste the chemicals or whatever they put in them so much more.

  10. 5:56 your an idiot! LOL.
    When was the last time YOU examined the make up of Perdue chicken food? Have you done a chemical analysis lately?
    5:26 exactly HOW did they "destroy" the Chesapeake bay idiot #2?
    More than 15 million people live in the I-95 corridor which happens to be the left flank of the Chesapeake bay watershed. but you would rather blame a few thousand chicken houses on the shore. You've smashed your head into to many tree's while looking for the forest.

    Boycott Pennsylvania!

  11. The only "idiots" are people like you who care so little for their own families that they feed them "food" unknown.
    As far as the feed the chickens eat being "quality ingredients" the question is what exactly are these ingredients. I bet it's confidential and protected under trade secrets laws.


    iF YOU USE BOTTLED VEGETABLE OIL FROM THE grocery store, you are supporting the use of Hexane, which is very controlled, and morphing to Hexene. Read Wikipedia before shouting "the sky is falling!"

    Sorry for the caps... didn't notice at first.

  13. I'm leaving now to go the your Susquehanna River, because I just ate, and need to use your facilities.

  14. We've been trying now for 2 years (2013 New Year's resolution) to subscribe to the "Know Your Farmer Know Your Food" theory. The chicken, beef, pork and turkeys do taste so much better. A friend who suffers from Chronh's also switched and can now really eat all meats including ground beef with no ill effects. Doctor attributes it to the animals not being fed a diet of exclusively corn, which is hard for humans to digest. They say those who suffer for irritable bowel benefit from the free range meats.

  15. The only good thing that ever came out of Pennsylvania was Johnny Unitas and he had the good sense to move out.

  16. "Hexane is a solvent widely used as an industrial cleaner and degreaser and is an ingredient in many consumer products. Easily inhaled or absorbed through the skin, hexane has been recognized for more than 40 years to cause long-lasting and even permanent nerve damage in feet, legs, hands, and arms."

    FYI-Hexane is also on the "Special Health Hazard Substance. List."

    When one side says this and one side says that the only intelligent thing to do is air on the side of caution. You and your family's health and life depend on it. Cancer rates are epidemic in this area, and there is a reason why. You are what goes into your body, whether by eating it, inhaling or absorption.

  17. 7:02-I did read Wiki. Maybe you should as it clearly states-"The long-term toxicity of n-hexane in humans is well known.[9] Extensive peripheral nervous system failure is known to occur in humans chronically exposed to levels of n-hexane ranging from 400 to 600 ppm, with occasional exposures up to 2,500 ppm."


  18. 8:30 You should be ashamed also.
    You do realize the PPM of hexane in consumables is less than 2 to 4 parts per million? it is barely detectable in vegetable oil and even less detectable in actual chicken meat.
    You clearly do not know what you are talking about. To ingest the levels you describe one would have to be drinking from the storage tank as even that is diluted well below toxic levels!
    You are merely trying to cause hysteria based on overwhelming exaggeration and inflation to support you agenda.


  19. Let me make sure I get this.

    The rivers flowing all through Pennsylvania to form the upper bay are pristine and maintain that virgin state as they flow past the floating bodies in the harbor of Charm City.

    Suddenly as they get near the Eastern Shore diluted chicken poop spread on fields as natural fertilizer fouls the bay and turns it toxic.

    Thanks Mr. Science!

  20. 830 and other. I've worked for a few Poultry Processors on the Eastern Shore. I've seen some of the most unsanitary conditions and it was disgusting what was allowed, and sent to market for consumers. I agree with many of you and depending upon what you read, many feel the high cancer rates are related to not only the agricultural chemicals but also to poultry litter, etc. that has accumulated for over 5 decades on the local fields that bleed out into the waterways. There is no denying it! Poultry processing brings lots of jobs but there are a lot of negatives too. Jobs do NOT outweigh good health, in my opinion.

  21. don't forget - Joe Biden originated in PA !

  22. I'm 702, and stand by what I said, especially about its use being very controlled. Yes, it's a dangerous chemical if used improperly, as well as gasoline, diesel, alcohol and 6 million other chemicals that the world makes use of every day.

    And, I never did say it was safe, and in fact I avoid partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. I merely stated that if YOU use veggie oil, YOU are ingesting and using hexane.

  23. 9:49-Did you even bother to watch the video? We're not talking about eating chicken. It's about emitting large amounts of this toxin into the air. Maybe you better read up on this a bit more before commenting. The local Lancaster Co newspaper lancasteronline is a good place to start.

  24. Perdue needs to just stay on the Eastern Shore of MD if you all love them so much. Lanc Co doesn't need or want them. The area farmers have been prosperous because they haven't been smothered in debt by some companies contract which pays the growers peanuts and pays workers so they have to rely on welfare to survive.
    Yep you people can have the company. Lancaster co and their farmers have been and will continue to be much better off.
    Lanc co land is also not a toxic waste dump due to "farming" consisting of only millions of one type of animal (chickens) producing the same type of manure.

  25. Speaking of Lancaster county, PA, eating and health brings to mind the many studies done on the overall good health and longevity of the Amish in that area.
    Researchers have long been amazed because according to what we are to believe about eating certain foods (lard comes to mind) the Amish should have the highest heart disease rates, cancer, diabetes, etc., but they don't. For the most part they enjoy good health and run minimally to the doctors.
    One factor is they are more active and the food they do eat, is more close to what real food is than the artificial things we eat. Like meats for instance, we are used to factory farmed meats where the norm is to fatten up the animals as quickly as possible by feeding then a diet exclusively of grains instead of a mostly grass diet supplemented with grains like is normal. This all gets passed on to us and does wreck havoc w/a human system.

  26. We will all be eating chicken, pork and beef from China soon.

  27. Perdue is disgraceful in the way they are hiding behind LancCo farmers saying it will "help" them by buying their soybeans. One thing is for certain Perdue has ruined not only the agricultural community on MD's eastern shore but also the economy as a whole.
    Oh yeah, sure they will at first pay a higher price for soybean but then when they run out all the other smaller buyers, the price will drop.
    It's what they did to the chicken growers in MD. The eastern shore was bucolic and farmers prosperous like LancCo when there were 30 or more processers in which a chicken grower could sell his chicken to at the best price. Now there are none left. The PA agricultural community still has independent processors which not only benefits the farmers but the employees who get better wages because their is competition in where they chose to work.

  28. "This Perdue funded health risk study that reads all will be fine as long as local residents leave the area during the day and don't go outside when they get home.

    "People typically move about during the day, leaving their residences to go to work, school, or for other purposes. Moreover, most people spend more than ninety percent of their time indoors, where levels of outdoor-generated substances in the air are often lower."

    ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS ASSUMPTION used for the study.....THIS IS A FARM COMMUNITY!!! People DO NOT "leave their residences to go to work". and People DO NOT "spend more than ninety percent of their time indoors" FARMERS WORK AT HOME AND OUTSIDE!!!"

  29. So Perdue own study funded by them admits the health risks involved but try to minimize them by saying people aren't generally at home nor outside during the hours the factory is operational.
    They just need to build the plant in their own back yards. Problem solved!

  30. Just thought I would mention this , the Perdue plant that is close to the stadium is a Hydrogen Plant.
    Do you realize how explosive this place is?
    They have a guard 24/7 at the door and know will be admitted until searched and background checked.
    Even the State inspector is researched before he does his job.
    They introduce the hydrogen into soybean oil , I think it's for shelf life.
    Anyway , I would be concerned about this plant way before that other one.

  31. 2:38-Nope no grocery store meat for me. I've always eaten the best. I buy meats right off the farm from several different farmers all who I can look in the eye and have them tell me the products they sell aren't laced with chemicals. I consider myself and my family much better than to have to settle for that factory farmed junk.
    I knew a big meat lobbyist on Capital Hill. The man made 100's of millions lobbying for the meat industry. He would only eat the meat in public. When he retired he never ate it again and used to buy his meats from a farm out in Fauquier Co VA.

  32. 2:38-Are you even suggesting that Perdue is the best out there? Oh Wow-you really need to get out more and expand your culinary horizons.
    It's the WalMart of chicken. Caters exclusively to the lower economic class and those who don't know any better.

  33. For what its worth, we refuse to eat it. There's a very strange texture in Perdue chicken, almost unnatural. Now we raise our own. Fresh eggs every day and free range feed.

  34. Joe, this all reminds me of a discussion held several years ago at SU. It was pertaining to what I consider real family farmers as opposed to contract/factory farming. It was brought up briefly that there is a brand new processing facility sitting idle on the campus of UMES paid for with USDA grants and other tax payers money that is prevented from being operational by someone. It was hinted that it's not operational because it would give the growers an option besides having to have a contract with a large company. As it stands now, there are no independent facilities close by to handle large scale growers. The closest is in PA which makes it cost prohibitive.

  35. The City of Annapolis passed a Backyard Chicken ordinance several years ago. I believe it's like 5 laying hens you are allowed to have. Someone then opened like a butcher shop type of thing down in Solomon's (or near there) to take care of the hens after they stop laying.

  36. LOL 2:38. Yes you really do need to get out more. Expand your horizons. I bet you think Red Lobster is fine dining too! You people are too much!

  37. To those defending Perdukey come to Brew River Wed. night I will pay you five bucks for every glass of water you drink out of the River. It will go down great it is so could out. It will come out nice and hot thru your rectum. The ground water all over the shore is bad due to chicken house and the waste they produce. There has to be a better way. I love chicken any way you cook it. I like Perdue, but to say they dont pollute is a crock of chicken droppings. There has to be a better way, make the stuff into a fuel. I just love the spring when they spread that stuff. Anything that smells that bad can not be good for anyone or anything.

    Jim good luck with the new plant you are a good man. Just take a hit and find an eco friendly way to do business.

    Joe, Jimmy has done such a great job cleaning up the river maybe you can challenge him to drink a glass of that nutrient sludge.


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